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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Season 7 Playoff Push
Western Conference Standings

There’s lots of action in the West over the last three games folks since the # 2-4 seeds all play each other and all have the capability of resting in the #2 seed. There’s also a log jam at 7-6 that needs to get sorted out with one team still clinging onto playoff hopes.


1 North By Gawd Texas Tornado Humpers 13-0-0 W13
Unless they majorly stumble, NBGTTH has the #1 seed all wrapped up. Three decent teams with the Majors, Jacktown, and San Jose will at least make things interesting enough to make sure that NBGTTH don’t doze off right before the playoffs. But they aren’t enough for them to just kick back and fine tune the AI. Look for them to scrimmage another team that's their equal or better as they prepare for the playoff run.

2 Pontiac War Kittens 11-2-0 W6
They’re currently purring in the #2 seed, all nestled in and comfortable, but they need to pay attention since loses to Jacktown and Fresno will rip their first round home playoff game away from them and the Sonics have pulled off an upset here and there. So like all kitties, they look like their sleeping, but they’re actually paying attention, make no mistake. To protect the coveted #2 spot, they need to take out Jacktown in the next game.

3 Jacktown Smackdown 11-2-0 W11
They already know not to sit too co0mfortable in the #3 seed since they’ve got Pontiac, NBGTTH, and Fresno to close out the season. NBGTTH should be anticipated as a loss, but they can take Pontiac and Fresno to take the #2 seed and protect it. It won’t be easy, but they have ability do it.

4 Fresno Fire 11-2-0 W3
It’s an uphill fight in the last two games and lot will be riding on them, moving into the precious #2 seed. They proved they earned last season’s League Championship by competing well, but to prove they’re not just another run of the mill playoff team, they need to upset Pontiac or Jacktown to secure a first round home playoff game.

5 Omaha Mavericks 10-3-0 W4
A decent team and they’ve got the playoffs locked, but in order to crack the top 4, they’ll need serious help from other teams, run the table, and hope that Jacktown collapses in two games, which is a possibility, but not realistic.


6 Los Angeles Majors 8-5-0 L2
Dropping two in a row against the 99s and Jacktown didn’t help them by any means and they still aren’t out of woods yet. To make sure that they’ll still attend the post season on the road, they have to win at least one of their last three games to give themselves a good chance. If they beat Jacktown, they’ll essentially lock up a playoff spot, if not, they have to beat the Mavericks and get some help. They do control their own fate, but if they drop all three games, they can buy their playoff tickets from the booth.

7 D.C. Sonics 7-6-0 W2
First team in the 7-6 log jam and are still in control of their own fate. The game against Reno is a tossup, they should beat the Invaders, and will probably lose to Pontiac. If they lose the next game to Reno, they’re going to need help to stay in the playoffs.

8 San Jose Chupacabra 7-6-0 W3
The second team in the 7-6 log jam and the odds are stacked against them being underdogs against the 99s and NBGTTH and essentially being even with the Majors. They’ve already had one losing skid this season and were upset by Reno and the Sonics, so they need to take care of business against the 99s and Majors because they’ll probably get romped on by NBGTTH.

9 Olympia Dollar Ninety Nines 7-6-0 L1
Yes, it’s grim being the third team in a 7-6 log jam and are at the #9 seed looking in, but they’re actually in good shape being favored in all three of their closing games, two of them heavily and they should sneak in, especially if they beat San Jose in the next game.


10 Reno Marauders 6-7-0 L2
They can do themselves a huge favor by beating the Sonics which is possible and they close out against the CPU stallions and Zephyrs which will be easy wins. That’s all they can do for themselves and with that, they’ll still need help to get in.


11 The Militia Minute Men 2-11-0 L3
12 Bay Area Bastards 2-11-0 W1
15 Riders On The Storm 1-12-0 L10
16 Omaha Invaders 0-13-0 L22
Hope you relegate guys, you need it to get better and have a chance work on revenue and fan support.

13 Cincinnati Stallions CPU 2-11-0 L6
14 Allen Zephyrs CPU 2-11-0 L5
See ya, back to BBB for sure with new ownership.

Eastern Conference Standings

Just like with the West, outside of the #1 seed, the #1 seed is all but locked up unless all Eleven Monkey go on vacation, who can climb to the #2 seed, and who’s going to slide out of the playoffs?


1 Eleven Wise Monkeys 13-0-0 W13
After an easy game against French Lick, we’ll see if the Demons can put up a realistic fight and then see if the Monkeys will pay attention to the Bortsville. They’ll likely win all three, even so, they essentially have the #1 seed locked up with home field throughout.

2 San Francisco Demons 11-2-0 W5
One last tough game against the Monkeys, then they can take a deep breath. They’re in the top four , we just don’t know where yet. If they want the easiest road to the conference title game, they need to stay in the #2 seed and it they don’t, they might face the Monkey’s earlier in the playoffs than hoped. Eve it they do slip to #3, they’ll still be avoiding the Monkey’s until conference game.

3 Louisville Nighthawks 11-2-0 W3
They can still take the #2 seed outright be beating the Demons straight up in the next game, then they can close out on cruise control against Bortsville and Kentucky. Regardless of what happens, the Nighthawks look to have avoided the Monkey’s until the conference game as well.

4 American Freedom 10-3-0 W2
The Demons did the Freedom a huge favor by beating the NY Warriors, with whom the Freedom owns the head to head tie breaker, so this pumped Freedom back into the top 4 for a first round home playoff game, but Freedom can’t sit back and bank on the #4 spot since they still have the Tigers and a sleeper with Tri-Cities who’s played spoiler in the past. They should be able to close out with 3 wins and lock up #4, but if the cards fall right and the Nighthawks fall to the Demons and Bortsville pulls a rabbit out of their hat, Freedom could get to #3, taking them out of the Monkey’s early targeting system and would likely propel Freedom into round 2 at home. That #4 is an ugly scenario that nobody really wants of the big five.

5 New York Warriors 10-3-0 L1
The Warriors had control of their own fate, but came up flat against the Demons and the upset loss to Freedom now has huge financial repercussions since they need some unlikely help to crack back into the top 4, which would give them a first round home playoff game, but f they do move up and take #4 or stay pat with #5, they’ll have an early playoff destiny with the Monkeys. I wouldn’t expect them to tank though since they’d likely rather have the home playoff revenue.

6 Megatropolis Tigers 9-4-0 W8
They’re comfortable at 9-4 in the #6 seed and will still make the playoffs, but they could get the label of backing in if they drop the last three against Tri-City (who still have an unrealistic chance), Freedom (who is looking to protect the #4 spot), and Bristol (who are also fighting to stay in the playoffs). So, they get to close out against Hell Fire Alley and it probably won’t be pretty, but they’ll still be tagged as backing in. Regardless of how they get there, they won’t have to face the Monkeys, but everyone else is a serious possibility.

7 Bristol Bullets 8-5-0 W1
Three very winnable games on the plate for the Tigers which will help them stay out of the Monkeys’ way and give themselves some first round hope in the second tier of the playoff bracket. If the they slip to #8 though, there won’t be any sense leaving Oz since the evil Monkey’s will be all over them.


8 Anonymous Assassins 7-6-0 W1
Currently, they are the first round fodder for the Monkeys, and everyone but the Assassins want to keep it that way. I’m sure that they Assassins would like to make it to the playoffs after a disastrous second half of the season, truth be told, they’re going to have fight for the right to lose to the Monkeys in round 1.

9 Kentucky Jaguars 7-6-0 L1
They’re closing out the season against Hell Fire Alley and Freedom told the fat lady to start warming up. Bristol might get her on stage, but she’ll be singing with New York, and in her grand finale with the Nighthawks.

10 Bortsville Mystery Nerf 7-6-0 L2
Just like Kentucky, Bortsville should be taking a swan dive right out of playoff contention as they finish with Hell Fire Alley, but… they’ve caught several team’s napping and have worked a few upsets. They could play spoiler with the top 4 seeding, but they’re on the outside looking and the door’s unlocked, but it’s jammed shut.


11 Tri-Cities Fever 5-8-0 L1
Looks like Tri-Cities will be revisiting the league next season, but they’ll be stronger and without Hell Fire Alley, they should make the playoffs in S8.

12 Home Town Shockers 4-9-0 W1
They close out against three equally matched teams, so essentially, they’re just playing for pride and getting the fan support up a bit.

13 French Lick Dirty Whorns 2-11-0 L7
Hopefully, this farm team can relegate.

14 Fort Worth Warriors 2-11-0 L6
Guys, you might want to think about tanking the last three games to help you relegate.

15 Space Coast Storm Surge CPU 2-11-0 L3
See ya, back to BBB for sure with new ownership.

16 Compton Panthers 0-13-0 L16
Guys, don’t be sad, relegation for you would actually be a good thing to help you get back on your feet.
Last edited Jan 27, 2009 16:46:55
Great write up! very enjoyable!!!

thanks !

Hope to make it in!!

Last edited Jan 27, 2009 14:12:16
Thanks for the writeup..doubt Huff will let the team rest, let alone snooze
Originally posted by MissionCoach
Thanks for the writeup..doubt Huff will let the team rest, let alone snooze

Damn well better not. I need a couple more wins out of you guys.
Nice work. A lot of effort put into these.
I think we got screwed on the Fort Worth game for sure. Not that that helps much but think about this. 2 of the three teams on the bubble we beat. Only Anonymous has a chance to win those 3 remaining games. We could have been in a little better shape but I blew it and need to take a step back and learn from this year. It'll be fun to try to pry ourselves up and get back into playoff contention next season. I hate look out for us next season posts though, so.....good luck to you guys in the playoffs
Hehe I think LNH may be the only team that actually wants a piece of EWM. Maybe due to so many previous loss's to them we are numb to the fear.

I means, odds are eventually we have to win. Or is this lottery ticket odds.......

blurr, as I have said before, you guys have a very good team. Sure, you had some bad luck this year, but you guys will definitely be fighting for a top 4 spot next season.

Not sure on how many teams will be promoted. I am thinking that maybe three will get promoted, since that is how many were promoted from BBB#2 last season. Anything more than that, I would be surprised.
Originally posted by Vortus
Hehe I think LNH may be the only team that actually wants a piece of EWM. Maybe due to so many previous loss's to them we are numb to the fear.

I means, odds are eventually we have to win. Or is this lottery ticket odds.......

As I said before, hopefully you are eliminated before you get that chance. Hell, why dont we just call it a season today and have NBG and EWM fight for the 'ship? (yes, I am afraid of LNH, NYW and AF!
Originally posted by randomguymike
Originally posted by MissionCoach

Thanks for the writeup..doubt Huff will let the team rest, let alone snooze

Damn well better not. I need a couple more wins out of you guys.

zzzzzzsnxx uh! wha? somebody say something?

Great write up as usual. Thanks for setting us up for a colossal fall.
Last edited Jan 28, 2009 09:06:45
Originally posted by mykel
Originally posted by Vortus

Hehe I think LNH may be the only team that actually wants a piece of EWM. Maybe due to so many previous loss's to them we are numb to the fear.

I means, odds are eventually we have to win. Or is this lottery ticket odds.......

As I said before, hopefully you are eliminated before you get that chance. Hell, why dont we just call it a season today and have NBG and EWM fight for the 'ship? (yes, I am afraid of LNH, NYW and AF!

Nice - I love the fact that the Demons still go no respect - tonight's game against L'ville should be a great, great game

I guess we get to show EWM our stuff on Friday night
Great write up. I love being a playoff hunt and fighting for our lives. This is what I was hopeing GLB would become. This is exciting!
John Clancy
Originally posted by scoop20906
Great write up. I love being a playoff hunt and fighting for our lives. This is what I was hopeing GLB would become. This is exciting!

This is true. The last spots are really up for grabs.
Originally posted by jstuart66
Originally posted by mykel

Originally posted by Vortus

Hehe I think LNH may be the only team that actually wants a piece of EWM. Maybe due to so many previous loss's to them we are numb to the fear.

I means, odds are eventually we have to win. Or is this lottery ticket odds.......

As I said before, hopefully you are eliminated before you get that chance. Hell, why dont we just call it a season today and have NBG and EWM fight for the 'ship? (yes, I am afraid of LNH, NYW and AF!

Nice - I love the fact that the Demons still go no respect - tonight's game against L'ville should be a great, great game

I guess we get to show EWM our stuff on Friday night

ive never played you so why would i jave an opinion yet? i have no idea how we stack up against eachother......
Originally posted by mykel
Originally posted by jstuart66

Originally posted by mykel

Originally posted by Vortus

Hehe I think LNH may be the only team that actually wants a piece of EWM. Maybe due to so many previous loss's to them we are numb to the fear.

I means, odds are eventually we have to win. Or is this lottery ticket odds.......

As I said before, hopefully you are eliminated before you get that chance. Hell, why dont we just call it a season today and have NBG and EWM fight for the 'ship? (yes, I am afraid of LNH, NYW and AF!

Nice - I love the fact that the Demons still go no respect - tonight's game against L'ville should be a great, great game

I guess we get to show EWM our stuff on Friday night

ive never played you so why would i jave an opinion yet? i have no idea how we stack up against eachother......

Understood just bustin some chops that's all - you played us back in the days when we were the Syracuse Souls - but that was a long, long time ago - as I said all focus on Louisville right now and then we get our shot at you guys

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