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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Game #8 Write-Up: For Alpha's Eyez Only!
Another week down, and the standings are still a mess. We have top teams and we have terrible teams with a couple sprinkled in between. This week we have a huge clash between 2 of the top 4 teams that can either destroy the Soul's chance at the #1 seed or put them back into discussion. Let's reveiw this week's matchups.

Atlantis Souls vs Berlin Devine Right

*****GAME OF THE WEEK*****

Berlin is clearly the better team here. The last time these 2 teams met, it was the first round of the playoffs in season 6. The lasting image of that game is Souls QB Daryl Hall after his abismal 2 TD and 4 int day.

Season 7 brings a new team and year. Hall rarely touches the field and the new gunslinging QB for the Souls is Alex Johnson.

What's the new QB bring to this rivalry? Nothing!

Berlin 38 - Souls 27 (This game is the upset alert special)

Memphis Kings vs Cocaine Cowboys

Hey, at least the Kings can view what a fully built stadium looks like! This game will start off close, then the Ref will commence the coin flip and thats when it gets out of hand. The Kings will beg for mercy, but the Cocaine won't let it happen.

Kings 17 - Cowboys 68

Soloman Island Pack vs Rekohu Raptors

On paper, the Raptors should win big. But, I have a feeling the SIP keep it somewhat close. If they could have avoided a first quarter collapse at BDR, they could have made that game interesting. The Raptors are the best scouting team in the league and always have the best AIs in place. I think come the late 3rd quarter is when the wheel comes off the bus. The fat lady will then step off and sing like a canary.

SIP 24 - Raptors 56

Bundaberg Drop Bears vs Phoenix Eagles

What do you like more of: Head or Madd? I agree, Head is the right answer. Bears big.

Bears 66 - Eagles 34

Williamsburg Colonials vs Blood Gulch Pumas

The Pumas have put up a very valient fight in its first year in AA. Their reward this game, the Colonials. Game might be close, but I don't think even the Pumas can turn the ball over that much. Pumas win, but in a close one. Kimble and Rabb will run around and through the Colonials defense and just wear them down.

Colonials 24 - Pumas 28

Seattle Panthers vs Texas Storm

Panthers are quickly becoming my favorite sleeper team. I'm not looking forward to playing them. I also need to go to the grocery store after work today. I'm not sure what I want for dinner, and my dog is lazy. Oh wait, I lost my train of thought. Who cares, the Storm suck.

Panthers 120 - Storm 10

Redcliff Razamanaz vs Sandersville WarChickens

1 win + 1 win = 2 Straight Wins. Thats called a winning streak. With Redcliff getting 4 straight "should be wins", this part of their schedule could save their season. This is the 2nd game of the 4, so I think they win big behind stud HB George.

Raz 92 - Chickens 1 (only a team this bad can find out how to score 1 point)

South Sydney Rabid Rabbitohs vsWellington War Pigs

Someone is going to accidently win this game. Not sure who, how, or who will be at fault. But some one will. There may be 1 fan who actually goes to this game to watch it live too. That person would be known as, a virgin. Homes will have a huge day and only drop 3 passes in this one. I think the comb of Sixgun to Rowe will be to costly to the Rabbits and they accidently "pull the upset" and win.

Rabbits 27 - Pigs 20

Power Rankings

1. Cowboys
2. Raptors
3. Right
4. Souls
5. Bears
6. Pumas
7. Panthers
8. Razmanaz
9. Pack
10. Kings
11. Eagles
12. Pigs
13. Rabbits
14. Colonials
15. Chickens
16. Storm
Sorry for not posting in the other thread (lost my privelages )

But this is a great write-up, along with the other one

Thanks Ahoda
nom nom nom nom nom. why did you lose your privileges?? nom nom nom
Originally posted by bra.d
Sorry for not posting in the other thread (lost my privelages )

But this is a great write-up, along with the other one

Thanks Ahoda

Figured you would like what I wrote about the Bears.
Originally posted by mutleyddmc
nom nom nom nom nom. why did you lose your privileges?? nom nom nom

spam. supposed to be a 2 day ban but I can post now so it must have been retracted or something
Last edited Jan 15, 2009 06:50:01
where were you spamming?
Last edited Jan 15, 2009 07:04:10
Originally posted by bra.d

ahhhhhhh someone from zeta. nom nom nom nom nom. read the title nom nom nom
Originally posted by mutleyddmc
ahhhhhhh someone from zeta. nom nom nom nom nom. read the title nom nom nom

I didn't look, it said for Alpha eyes only, doesn't say I can't feel my way around, lol
ohhhhhh you have one of those brail screens. nom nom nom nom nom
With all due respect, I don't think our team will be in awe of the Cowboy's stadium. They have 2 more sections than us. I think you got the last part right though. We have no depth right now and it'll be killer in this league. Watch out next year though
lol. I was just trying to enter something funny in because the game won't be close. You guys do have a nice squad as long as you can keep everyone together and build upon your current foundation.
I can't wait to see the BDR vs Souls game!
BTW, I looked at this thread.

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