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After the Pitbulls called us "scared" for signing new players the Pitbulls went out to their "other" AAA team and brought players in. lol Its like the kettle calling the pot black.

Should be a good game seeing how they've been scouting us for 1/2 the season and it turned personal for BRG and his boys.

Good luck guys, hope you have better luck than your Range roamers who's been in the league 7 seasons and have always ended up sub par. You have a nice team even with your rentals.

Last edited Jan 28, 2009 20:38:11
LOL thanks BRA! "We play to win the game!"

Good luck to you as well my man. It should be a good game.

Must be nice to pull some rabbits out of the hat. Well, I can say that I wish I had a farm team to give us players, but I don't think we will need it in the future.
Originally posted by cwcapper
Must be nice to pull some rabbits out of the hat. Well, I can say that I wish I had a farm team to give us players, but I don't think we will need it in the future.

They sure took a nice chemistry hit though.
Billsman -

I may care what you had to say if you weren't such a whining little drama queen, quitter

If anyone didn't know Billsman has a Buffalo Bills website

- - But after this season this season Billsman said he was quitting the website, moving out of town, and not supporting the Bills since they lost... I'd quote his little message if I hadn't been banned cause i upset him on here... basic premise of it was he couldn't take it anymore - Real life is tough to root for someone who's not winning all the time

Real dedication there Man - Kinda shows your personality on here too

Have fun with your Cardinals - as I read in the one post - You've been a fan for Years

- Yeah, Ok

I'm sure many people get pissed when their team doesn't win it all.

Hell, this year I trash talked the Texans all year, but still went to almost every home game. I said they'd never win a game, yet I'm still a huge supporter.

Just because people say things in frustration, doesn't mean it's true.

Besides, it's the internet, bra. Chill.
Woot Texans fan here too!
bash, you're pretty rad now. Too bad we're going to have to beat you in the conference champ game.

But, you live in H-Town?
No, Denver

I was an Atlanta fan for life, but with Vick I boycotted them and switched to Houston because of Schaub (I also went to UVA as a QB...back in the day)
The funny thing about BRG he hasn't got the balls to say it to my face. lol I met him at a tailgate party and he was quiet, funny how some guys grow internet muscles, lol

And yeah, I was pissed at the Bills and I still am, Im not hiding that. I also said I was leaving WNY but that has nothing to do with NFL football..lmao.

If anyone owns a home they know how bad the market is, its even worse in AZ. We put over $125k down on our home there 2 years ago, we had it on the market for one year with no bites and the comps are putting our home at -$80k from our purchase price, meaning if we sold it now we'd lose $80k. Now my house in NY went UP in value and the market is good, so we're selling the NY house, moving back to AZ until things pick up (2-3 years) then we'll sell.

My friends house near ours went down $100k! He's a Realtor and he said it'll be 2-3 years before the market is back. I look at it like I wont be shoveling snow for a while. lol
Originally posted by Billsman
The funny thing about BRG he hasn't got the balls to say it to my face. lol I met him at a tailgate party and he was quiet, funny how some guys grow internet muscles, lol

LMFAO! There are so, so many ways in which this is the stupidest thing you've ever said.
Originally posted by ICRockets
Originally posted by Billsman

The funny thing about BRG he hasn't got the balls to say it to my face. lol I met him at a tailgate party and he was quiet, funny how some guys grow internet muscles, lol

LMFAO! There are so, so many ways in which this is the stupidest thing you've ever said.

How did you not get what he said? He claimed that they met at a tailgate party and the guy was quiet. How is this stupid?
Originally posted by ICRockets
Originally posted by Billsman

The funny thing about BRG he hasn't got the balls to say it to my face. lol I met him at a tailgate party and he was quiet, funny how some guys grow internet muscles, lol

LMFAO! There are so, so many ways in which this is the stupidest thing you've ever said.

ICR, if I had a beef with you I'd say it to your face, thats the person I am, I think you know that by now. If BRG had some personal beef with me he should have said something when we met but he didn't. But now when he's on his PC his words seem pretty tough. Hmmm
Originally posted by cwcapper
Originally posted by ICRockets

Originally posted by Billsman

The funny thing about BRG he hasn't got the balls to say it to my face. lol I met him at a tailgate party and he was quiet, funny how some guys grow internet muscles, lol

LMFAO! There are so, so many ways in which this is the stupidest thing you've ever said.

How did you not get what he said? He claimed that they met at a tailgate party and the guy was quiet. How is this stupid?

1) I've met Billsman at a tailgate party, too. While he was far from quiet, he was beyond courteous, hospitable, and extraordinarily friendly. This occured in the middle of a dispute we were having online, as well. First time (and only time) we've met face-to-face. So, for him to say somebody else didn't have the balls to say anything in person is rather ironic.

2) Are you ignoring the part where he tried to paint public civility as a sign of weakness?

3) Billsman is the height of internet muscles. The guy has banned me from his Bills message board twice for things I have said in this very forum. He deleted an entire forum section on that website that was devoted to talking about GLB, all because I laughed at his GM strategy for a team he was in charge of at that time (the same team BRG now owns and Billsman criticizes him for relentlessly...conveniently ignoring the fact that BRG got the team under the dubious circumstances of Billsman quitting on the team and taking all of his players away). He banned me for that, too.

Is this painting an appropriate picture for you? Or should I also mention the time he quit on another team because we lost in the championship game in our inaugural season? Or the time that, when quitting on that team, he threatened to ban the primary GM of that team from the aforementioned Bills website if he did not cut his PUNTER immediately?
ICRockets has a man crush on me! Aww shucks.
Now run along and go play with your pal BRG. hehehe

ps, when you get your own message board you can run it how you see fit, you are high maintenance and was banned for 1 year... ooops. Youre fat ass was banned because you're a jerk, plain and simple. the admins hate having you around and don't wan't to have to baby sit you every day. You'll prove their point here soon enough. lol

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