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I am here to let anyone know about the owner of the badasses, i was traded to this guy on a bad term situation, an then i asked to be released from this team, i was not interested in playing with this team at all. So instead he trades me to another team without letting this owner know that i told the owner of the badasses that if i was not released that i would take off all the equipment an i would not boost at all or work my player out an then he sells me to the new owner under false pretence. This new owner had know clue at all what was going on. I would not want to pay on a team that is a losing team or that a owner will lie to do what he wants to get money. i have no respect for soryy mf's. An too all of you this team sucks ass anyways, would not want to play on this team, BARCELONA SUCKASSES
Last edited Jan 9, 2009 13:06:51
You signed the contract so he owns you. I have a player who wanted out after the season started to join his own team. I've just now found a replacement but he took off his equipment & plays on relaxed even after I've given him plenty of playtime, funds and worked with him on getting a replacement.

I offered him a trade to his team for min cash. He can take it or sit the bench the rest of the season.

Players do not run things, owners do.
Agree 47865% with Willinsky.
You signed the contract, deal with it.

Originally posted by SNAGGLETOOTH
I am here to let anyone know about the owner of the badasses, i was traded to this guy on a bad term situation, an then i asked to be released from this team, i was not interested in playing with this team at all. So instead he trades me to another team without letting this owner know that i told the owner of the badasses that if i was not released that i would take off all the equipment an i would not boost at all or work my player out an then he sells me to the new owner under false pretence. This new owner had know clue at all what was going on. I would not want to pay on a team that is a losing team or that a owner will lie to do what he wants to get money. i have no respect for soryy mf's. An too all of you this team sucks ass anyways, would not want to play on this team, BARCELONA SUCKASSES

Dude you sound like a jerk for taking off your EQ, and not training.
It's not like NFL players ever do that...

oh wait.They do lol
This is why the Wardogs don't do trades.
Why should an owner release you when they traded in good faith? Why should they lose out by releasing you? What you should have done is found a team that you do want to play for and got him to trade you there rather than acting like a spoilt baby.
Originally posted by SNAGGLETOOTH
i told the owner of the badasses that if i was not released that i would take off all the equipment an i would not boost at all or work my player out

You got lucky then. I would have left you off of the depth chart and banned you from the team forum until the end of your contract.

I agree, you signed the contract you need to fulfill it. If you have an issue that you don't like about it, get with the owner and see if you can work something out and maybe get you to a team that you want to play for. See if you can work something out, don't go blasting on the forums, keep the issues in house.
Originally posted by Sirwin
I agree, you signed the contract you need to fulfill it. If you have an issue that you don't like about it, get with the owner and see if you can work something out and maybe get you to a team that you want to play for. See if you can work something out, don't go blasting on the forums, keep the issues in house.

Spot on. This team invested assets to aquire you, and then you turn around like a spoiled little bitch and say "release me". Not a chance in hell if I'm that owner. Had you come to me and politely said that this doesn't interest you, I'd have you start shopping for a team that would be interested in acquiring you. Once I saw you post something like this in the forum I'd do the exact same thing as dmjtott said and rot you on my bench and ban you from my forum.
Originally posted by strom2127
Originally posted by Sirwin

I agree, you signed the contract you need to fulfill it. If you have an issue that you don't like about it, get with the owner and see if you can work something out and maybe get you to a team that you want to play for. See if you can work something out, don't go blasting on the forums, keep the issues in house.

Spot on. This team invested assets to aquire you, and then you turn around like a spoiled little bitch and say "release me". Not a chance in hell if I'm that owner. Had you come to me and politely said that this doesn't interest you, I'd have you start shopping for a team that would be interested in acquiring you. Once I saw you post something like this in the forum I'd do the exact same thing as dmjtott said and rot you on my bench and ban you from my forum.

Well aren't you just a big McMeanie
This is a silly thread LOCK IT UP
Shame he didn't post before he got traded, we could have played pass the parcel for the rest of the season

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