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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > League Review Through Game 5
Western Conference Standings
Not to take anything away from the teams of the Western conference, but it's beginning to show itself as the weaker conference overall and in the opening games of the season, they lost the series 12-4, providing a preview of what we're now seeing. That opening series loss likely means that the League Championship will take place in an Eastern team's stadium. Only two undefeated teams are left and that issue be resolved in game 8.

1 Fresno Fire 5-0-0 W25
Fresno continues to ride easy street to a 5-0 record, but now it's time to start earning their prestigious ranking of #1 in the West. 5 consecutive teams look to challenge and unseat the S6 BBB 1 West Champions (Olympia Dollar Ninety Nines, Los Angeles Majors, North By Gawd Texas Tornado Humpers, San Jose Chupacabra, and Omaha Mavericks) and all of those teams are sitting with winning records against some stiff competition already. The next 5 games are going shake out the pecking order for the remainder of the season, which includes Fresno facing off with the Tornado Humpers in game 8, which they'll have to win in order keep control from them.

2 North By Gawd Texas Tornado Humpers 5-0-0 W5
Sitting at 5-0 through an roller coaster of opponent's competitive levels. Hard, hard, weak, weak, and tough again, and coming through it on top. They've already proved their metal to the league to justify their unbeaten position by bolstering themselves after a scary start by sounding beating teams they should be, whereas before, they were getting it done, but not by much. If they can pull off wins over the War Kittens and Fire, they'll be in the drivers seat through the rest of the season.

3 Pontiac War Kittens 4-1-0 W4
The opening day stumble looks to be resolved after taking care of the 99s, but they're not out of the woods yet. They still need to take care of business over the Los Angeles Majors, North By Gawd Texas Tornado Humpers, and San Jose Chupacabra in the next three games before they can put themselves on auto pilot to coast out the season. A playoff spot will definitely be in their future, but surviving the next 3 games will be critical to securing a profitable home playoff game.

4 Los Angeles Majors 4-1-0 W4
The last three games have been relatively easy, but the next two won't be and could affect their home playoff chances. The make it happen, they'll have to beat and equally competitive team with the War Kittens and upset the leading Fire. Unseating either of those two teams will do wonders to help their home play off campaign. After the next two games, it's up and down with the competition, which would be enough to give anyone motion sickness. I do believe that they'll secure a playoff spot, but it's too early to tell just where they'll shake out.

5 Jacktown Smackdown 3-2-0 W3
Folks are now going to start seeing what Jacktown is about. They stumbled early out of the gate at 0-2, but they pulled up the boot straps and beat two decent teams to get back to .500. They should do well over the next 4 games, then be tested again against Reno and the 99s in games 10 and 11. Look for Jacktown to start challenging to crack the top 4 and compete for that home playoff game.

6 Omaha Mavericks 3-2-0 W1
I don't envy the Mavericks position because they play everyone competitively, even teams that you wouldn't expect them to. They win some and lose some, which makes them a real wild card to watch. given their current potions, that wildness needs to start getting under control if they want to make sure the playoff don't slip out of their hands. The middle part of thier schedule looks pretty rough and if they can pull off a 4-2 record in the six games, they will have done enough to make the playoffs I think. But again, with their unpredictable competitive streak, it's hard to say, so we'll just have to sit back with a bag of popcorn and see.

7 San Jose Chupacabra 3-2-0 W2
Thier 3-2 record doesn't really do them justice based on my experience with them as they should be 4-1. The next 5 games though will determine if they make a home playoff game or not and they'll need to pull of an upset or two in the rest of the season to make sure that doesn't happen. The squeaky win over Bastards baffles me and then to man handle the Minute Men the way they did - it gives me a headache. Nonetheless, San Jose is always good for making things interesting.

8 Olympia Dollar Ninety Nines 3-2-0 L1
The 99s need start doing some soul searching after losing two of the last three because the hit or miss wins with competitive teams is starting the rear it's ugly head. It's going to be close if the make the playoffs or not and they need start hunkering down and show the league that they deserve to be there and avoid the ugly tag of backing into the playoffs. There's still time and they do have some easy games coming up that will allo them to scout a game or two out.

9 D.C. Sonics 2-3-0 W2
They're on a two game win streak, but that should have been expected. If they continue to lose to competitive teams, it's going to be a long season. I don't expect them to make the playoff unless they make surprising roster changes, AI improvements, and pull off a string of upsets. They're still developing though and they other issues to handle, it's at least promising to see that they continue to work at it. They'll get there, it's going to take some time and patience.

10 Reno Marauders 2-3-0 L2
I'm surprised that they're sitting at 2-3, but they were underdogs in the last two games. That's changing quickly with the next series of games since they'll be against teams they can compete better with. They shouldn't hit another underdog rating until they meet the War Kittens. Don't count them out as they should recover well and begin to re-establish themselves and start vying for a playoff spot, which I expect them to earn.

11 Allen Zephyrs CPU 1-4-0 L3
Please, just please tell me that they will not defeat another team. Thier next game should be interesting with the Stallions, CPU against CPU.

12 Riders On The Storm 1-4-0 L2
They're losing and losing badly, but they are still a young team and have lots of room to grow. Storm should be depressed because they should be using this time to be fine tuning the AI, making sure that they're getting the right plays called, even if they don't work, which is 1/2 of the battle. They'll be better next season, but they might be looking at relegation if they don't start winning some games.

13 The Militia Minute Men 0-5-0 L6
Sitting at 05 might look bad, but then again, look at who they've had face with an under developed team. The rough part of the schedule is over and we can expect to see them start getting some wins and bucking to avoid relegation.

14 Bay Area Bastards 0-5-0 L6
Something's going on as since there are more CPU players than the last time I looked and the two week window is closing fast for the admins to seize the team. The GMs are all active, but only Dannyg28 has a player on the team that I noticed, so he might be an interested party to take over the team.

15 Omaha Invaders 0-5-0 L14
They're still just a bunch of pups and will likely get relegated, but then, they knew that already. Getting pummeled is their way of life for this season, which is a choice they made.

16 Cincinnati Stallions CPU 0-5-0 L6
Right were they belong.

Eastern Conference Standings
Four undefeated teams still remain and we're in the middle of the upper tier fight with the top teams contending with each other. The next six games will go a long way to decide the pecking order for home field advantage and the top 4 spots with the rest of the season spent waiting to see how the last four spots are flushed out. Given the sturdiness of the teams in the East (12-4 vs Western teams in weak 1), it's unlikely that one of them will survive unbeaten. If however that does happen, the League Championship will be on an Eastern field.

1 Eleven Wise Monkeys 5-0-0 W5
5-0 and have yet to be seriously challenged, even by supposedly equal competition, but wait, only one of those team's have a winning record. After the Shockers game, which is next, they will be in for some serious challenges with American Freedom, Bristol Bullets, New York Warriors, and the Louisville Nighthawks - all of the top clubs of the East. If they want to legitimize their standing, they'll need to crank through those teams 3-1 or better to validate themselves. 2-2 through that stretch and their just another good team, 1-3 or worse and they'll be in trouble for a home playoff game. After that stretch though, it's back on easy street and coasting on auto-pilot into the playoffs with the exception of the Anonymous Assassins. Bortsville might catch them napping if they don't pay attention.

2 American Freedom 5-0-0 W5
Easy Street lasted only three games, then the hard games hit them as they faced the undefeated Bristol Bullets in game 4 and the undefeated New York Warriors in game 5 - both falling in relatively high scoring games, which some consider both being upsets. So after knocking off two undefeated teams in a row, it seems that Freedom has made it clear that they are the real deal and not a paper tiger from BBB. Freedom's in the middle of it's hardest 5 game stretch, referred to as Murderer's row within it's inner circle, since all of the teams they are facing in the stretch are undefeated. If Freedom can hold on and knock off all 5 undefeated teams, they'll essentially have home field advantage throughout wrapped up right then and there. If they finish the stretch 4-1, they'll likely be in the top 3, 3-2 will still garner them a top four spot, while finishing the stretch at 2-3, they'll need some help to stay in the top 4.

3 Louisville Nighthawks 5-0-0 W7
Regardless of the competition, the Nighthawks have remained very consistent, but are about to enter a hellish stretch which includes Freedom, Bristol, The NY Warriors, Eleven Wise, and the Assassins (sorry Compton). They'll need to survive that with a winning record to find themselves in the top 4 or even battling to stay there. The Nighthawks have always been highly competitive and successful, so they should come out of that stretch in decent shape. After the Assassins game, they should be able to start taking it easy and begin fine tuning themselves for the playoffs.

4 Anonymous Assassins 5-0-0 W5
One of the surprise 5-0 teams at this point considering that they have had to come from behind in the their last two game to win and pray the defense held up. But, that's one of the marks of a good team, come from behind wins with both sides of the ball doing their job. The Assassins' next 7 games are no picnic since they are all formidable opponents, though two of the seven have losing records. The Assassins look like they'll have to work a bit extra to keep pace with the other undefeated teams and to find out just how good they are, we'll need to wait until they're finished with game 12.

5 San Francisco Demons 4-1-0 L1
I'm sure that the Demons fully expected themselves to be undefeated at this point of the season, but Bortsville pulled off an upset and stripped them of their undefeated status. They'll continue to win in the middle of the schedule, but they've got a rough closing schedule. The Demons will be closing out the season looking for a top 4 seed, but if they get caught napping like they did with Bortsville again, they might be struggling just to stay in the playoff hunt.

6 New York Warriors 4-1-0 L1
The NY Warriors are the second of two undefeated teams to fall from an undefeated status in week five. They lost in a closely contested fight with Freedom, who they last faced back in season 5. They're now in the hardest part of their schedule and will need to keep the wins coming if they want to force their way back into the top 4. They don't have any clear weaknesses on the roster, so they should come out of the other side with more wins that losses during that stretch.

7 Bristol Bullets 4-1-0 W1
Back in the W column after heart breaker and just like the Freedom, they're in the middle of the hard part of their schedule. They need to survive the next 4 games at 4-0 or 3-1 to have a chance to crack the top 4, anything less and they'll just be maintaining to keep a playoff spot within their own control.

8 Kentucky Jaguars 3-2-0 W2
No real surprises here, they're beating teams they should be and losing to teams they should be. In order to break the cycle, they'll need to pull of an upset somewhere in order to protect their playoff chances. Right now, they're in control of thier own destiny, but if the current pattern keeps up, they'll need some help from other teams down the stretch just to stay in the playoff hunt.

9 Bortsville Mystery Nerf 3-2-0 W3
Bortsville caught the San Francisco Demons snoozing on auto-pilot and any team that promoted with Bortsville knows that you can't coast on their game (or even look to the game past them) or they'll make you pay for it. They consistently beat teams that are far better than them and teams just don't seem to want to listen. You look over the roster, see the levels of their players and go "Ah, no problem." Come home from work, logon, and the next thing that happens are the cats are darting from the room while the wife and kids come running in responding "What's wrong?" after hearing you scream "What the F...!" just after you read the score. Bortsville will be tinkering with a playoff spot through game 11, then we'll see which teams are willing to pay attention as they compete with the upper class of the conference. Their average level might be under L30 folks, but make no mistake about it, they'll avoid relegation easily based on wins alone and will make the home stretch for playoff hopefulls interesting.

10 Fort Worth Warriors 1-4-0 W1
They finally got into the win column, but had to rely on beating a CPU team to do it. If they don't get some changes done soon and back on track in a hurry, they can kiss the playoffs goodbye because they should be better than 1-4.

11 Megatropolis Tigers 1-4-0 L4
They opened on a high note, beating the CPU Stallions, then proceeded to get pummeled by a series of undefeated teams. Well, they can at least relax a little bit since the worst is over and some easier competition is coming up. They've got a long road to go down to turn this season around, but it's doable if they can get everything in sync. Please, no boy band jokes.

12 Space Coast Storm Surge CPU 1-4-0 L4
Please, just beat them and keep them down where they belong.

13 Tri-Cities Fever 1-4-0 L4
Like the Tigers, the Fever has got to be saying to themselves "Thank God it's almost over." One more game against an undefeated team and they can start looking forward to a somewhat easier schedule. But, having played Tri-Cities, I know that they keep scrapping to the end, which is evidenced by the battles they gave Bristol, The NY Warriors, and Nighthawks. They just might pull off an upset over the Assassins and I wouldn't be surprised if they did. Regardless, look for Tri-Cities to pick up the pieces and start getting back into the playoff hunt.

14 Home Town Shockers 1-4-0 L4
They should be more competitive than they have been, but with a team chuck full of INAs, things are going downhill fast. My advice to davidsmith the owner is, unless you know quixoft personally or know that he's going to be back after some real life issues are resolved, you need to start rebuilding this team NOW by selling off the INAs for whatever cash you can grab and invest in the stadium. Take a relegation to BBB, hire a recruiter and rebuild on a stronger foundation and the next time, don't invest so heavily into one agent.

15 French Lick Dirty Whorns 1-4-0 L3
I have no clue what's going on, but they're getting beaten by teams they shouldn't be. It's likely a lost cause because they should be 3-2 at least and their chemistry is an absolute mess.

16 Compton Panthers 0-5-0 L8
Chin up guys, you can still beat the Storm Surge, I hope. Keep working at it and hire a recruiter to help. Some people just love recruiting, let them do the dirty work for you. Also, save your money and sign L1 CPU players to replace the high level silicon ones and the money you save you can put into the stadium.
Last edited Jan 11, 2009 10:29:49
Great read norse. Hopefully history will repeat itself this season... last season Jacktown started 0-2 and ended 14-2.
John Clancy
Very nice summation
As always, great job Norse. I look forward to, and enjoy, your League Reviews every time.
Thanks as always for a great review
Thanks for the writeup man, good work
Good work!
I honestly don't see us (Majors) beating the War Kittens. They've always been a tough team.......with an adorable mascot.
Mr. Me2
Riders of the Storm already know what AI works and doesn't, but with all the teams that have consistently sucked below us, it's hard to get demoted to a league where you can be competitive. Maybe it's time to start punting every time on 1st down.
Originally posted by RawisEricho
I honestly don't see us (Majors) beating the War Kittens. They've always been a tough team.......with an adorable mascot.

Very excited about today's game. We've done our best planning. If we get this, I feel a home game is ours. In fact, I'll go as far to say that if we win this, I expect we'll be in position for promotion.
Originally posted by silenthatred
Riders of the Storm already know what AI works and doesn't, but with all the teams that have consistently sucked below us, it's hard to get demoted to a league where you can be competitive. Maybe it's time to start punting every time on 1st down.

People don't realize that trying to lose is harder than they think.


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