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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Mid Season Coaching Rankings ** East & West **
While trying to figure out who was who in the East I started looking at some various numbers and designed a complete analysis that I felt should be presented on it's own.

All lists & figures are compiled based on current team ratings. I grouped them (less than 48, 48, 51, & 54).
Some teams have increased their rating since week 1, but are grouped by their current rating. a.k.a. Even if teams boosted to increase their rating they would have been a higher tier on their previous rating thus being classified a better team

Rating Distribution per Conference
--- --- Total --- East --- West
54 --- 6 --- 2 --- 4
51 --- 9 --- 6 --- 3
48 --- 11 --- 6 --- 5
45 &> -- 6 --- 1 --- 5

First We'll compare teams against Equal or Higher Rated teams, then move on to comparing teams performance's against 51 & 54 rated.

Best Coaching: # of Wins against Equal & Higher Rated Teams
East --- Rancho Cucamonga Quakes ----- 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 5
East --- Booty Bay Bandits ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 48 --- 5
East --- Moncton Machine ------------------ 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 5
West --- Vancouver Northern Lights ------ 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 4
East --- Flin Flon Flyers ---------------------- 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 4
West --- Vancouver "PITBULLS" ------------ 7-1-0 --- 51 --- 3
East --- Prince Rupert Catsharks ---------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 3
West --- Da Nang Gang Bangers ----------- 3-5-0 --- 42 --- 3
West --- NuvaNut Knights -------------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 2
West --- Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters ------ 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 2
East --- Halifax Knights ---------------------- 6-2-0 --- 51 --- 2
East --- New Amsterdam Chronic ---------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 2
West --- Cardinal Redbirds ------------------- 2-6-0 --- 42 --- 2
East --- Twin Peaks Cherry Pies ----------- 8-0-0 --- 54 --- 1
West --- Whistler Warriors ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 1
West --- Hogwarts Wizards ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 1
East --- The Frozen Tundra ----------------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 1
West --- New Cologne Bears ---------------- 4-4-0 --- 48 --- 1
West --- Montreal Mutants ------------------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 1
West --- Culver Eagles ----------------------- 3-5-0 --- 48 --- 1
East --- Stillwater Cowboys ---------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 1
East --- St. Clair Ice Hawks ----------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 1
West --- Alberta Mounties -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 24 --- 1

West --- Northern Demons ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 0
East --- Seville Scranton Golden Eagles -- 4-4-0 --- 54 --- 0
West --- Ottawa Jaguars -------------------- 2-6-0 --- 45 --- 0
East --- Montreal Hawaiian Punch --------- 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 0
East --- Quahog Blumpkins ----------------- 2-6-0 --- 51 --- 0
East --- Canadian Bacon -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 0
East --- West Side Hellcats ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 45 --- 0
West --- Toronto Red Devils ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 21 --- 0
West --- RC Gladiators ----------------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 0

Best Coaching 2: Win % against Equal & Higher Rated Teams
East --- Twin Peaks Cherry Pies ----------- 8-0-0 --- 54 --- 100%
East --- Rancho Cucamonga Quakes ---- 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 83%
West --- Vancouver Northern Lights ------ 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 80%
West --- Vancouver "PITBULLS" ------------ 7-1-0 --- 51 --- 75%
East --- Prince Rupert Catsharks ---------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 75%
East --- Booty Bay Bandits ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 48 --- 71%
West --- NuvaNut Knights -------------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 67%
East --- Moncton Machine ------------------ 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 63%
East --- Flin Flon Flyers ---------------------- 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 57%
West --- Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters ---- 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 50%
East --- Halifax Knights ---------------------- 6-2-0 --- 51 --- 50%
West --- Whistler Warriors ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 50%
West --- Hogwarts Wizards ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 50%
East --- New Amsterdam Chronic ---------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 40%
West --- Da Nang Gang Bangers ----------- 3-5-0 --- 42 --- 38%
East --- The Frozen Tundra ----------------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 33%
West --- Cardinal Redbirds ------------------- 2-6-0 --- 42 --- 25%
West --- New Cologne Bears ---------------- 4-4-0 --- 48 --- 20%
West --- Montreal Mutants ------------------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 17%
West --- Culver Eagles ----------------------- 3-5-0 --- 48 --- 17%
East --- Stillwater Cowboys ---------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 14%
East --- St. Clair Ice Hawks ----------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 13%
West --- Alberta Mounties -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 24 --- 13%

West --- Northern Demons ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 0%
East --- Seville Scranton Golden Eagles - 4-4-0 --- 54 --- 0%
West --- Ottawa Jaguars -------------------- 2-6-0 --- 45 --- 0%
East --- Montreal Hawaiian Punch --------- 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 0%
East --- Quahog Blumpkins ----------------- 2-6-0 --- 51 --- 0%
East --- Canadian Bacon -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 0%
East --- West Side Hellcats ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 45 --- 0%
West --- Toronto Red Devils ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 21 --- 0%
West --- RC Gladiators ----------------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 0%

Toughest Schedules - Games Against 51's & 54's
West --- Montreal Mutants ------------------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 6
East --- St. Clair Ice Hawks ----------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 6
West --- NuvaNut Knights -------------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 5
West --- Whistler Warriors ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 5
West --- Hogwarts Wizards ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 5
East --- New Amsterdam Chronic ---------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 5
East --- Stillwater Cowboys ---------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 5
East --- Twin Peaks Cherry Pies ----------- 8-0-0 --- 54 --- 4
East --- Rancho Cucamonga Quakes ----- 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 4
West --- Vancouver "PITBULLS" ------------ 7-1-0 --- 51 --- 4
East --- Prince Rupert Catsharks ---------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 4
East --- Booty Bay Bandits ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 48 --- 4
East --- Moncton Machine ------------------ 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 4
East --- Flin Flon Flyers ---------------------- 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 4
West --- Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters ------ 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 4
East --- Halifax Knights ---------------------- 6-2-0 --- 51 --- 4
West --- Cardinal Redbirds ------------------- 2-6-0 --- 42 --- 4
West --- New Cologne Bears ---------------- 4-4-0 --- 48 --- 4
East --- Seville Scranton Golden Eagles -- 4-4-0 --- 54 --- 4
West --- Ottawa Jaguars -------------------- 2-6-0 --- 45 --- 4
West --- Vancouver Northern Lights ------ 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 3
West --- Da Nang Gang Bangers ----------- 3-5-0 --- 42 --- 3
East --- The Frozen Tundra ----------------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 3
West --- Northern Demons ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 3
East --- Montreal Hawaiian Punch --------- 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 3
East --- Quahog Blumpkins ----------------- 2-6-0 --- 51 --- 3
East --- Canadian Bacon -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 3
East --- West Side Hellcats ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 45 --- 3
West --- Toronto Red Devils ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 21 --- 3
West --- Culver Eagles ----------------------- 3-5-0 --- 48 --- 2
West --- Alberta Mounties -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 24 --- 1
West --- RC Gladiators ----------------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 1

Win % against teams 51 & 54 - (% in bold, followed by # of wins)
East --- Twin Peaks Cherry Pies ----------- 8-0-0 --- 54 --- 100% --- 4
West --- Whistler Warriors ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 80% --- 4
East --- Booty Bay Bandits ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 48 --- 75% --- 3
East --- Rancho Cucamonga Quakes ----- 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 75% --- 3
West --- Vancouver "PITBULLS" ------------ 7-1-0 --- 51 --- 75% --- 3
East --- Prince Rupert Catsharks ---------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 75% --- 3
West --- Vancouver Northern Lights ------ 7-1-0 --- 48 --- 67% --- 2
West --- Northern Demons ------------------- 7-1-0 --- 54 --- 67% --- 2
West --- NuvaNut Knights -------------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 60% --- 3
West --- Hogwarts Wizards ----------------- 6-2-0 --- 54 --- 60% --- 3
East --- Flin Flon Flyers ---------------------- 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 50% --- 2
East --- Halifax Knights ---------------------- 6-2-0 --- 51 --- 50% --- 2
West --- Yellowknife Eskimo Hunters ------ 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 50% --- 2
East --- New Amsterdam Chronic ---------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 40% --- 2
East --- The Frozen Tundra ----------------- 4-4-0 --- 51 --- 33% --- 1
East --- Moncton Machine ------------------ 5-3-0 --- 48 --- 25% --- 1
East --- Seville Scranton Golden Eagles -- 4-4-0 --- 54 --- 25% --- 1
East --- St. Clair Ice Hawks ----------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 17% --- 1
West --- Montreal Mutants ------------------- 3-5-0 --- 51 --- 17% --- 1

West --- Da Nang Gang Bangers ----------- 3-5-0 --- 42 --- 0% --- 0
West --- Cardinal Redbirds ------------------- 2-6-0 --- 42 --- 0% --- 0
West --- Ottawa Jaguars -------------------- 2-6-0 --- 45 --- 0% --- 0
West --- Alberta Mounties -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 24 --- 0% --- 0
East --- West Side Hellcats ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 45 --- 0% --- 0
West --- Toronto Red Devils ----------------- 0-8-0 --- 21 --- 0% --- 0
East --- Stillwater Cowboys ---------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 0% --- 0
East --- Canadian Bacon -------------------- 1-7-0 --- 48 --- 0% --- 0
West --- Culver Eagles ----------------------- 3-5-0 --- 48 --- 0% --- 0
West --- New Cologne Bears ---------------- 4-4-0 --- 48 --- 0% --- 0
West --- RC Gladiators ----------------------- 2-6-0 --- 48 --- 0% --- 0
East --- Montreal Hawaiian Punch --------- 5-3-0 --- 51 --- 0% --- 0
East --- Quahog Blumpkins ----------------- 2-6-0 --- 51 --- 0% --- 0

Overall League Statistics: Records by Team Ratings

Rating --- 54 --- 51 --- 48 --- 48<
--- 8-0-0 --- 1 --- 0 --- 0 --- 0 ---
--- 7-1-0 --- 2 --- 1 --- 2 --- 0 ---
--- 6-2-0 --- 2 --- 1 --- 1 --- 0 ---
--- 5-3-0 --- 0 --- 2 --- 2 --- 0 ---
--- 4-4-0 --- 1 --- 2 --- 1 --- 0 ---
--- 3-5-0 --- 0 --- 2 --- 1 --- 1 ---
--- 2-6-0 --- 0 --- 1 --- 2 --- 1 ---
--- 1-7-0 --- 0 --- 2 --- 0 --- 1 ---
--- 0-8-0 --- 0 --- 0 --- 0 --- 2 ---

Last edited Jan 18, 2009 19:08:34
Wow lots of work there!! Must take some time to digest.
Yeah - it was a bit more than I thought, but once I started.... Well I just couldn't stop

I wanted to do something like this based on Chemisty
nice thanks for the work
He wouldnt stop until he found ONE stat where his team was close to the top. lol
Originally posted by Billsman
He wouldnt stop until he found ONE stat where his team was close to the top. lol

to be 100% honest I didn't even look at the teams when I ran these #'s. As to not have Any personal agenda or try and exhibit any teams unfairly (especially the Pitbulls, which I GM). I only noticed a few things that stood out, but didn't look at anything specifically.

The only team that Really jumped off the page at me are the Catsharks - they are a 51 rated team with 4 wins. 3 of those wins come against 4 games they played teams 51 & 54 rated. Meaning - they lost 1 against a 51/54 and lost 3 to teams rated lower than themselves. They are the outlyer to the rule - or so it seems
Originally posted by BRG
Originally posted by Billsman

He wouldnt stop until he found ONE stat where his team was close to the top. lol

to be 100% honest I didn't even look at the teams when I ran these #'s. As to not have Any personal agenda or try and exhibit any teams unfairly (especially the Pitbulls, which I GM). I only noticed a few things that stood out, but didn't look at anything specifically.

The only team that Really jumped off the page at me are the Catsharks - they are a 51 rated team with 4 wins. 3 of those wins come against 4 games they played teams 51 & 54 rated. Meaning - they lost 1 against a 51/54 and lost 3 to teams rated lower than themselves. They are the outlyer to the rule - or so it seems

We believe you.
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by BRG

Originally posted by Billsman

He wouldnt stop until he found ONE stat where his team was close to the top. lol

to be 100% honest I didn't even look at the teams when I ran these #'s. As to not have Any personal agenda or try and exhibit any teams unfairly (especially the Pitbulls, which I GM). I only noticed a few things that stood out, but didn't look at anything specifically.

The only team that Really jumped off the page at me are the Catsharks - they are a 51 rated team with 4 wins. 3 of those wins come against 4 games they played teams 51 & 54 rated. Meaning - they lost 1 against a 51/54 and lost 3 to teams rated lower than themselves. They are the outlyer to the rule - or so it seems

We believe you.

Don't be bitter cause you didn't score well here - You've played an easy schedule thus far - You'll be tested, and certainly prevail in most if not all your games.
Stop kissing his (your avatar)
Originally posted by BRG
Originally posted by Billsman

Originally posted by BRG

Originally posted by Billsman

He wouldnt stop until he found ONE stat where his team was close to the top. lol

to be 100% honest I didn't even look at the teams when I ran these #'s. As to not have Any personal agenda or try and exhibit any teams unfairly (especially the Pitbulls, which I GM). I only noticed a few things that stood out, but didn't look at anything specifically.

The only team that Really jumped off the page at me are the Catsharks - they are a 51 rated team with 4 wins. 3 of those wins come against 4 games they played teams 51 & 54 rated. Meaning - they lost 1 against a 51/54 and lost 3 to teams rated lower than themselves. They are the outlyer to the rule - or so it seems

We believe you.

Don't be bitter cause you didn't score well here - You've played an easy schedule thus far - You'll be tested, and certainly prevail in most if not all your games.

Bitter? Never. I can only play whats in front of us.
Last edited Jan 19, 2009 21:51:15
well then look at it as an opportunity for some unsung teams to get love for a little bit
Originally posted by BRG
well then look at it as an opportunity for some unsung teams to get love for a little bit

If you need attention that badly....
Last edited Jan 20, 2009 12:11:33
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by BRG

well then look at it as an opportunity for some unsung teams to get love for a little bit

If you need attention that badly....

isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

This thread was intended to show how some teams are coaching above & below their levels.
Unfortunatly teams like the Demons haven't been tested to that point, and when they did they won 1 time & lost 1 time - thus putting them lower on the list.

While a team like the Northern lights, BBB, and Motchon (just to name a few) - who are rated 48 overall have been credited by their good coaching in games that matter.

Sorry to have offended the teams who get all the attention
Originally posted by Billsman
Originally posted by BRG

well then look at it as an opportunity for some unsung teams to get love for a little bit

If you need attention that badly....

LOL What BRG said, with the sheer number of times you post and how little is in them...if your team isnt considered a god amongst men in any post you get all upset...most people dont care if they are ranked lower than they think they should be, its not like getting slighted on these forums is cause to "proof others wrong" like you make it out to be.

What BRG posted is all factual information, sure it doesnt account for many variables...but who really freakin cares. Its not like anything is done based off of this info, the only thing that could matter is if you were worried that we all wouldnt think that you and your team were as good anymore. But like i stated, we dont care.

Yes, I like seeing how my team, BBB, has done quite well so far against higher rated teams. However, I do know that we have yet to play most of the tougher teams and may deserve to be lower. But this post wasnt about that, it was about the pure stats he put together.

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