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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #5 > EAST - Down the stretch we go!
Scotty Boras
I've been absent for a while. Crazy at work and the rest of RL.
Sorry my priorities were screwed up.

Here's my take on the playoff contenders from here on out, including their current Eastern Conference Ranks:

1. Toronto Thunder (12-1 - Projected: 15-1)
Playoff Projection: #1 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #1 (7.7 per pass - #7)
Rushing Offense (yds): #8 (5.7 per rush - #2)
Scoring Offense: #2

Passing Defense (yds): #3
Rushing Defense (yds): #3
Scoring Defense: #3

Toronto looks to take the #1 seed barring any real upset. They own the tie-breaker over Windsor and Black River, so if they run the table, the #1 seed is theirs. The numbers above speak for themselves. A great combination of good offense and defense combined with their excellent game planning makes them a tough game for anyone. Mighty Moncton caught lightning in a bottle when they knocked off the Thunder. Don't expect to see that again.

2. Windsor Warhammers (12-1 - Projected: 15-1)
Playoff Projection: #2 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #5 (8.0 per pass - #4)
Rushing Offense (yds): #2 (5.1 per rush - #3)
Scoring Offense: #3

Passing Defense (yds): #7
Rushing Defense (yds): #1 (-0- Yards total given up by the way. Not a typo- ZERO)
Scoring Defense: #1

I actually like Windsor to run the table. If anyone's got a shot at Toronto, it's the Warhammers. You can't look at any of the stats above without your eyes popping at the Rush Defense. That's right! They've given up a total of ZERO rushing yards this season. Most of the credit for that goes to their SACKING prowess. They are #1 in sacks for a total of 564.5 yards. As most good teams do, they bring a very balanced offense to the table. They'll take what you give them. HUGE match-up with the team below. The winner should be the #2 seed barring any other surprises.

3. Black River Rats(12-1 - Projected: 14-2)
Playoff Projection: #3 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #2 (8.6 per pass - #1)
Rushing Offense (yds): #1 (6.6 per rush - #1)
Scoring Offense: #1

Passing Defense (yds): #8
Rushing Defense (yds): #5
Scoring Defense: #6

Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah You're Gay. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. RATS Are# ONE!. Blah Blah Blah. BLAH? Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. You can write your own script here for Black River. I'm not going to talk about my own team. Anyone can do that!

4. Nova Scotia Lions(9-4 - Projected: 12-4)
Playoff Projection: #4 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #11 (8.5 per pass - #2)
Rushing Offense (yds): #5 (4.1 per rush - #8)
Scoring Offense: #7

Passing Defense (yds): #5
Rushing Defense (yds): #7
Scoring Defense: #7

The Lions are one of those teams that no one wants to play. Despite their 9-4 record, they are a team that you can’t look past. They’ve beat the teams they should beat, and have lost some close games to good quality opponents. Their passing game is their strength. Despite being #11 in total yardage, They boast the second best average at 8.5 yds per pass attempt. Teams that overlook this are making a mistake. Chances are high that their first round match-up in the playoffs will be the Marauders. Thunder Bay will have revenge on their mind if that is the case.

5. Thunder Bay Marauders(10-3 - Projected: 12-4)
Playoff Projection: #5 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #7 (6.4 per pass - #9)
Rushing Offense (yds): #4 (5.0 per rush - #4)
Scoring Offense: #5

Passing Defense (yds): #12
Rushing Defense (yds): #2
Scoring Defense: #4

The Marauders are a team that can’t be taken lightly whatsoever. They have a stout rush defense that is second only to the Warhammers. They also have a great pass rush, with the sack yardage helping the cause. The Marauders have a shot at the #3 seed if they can knock off the Rats and get some help from Windsor in the final week. Their loss to Nova Scotia may come into play. If the Marauders lose to Black River and Nova Scotia wins out, they’ll get bumped to #5. My gut tells me that this is the way it’ll go. Of course this means I just jinxed my team, and now can expect to get WAXED by the Marauders. If it goes the way I predict however, they’ll have a shot to avenge their week 4 loss to the Lions in the first round of the playoffs.

6. Mighty Moncton Nighthawks(8-5 - Projected: 10-6)
Playoff Projection: #6 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #13 (8.1 per pass - #3)
Rushing Offense (yds): #3 (4.7 per rush - #5)
Scoring Offense: #6

Passing Defense (yds): #2
Rushing Defense (yds): #9
Scoring Defense: #5

This team boasts the big win in week 5 against Toronto. They’ve got the horses to win games. Excellent Passing offense and defense. This team will be a tough first round match-up in the playoffs, especially if they under achieve and drop another spot or 2. While they’ve pulled off a couple nice wins, they’ve also lost a few games they should’ve won. If they can pull their game planning together for the playoffs, LOOK OUT. They’ve got a couple tough tests to finish off the season in Windsor and the Hitmen.

7. College 6-Year Plan(8-5 - Projected: 9-7)
Playoff Projection: #7 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #12 (5.4 per pass - #14)
Rushing Offense (yds): #9 (3.5 per rush - #9)
Scoring Offense: #9

Passing Defense (yds): #1
Rushing Defense (yds): #8
Scoring Defense: #2

This team shuts down the pass…period. If you’re going to beat them, you have to run the ball. They’ve held their opponents to a stingy 14 points per game. This is team severely out-leveled in this league but is still competitive. No doubt in my mind this team will dominate next year after a few top dogs are promoted.

8. Napa Storm(7-6 - Projected: 9-7)
Playoff Projection: #8 Seed

Passing Offense (yds): #4 (7.8 per pass - #5)
Rushing Offense (yds): #7 (4.2 per rush - #7)
Scoring Offense: #4

Passing Defense (yds): #10
Rushing Defense (yds): #6
Scoring Defense: #8

The Storm are a bit of an enigma. They’ve beat some really good teams and lost to a few sub-par teams. Nice offense, and a solid defense. Like all of us, they probably have a little work to do in the tactics department. Napa would need to collapse to miss the playoffs. They should get it with the #8 seed. Their reward? Welcome to Toronto.


9. Thunder Bay Hitmen(6-7 - Projected: 8-8)
Playoff Projection: Bubble Team - OUT

Passing Offense (yds): #5 (5.7 per pass - #11)
Rushing Offense (yds): #12 (3.2 per rush - #12)
Scoring Offense: #10

Passing Defense (yds): #13
Rushing Defense (yds): #4
Scoring Defense: #9

The Hitmen are a team with huge potential and good builds that need to figure out their tactics. If they can figure out how to rush the ball, they could easily shoot up quickly considering how well they stop the rush. Once again, this is a team that lost their owner AFTER the season started. Tough to bounce back, but kudos to the owner for their recovery and near-playoff run. They need to run the table and get some help to sneak into the playoffs.


***Disclaimer: Scotty Boras nor his publisher claim to have any knowledge whatsoever. This is for entertainment purposes only. Mr. Boras is not liable for mortgages or vehicles lost as a result of wagers based on the above rankings. He does request, however, that if you bet based on the information above, and come out ahead, that you give him a chunk of your winnings. If not, you are a cheap ass.***
Last edited Jan 28, 2009 14:28:19
Scotty, you are the man.


Thanks for your time and energy. I know this stuff takes a ton of time.

Maybe you should trim your RL down so that it doesn't interfere with the league forums mister!

Scotty Boras
Had to do it. You were starting to make me look bad!
Originally posted by Scotty Boras
Had to do it. You were starting to make me look bad!

I know what you mean about talking about your own team. Always feel like an ass saying my team is gonna win.
Scotty Boras
For the record, I think the Rats will go 2-1 over the last 3.

Port Dover (Rats -40)
Thunder Bay (Rats -8)
Windsor (Warhammers -17)
Last edited Jan 28, 2009 14:24:51
Scotty Boras
Forgot to add my disclaimer. My attorney bitches at me for that all the time.
Lonewolf is going to be pissed. Our recent results have kept me in check, but my ego just got super-inflated again.

I had no idea we were doing so well statistically (on Defense, at least). Thanks for the effort you put into this.

Nice job Scotty, alway's a good read.
Great job Scotty
dimmy finster
great read.
Absolut Zero
Bout time the East got some love. Thanks man.

My Top 3:
3)Black River

As for my team, Nova Scotia, I can't wait for the 6YP game. I rarely watch our offensive film, but I'm going to watch every play of that game. If there was a way to watch it without seeing the final score beforehand, I'd be ecstatic.


Rematch of BBB10 conference finals!
Yeah hopefully by then I make some more improvements on offense. We will see. Yeah my D has been great all along. It is why we win. I feel sort of like the old Ravens with a studly Defense and absolutely no offense atm.
Originally posted by Absolut Zero
Bout time the East got some love. Thanks man.

My Top 3:
3)Black River

As for my team, Nova Scotia, I can't wait for the 6YP game. I rarely watch our offensive film, but I'm going to watch every play of that game. If there was a way to watch it without seeing the final score beforehand, I'd be ecstatic.


Rematch of BBB10 conference finals!

Cmon! Just revenge for the playoffs last year?

What about every single other time before that? You're not mad about those?

Haha, I kid, I kid. I look forward to it as well. You guys have done rather well this season.

Originally posted by BleedsOrangeAndBlue
Originally posted by Absolut Zero

Bout time the East got some love. Thanks man.

My Top 3:
3)Black River

As for my team, Nova Scotia, I can't wait for the 6YP game. I rarely watch our offensive film, but I'm going to watch every play of that game. If there was a way to watch it without seeing the final score beforehand, I'd be ecstatic.


Rematch of BBB10 conference finals!

Cmon! Just revenge for the playoffs last year?

What about every single other time before that? You're not mad about those?

Haha, I kid, I kid. I look forward to it as well. You guys have done rather well this season.

It was a rather close conference finals if I remember. Wasn't the score something like 21-17... no wait I remember, it was 87-10 lol.

I'm just looking to improve on that score, however a win would be nice
Bah my offense ain't that good this year.

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