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What should you shoot for with this attribute at the upper levels? I've been told to soft cap it, but that seems a bit extreme for a center.
If that seems extreme to you then go lower. Try watching some games as you raise speed to figure out what affect it has on your player. If you don't notice any improvement due to speed after raising from 20 to 35 then you could probably stop there. If your play improves try raising it higher. It depends on your build, your competition, and your offense how much will help. One center may only need 20 while another could use 50.
My Center is playing with 30 speed and he does fine. Watch what the center does on almost every play.

He either:

A. Blocks the NT
B. Blocks a blitzing MLB

Both of those he does not need to move. He does need high agility though to move between the NT and blitzers. The Center doesn't ever pick up the DE's or OLB blitzing outside the OT.

Speed should be trained, but never points spent on it.
although if you have str/blk at 3cap and agi/vis at 2cap and you're just dealing with the dregs of the training pool, why not just train spd/sta or sta/con.
Watch your C and decide.

I've seen my C move to the second level on running plays. Damn better have more than 30 speed for that, IMO, or I'll never make contact.

But if your C never does that, no point in having the speed...
Originally posted by Octowned
Watch your C and decide.

I've seen my C move to the second level on running plays. Damn better have more than 30 speed for that, IMO, or I'll never make contact.

But if your C never does that, no point in having the speed...

what if your C never does that because he doesn't have the speed to get there? I've heard the opinion that players don't even try to do things that they can't do in this game lots of times, so maybe the C just wouldn't even try to get to the second level because he knows he can't get there in time..

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