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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > Any C try out high speed?
I got a LV32 guy with the basic set-up, very high str/block, good agility.

I was pondering taking speed up to 60+, has anyone ever tried this out?
My hope is to have a pancake machine that will be able to get downfield faster,
but wanted to see if anyone had any luck with this, or if its just a waste of time.
I think it's a good idea. I've always thought if you get VIS and SPD up high enough, the C would find downdfield blocks
interesting, i was building one too. report back when he has 60 spd so I can go look around at his replays. k thx.
My guard has 53 spd right now. It works well if you pull. But once linemen get out into the open, it's hard to pick up blocks. It's like they go blind. And that's with a softcap vision. It was my first RG build, and I just hit 61 on agility, but now I'm torn between speed and blocking. If they could pick up blocks in the open field, I'd go heavy with speed. So far they can't.
no way im gonna waste points on speed, to catch up down blocks u need really a lot of speed something compared to the RB that u r gonna help out, which would fk up your C.
Originally posted by marcaodl
no way im gonna waste points on speed, to catch up down blocks u need really a lot of speed something compared to the RB that u r gonna help out, which would fk up your C.

how would it mess up your C? are you saying that spending that many points on speed would take too many, leaving too few for your other stats? or do you really believe that a high speed C would be broken in some way?
Originally posted by Melancholy
Originally posted by marcaodl

no way im gonna waste points on speed, to catch up down blocks u need really a lot of speed something compared to the RB that u r gonna help out, which would fk up your C.

how would it mess up your C? are you saying that spending that many points on speed would take too many, leaving too few for your other stats? or do you really believe that a high speed C would be broken in some way?

marcaodl's right. A high speed C is pretty useless. Cs don't pull. And like I posted earlier, picking up down field blocks is not easy. But I don't agree with 30~ spd Cs, which a lot of builders have. (Not speaking about marcaodl's builds...have no idea what his are like.) You still need some amount of speed to move your guy. Just not high speed. Eventually I'd softcap speed. I'd do it by training and maybe a couple of SPs...but not many. Agility, strength and block are still more important for a c than speed.
I plan on softcapping my Cs' speed next. I don't know that they'll need much more than 48-50. They certainly need enough to keep in front of NT's that swim them, but that's it. Maybe shift to pick up a blitzer.

When NT/DT's are pushing 70 speed, you definitely need more than 25-30. Might 40 be enough? Probably against most folks....but I want some margin of error. I figure 50 spd/80 agility will do nicely.

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