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Forum > USA > USA A Leagues > USA A#7 (West) BA Billionaire (Week 7)
Aerial Supremacy

Bel Air 17
Portland 0

There were 30 pass completed in this game, but 30 isn't the magic number. 6 is the magic number; that was the amount of interceptions thrown by both teams in this football game. The fact that Bel Air was able to create 4, leaving only 2 for Portland, went a long way to deciding this contest's outcome. Coupled with one fumble recovery, Bel Air was able to generate 5 turnovers (+3 differential), but none led directly to points.

The touchdowns came early, in the form of a 8 and 1/2 yard Beard OG rush and a 6 yard pass from the Big Ticket to OG. Those two, plus a field goal near the end of the third, would be all the scoring that would occur in this game. That was all the Beardog defense would need, really, as they generated turnover after turnover and made big play after big play. All in all, the Beardogs only missed 2 tackles all game and managed 9 tackles for loss.

Portland had minimal success through the air, and none on the ground being held to 37 rushing yards. Dick N. Balzonia got his, though, with 7 receptions for 67.5 yards. Portlands D? Well... if Longer Johnson's 7 tackle and 5 missed tackles performance is any indication of how things went for the Hitmen on this night, it definitly wasn't pretty.


The usual suspects like Hugh, Greg, Abra, and Hayden were out in full force this week but there were also some new faces on the scene. Trevor Hutchinson of Las Vegas broke into the national spotlight, as well as two underrated Oakland receivers Sara Grimp and Freddie Weathers. Just like adding more well-developed characters to the theatre play, adding more playmakers to a football league will undoubtedly make the league better. Some come forth all playmakers, and let your names be heard!

Ambridge 0
Waco 65

I mean, is there anyone that really didn't see this coming? Seriously? Wolfgang Puck and Zayn Tippit just rolled all over the Brigade defense and Hugh Laurie, back to form, was dropping bombs all over the field. This conflict sort of reminded me of the first Desert Storm operation. Quick, efficient, and the outcome was never in question.

Scottsdale 10
Dallas 10

From the biggest blowout to the closest matchup, Dallas and Scottsdale receive the honors of being A#7 Wests first tie! Congratulations! To be honest, I'm not exactly sure how Dallas managed to tie this game. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't due to lack of offensive production, but lack of making the big play when it mattered. Kicken Theball missed 2 field goals (one probably out of his range, but one definitly makeable) that could have decided this game. Scottsdale's D was active and all over the field, forcing turnovers and big plays all game. Dexter Matsukado, Scottsdale Corner, had 9 tackles and an int to lead the defense while receiver Lonnie Spence led the offense with 8 catches for 61 yards and a TD.

Hartford 10
New Brunswick 19

How many of you prefer field goals to touchdowns? They are exciting right! Well, if you were an observer during this game, that was all you got to see until the 4th quarter. Entering the quarter, New Brunswick led 9 to 3 and very little in the form of entertainment had happened up to that point. All of a sudden, with 10:26 remaining in the 4th, the game turned around. Hartford scored to go up 10 to 9, only to have their touchdown answered by a Greg Martin 9 yard touchdown run, reclaiming the lead for the n00bs. Another FG late in the 4th would seal the deal, giving the n00bs a victory over a Hartford squad that has been much better in the past then they showed this night. Personal performances? Greg Martin's 29 rushes for 107.5 yards and touchdown was really the only noteworthy performance of the entire evening.

Oakland 23
Great Plains 13

There has not been a greater aerial battle waged yet this year then what fans saw between Oakland and Great Plains. Bombs were flying, bodies were soaring through the air, and two quarterbacks posted 200+ games going head-to-head! Oakland QB Cody Wilson had 27 completions, 18 of them to 2 receivers (Sara Gimp 10 for 81.5, Freddie Weathers 8 for 73.5 and TD) while Hayden Fry's 25 completions were more diverse (save the 9 thrown Lincoln's way for 80.5 yards and a TD). The deciding factor in this game wasn't passing, because its obvious both teams had success at that, but rushing. Oakland's 120 team rushing yards to Great Plains 39 were ultimately what gave the Wizards the edge and propelled them to the W. (can't end without giving Octavius Glove more props for another 6 tkl, 4 pd, interception night, leading the GP defensive effort)

Las Vegas 20
Chicago 3

Chicago lost its fifth straight in not very dramatic fashion. They took the early 3-0 lead in the 1st, but as the 2nd quarter rolled around Las Vegas got its mo' goin and the book closed fast on the Clams. Trevor Hutchinson and Duke Nuke'em, Sin City's running back tandem, combined for 39 rushes for 224.5 yards, 2 touchdowns, and 9 broken tackles. Chicago linebacker Bull Shnott did all he could with 11 tackles, a sack, and a pass deflection to keep the game close but it was in vain. Chicago has only scored double digit points once so far this year (12 against Miami in a losing effort) and will need to figure out a way to revamp its offense if it has any hope of salvaging this season.

Miami 0
Grand Haven 13

Anyone who has read this article week after week knows I've given Grand Haven a boatload (more like oil tanker load) of grief, and reality is they haven't been getting blown out very often and have played some good competition very close. Now I'm going to be the one that says congratulations on truly earning your first win of the season. The total yard differential on offense : 255.5 for Haven to 149 for Miami really tells the story of this one. Grand Haven was able to generate more yards rushing (159) then Miami was able to generate total. GH LB Daniel Flake had a solid defensive game with 7 tackles, one for a loss, a forced fumble and recovery, and 2 pass deflections. Now, I can't promise many more wins will be coming down the road (2 weeks against Ambridge is a very winnable game) but enjoy this one, you earned it.

Spicewood 26

Alright this is what I don't get... a few weeks ago you bring in a stud that plows competition for you, and now four weeks later he only gets 14 carries? Did he upset the front office? Everyone is teeing off against Awooga and he still had a 4 yard average and 8 broken tackles on only 14 carries. If I were RGB I would just hand the ball to Awooga every single play until he either A. dies from exhaustion or B. scores a touchdown. On the flipside, the 26 points scored by Spicewood are a bit misleading because this wasn't a dominant offensive performance. What they did do was just enough to get in position to put points on the board through the field position battle or turnovers. One big play did come out of the passing game, a connection between RJ Stew and Broderick Putnam for a 32.5 yard touchdown, but other than that the day belonged to Spicewood kicker Lasse Skriver who went 4 for 4 on field goals and 2 for 2 on extra points, scoring 14 of Spicewoods 26 points.


I would like to issue a warning to Las Vegas, Ambridge, ourselves, and Scottsdale. Grand Haven is not to be taken as lightly as I have insinuated in the past. They played strong teams well (holding Oakland to 27, then Denver to 20, New Brunswick to 20, and Hartford to 20). If they can figure out a way to put some points on the board, this team quickly becomes a threat to upset the playoff picture in the Western conference. Are they "there yet?" Probably not, but they are definitly headed in the right direction and whenever you have a strong D, you stay in games. THERES SOMETHING IN THE MIST!!! and no its not giant killer bugs (for the 3 of you that saw that movie), its a stellar defense!
Last edited May 9, 2008 09:18:21
Originally posted by Prizzle
Aerial Supremacy

Martin's 29 rushes for 107.5 yards and touchdown was really the only noteworthy performance of the entire evening.

? I think my kicker deserves some props here

Only missed was a 48.5 yard FG with 47, 44.5 and 2 fg under 40 yards made. And didn't you see me knocked that returner out!!!

Anyways nice report
Our kicker now has Jobu on his side. All is right in the world.
Our kicker is hung over.
Originally posted by Modok
Our kicker now has Jobu on his side. All is right in the world.

Originally posted by rj414
Our Kicker is hung over.

YOUR KICKERS HAVE NO.......MAHHBULLS!! <--think japanese guy saying marbles in english...also think major league...the movie
You no let me kick field goal....I say f$&% you Jobu
Originally posted by Modok
You no let me kick field goal....I say f$&% you Jobu

"Ahh, Jesus. I like heem very much. But he no good with uprights."

"You tryin' to tell me Jesus Christ couldn't kick a field goal??"
i forgot all about that movie

nice report
Last edited May 9, 2008 15:47:51
Originally posted by ravenblood
i forgot all about that movie

nice report

Your avatar scares me *shudder*

Great writeup as usual prizzle - although I'm afraid I've had to ban Hugh from reading the Billionaire... his head is already big enough.
Originally posted by rj414
Great writeup as usual prizzle - although I'm afraid I've had to ban Hugh from reading the Billionaire... his head is already big enough.

LOL... what can I say? I'm a Laurie fan he's a solid QB


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