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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #6 > "T-ing Off" - 2nd Edition with Guest Sportsfrk51790
T: Welcome WE BBB6 for our 2nd show. We had a great interview with West Yorkshire Bandits' Owner, Outlaw121 yesterday and couldn't have started off the season any better. Today, we have another owner of a farm team as our second guest. Sportsfrk51790, the owner of the PaPa Dong's Dragon Farm, who has recently been in a verbal fight with some members from Western Europe BBB6. That interview will come shortly once we get in contact with Mr. Sportsfrk. Jon got anything to add?

Jon: Yes, as a matter of fact, for those listening out there, please if you want to be part of the show you can either PM T (fafa1224) or leave a reply on the thread below that says guestlist.

T: Thanks Jon. Oh, and it looks like we have the Owner on the air right now. Hi Mr. Sportsfrk, how's your day so far?

Sportsfrk: Great, it's been a very good day T. Glad to be on the show.

T: Well, Thank you for giving up your time to BE on the show. First off, i guess we would have to start off with who exactly the PaPa Dong's Dragon Farm team is. Your team seems to be a farm team to a pro team that you GM. When and Why did you start one?

SportsFrk: I unofficially started it and got it all together around the single-digit days of Season 6, and yes, I made the farm team for the Pa Dong Dragons. The owner, creeker22, confronted me about it. I was kinda hesitant, but once I saw how many people on forums wanted to do it I was excited, and I purposely got a lot of great, active agents, and even though we've missed a couple wins we've wanted, we ARE a farm team so you can't expect to much.

T: Sounds like a lot of patience and more dedication. Both qualities I don't have haha. Guess it would be a bad idea if i started one. Would you recommend other teams to start a farm team? What are the benefits having one as opposed to not having one?

SportsFrk: Depends on the perspective. As perspective of the owner of the Pa Dong Dragons, I'm sure he loves the fact that he has a farm team, because it means less unsuccessful recruiting once the decline sets in, he can just pull players from the farm team. From my perspective, I can't completely answer it yet. I'm still very early on and it's kind of hard gameplanning and setting tactics knowing you're just gonna get killed, but I salute my OCs and DCs for still doing that. The thought of when we finally get a good team, Pa Dong is gonna take all the players, but we should still have a season or so of success before we lose the players and it all starts over. I'm looking forward to being the dominant team, and starting the team over eventually as if it were a gutted team so I can see how good of an owner I actually am.

T: Interesting Stuff. What are some of the struggles running a farm team? are you guys slow building as well?

SportsFrk: Well, The struggles are definitely the fact that we lose. We don't have an official build plan, which is on me, but the team has a lot of quality agents and I trust what they're doing. There's the occasional screw up by an agent, but nothing huge. We're not doing any better then the Porto Reconquistas, what this team was last season in WE Pro, and that team was all CPUs. We're just trying to keep the forum active and pretending that Season 4 trophy is ours.

T: I see, there's some background info for those out there who wanted to know who the Dragon Farms were. So, I guess we'll start the main event of this interview. I can see that you have been in a verbal altercation with a few people on the league forums regarding with the power rankings. care to give your side of the story and how things started?

SportsFrk:Ah, this'll be the highlight of the interview for all the guys that know me. I'm gonna be completely honest here and I wanna know why everyone's riding Badass' dick. He criticized my team and me as owner, and I felt he had no clue we were a farm team going by his little blurb about us. I said something about it, my GMs came in there and said their own little comments, and all the little children got offended and insulted everybody, and some random guys like to call it "drama" when it's really not. You can call this a feud or whatever you want between me and Badass, but I really don't care, because my comments are not directed to him, they're directed to the ones that ride his dick. I can make the best point in the world, but their bias will continue them to ride the dick of Badass. As I said above, they all know I'm right, and if you read the topic you would know I'm right, but nobody will ever say it.

T: Are you going to carry this beef the rest of the way? or do you want to take this time to deliver a truth message and squash everything?

SportsFrk:Now if I told you I was gonna hate him forever and carry the grudge, how would that make me look? I'm not gonna take this time to deliver anything to be honest, because nobody will believe it as I said in Question 4. I'm not holding any grudge ATM, I'm just curious to how this whole thing started when I made my own post to criticize my team's criticize. Everyone's gonna say that it started with my agents, but no, it's not.

T: Well, Western Europe BBB6, you heard the man and his side of the story. If you want to respond to it, you can always contact me for an interview haha. gotta spice up the guestlist. Before we let you go, one last question. What goals do you have in mind as an owner for your current farm team?

SportsFrk: I just want to do my best to give Pa Dong quality players. It's all I can really do. If I sat here and said " I want to win a championship" it doesn't mean too much because they're gonna Pa Dong Dragons. I want to win a championship with this team and we will dominate at some point.

T: Great Goals. Well thats all the time we have right now Mr. Sportsfrk and once again thank you for a great interview. Also an honest one as well. Hope to have you again sometime during the course of the season

Sportsfrk: Thank you for having me and T, keep up the good work. Your work here is very well appreciated and i would love to come on again later.

T: Folks, there you have it from the owner of the PaPa Dong's Dragon Farm, Sportsfrk51790. Great interview, got everything we needed and wanted from him, couldn't have gone any better.

Jon: Yes, however, we are out of time and it's that part of the show T.

T: Indeed, it is the saddest part, well not for me since i get to get off of work, but it's time to say goodbye until our nextshow. Currently, We are still waiting for guests to apply, so if you think you can give us something or have something to say publicly, feel free to use us. Thanks for tuning in and til next time, so long!

Last edited Jan 11, 2009 01:04:50
Great, I can imagine the responses from this

Keep up the good work.
Last edited Jan 11, 2009 01:07:57
blah got those edited now hahaha
Woohoo... Sports your like famous or something now!
Originally posted by Bellflowercrew
Woohoo... Sports your like famous or something now!

I guess
Nice interview, and great initiative from fafa, or is that "Riding dick" too?
It's a shame the whole issue with Badass is stressing you out more then anyone.
But all in all it was a nice read, owning a farm team can be frustrating, but their team seems to be a tight group, so i'm sure they get their fun outside of the losses.
Nice work. It's good to hear Sports side of the story without anyone to stop the guy. I guess we'll have a couple of seasons together Sportsfreak so why don't we just get along from now on. I guess we're stuck in BBB#6 for the rest of the franchise ^^
It's good with some forum activity.

yea, and thanks guys for the feedback and input =) getting lots of love from everyone and it's making the job a lot more fun!
We need a farm team like we need an extra win every season. Wait. I could use that.

Nice work guys Sportfrk you need agent now??
Originally posted by wannaknow147
Nice interview, and great initiative from fafa, or is that "Riding dick" too?
It's a shame the whole issue with Badass is stressing you out more then anyone.
But all in all it was a nice read, owning a farm team can be frustrating, but their team seems to be a tight group, so i'm sure they get their fun outside of the losses.

Whatever lets you sleep at night.
Originally posted by mingo23
Nice work guys Sportfrk you need agent now??

You'll be the first candidate, gotta get some interviews in first
Originally posted by Sportsfrk51790
Great, I can imagine the responses from this

Keep up the good work.

Great Job Sports. Great Job T.
Me and my dick would like to thank everyone for riding it, it's been fun Or as I call, having my back when I was being attacked for having an opinion and trying to post up some rankings to make this league fun. Trust me, most of the forums I'm in with my other players are boring as hell. At the very least we all have something to talk about.

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