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1. (0) Amsterdam Smugglers 1-0

It is no surprise that Amsterdam started strong but they did it in an impressive fashion. They blanked the Wildcats en route to putting up 73 points of there own. Barcelona is no slouch either, they were a playoff team a season ago in Alpha finishing 9-7. They beat the Wildcats into submission with a power running attack while never allowing Barcelona to get their own ground game going. It must have felt good for everyone in the organization to look up at the scoreboard as the final seconds ticked off, finally ending their 13 game win streak and proving that season 7 will no be a repeat of season 6's futility. They will continue to cruise in week two as they head to Paris.

2. (+1) Madrid Matadors 1-0

The Matadors picked up a huge win for the franchise against Zurich this week. They began season 6 in disappointing fashion and weren't happy with their exit in the post season, so it is good to see they are doing what they can to avoid the mistakes of a season ago. It is a strong resume builder for them but they can't breathe easily just yet with Budapest comes to town in week two and then they head to Amsterdam to take on the best in the following week. It is a tough opening stretch but they started out on the right note.

3. (+1) Barcelona Blaze 1-0

Honestly, losing to what looks to be the best team in alpha by 18 is pretty respectable. They played them tough though and a big third quarter by the Vikings is what sunk them after they headed into the half with the lead. It would have been nice to see the better Zeta teams do more against Alpha but this game would have been a tough match-up for anyone. Luckily for the Blaze, the Ligers are due up next so they have a nice bounce back game as they lick their wounds.

4. (+4) Jersey Mammoths 1-0

Jersey jumps up to number 4 based more on what the teams in front of them did rather than their own accomplishment. Hamburg isn't exactly a power house, so their margin of victory probably should have been wider but a win is a win. We will see if they deserve this spot as Indianapolis comes into town in week 2. I am going to predict a Stampede win but the Mammoths will compete. Good luck.

5. (+4) Zagreb Scorpions 1-0

I said a win against Cashville in their first game would be both important and unlikely and it looks like Zagreb took exception to that. They put up 37 points in a 10 point victory in Cashville. They were the underdogs but apparently someone didn't mention that to the Dollar Bills as they let the Scorpions put up big numbers on them. No number was bigger than Zagreb WR Screw U who caught 7 balls for 182 yards and 2 scores. Zagreb can continue to reestablish themselves as a contender in Zeta with a win against improved Nashua in week two.

6. (-4) Lexington Metalheads 0-1

That was not the start they were looking for in Lexington. A 17-9 loss in which they could never get their offense rolling. They suffered the drop that they did in the rankings because I fully expected them to win and was disappointed that they didn't represent Zeta better. They will have two weeks to bounce back though against the Thunder and the Ligers and they will be in the hunt for a home playoff spot for the rest of the season. That game could prove to be the difference though. Xavier Van Alstyne opened his season 7 campaign for a repeat pro-bowl appearance strongly though as he was the one bright spot on the Metalheads' offense.

7. (-2) Budapest Tizenhetedikkerület 0-1

Budapest was unable to be remotely competitive against one of the top teams in Alpha proving how wide the gap still is between them and the elite of Western Europe BBB #14. I expected them to lose but to lose by 62 points was a surprise. They have another shot to redeem themselves with the Matadors up next but it will take an overhaul for them to have a shot. I am not counting them out yet but work needs to be done before I will be willing to consider them a contender. Keep an eye for signs of improvement in week two.

8. (+2) Mannheim Sharks 1-0

The Sharks were heavily favored but they started the new season out right with a whopping 38 point victory over the hapless Bestias. They should be able to continue their success with the Warriors due up next but then they have a real test with Budapest slated as their week 3 opponent. We'll see if they can return to their early season 6 form or if it is going to be another season that they are at home on the couch come playoff time. I have a sneaking suspicion that they will figure out a way to keep things rolling.

9. (-3) Nashua Pride 0-1

Nashua is going to have to strike first in most games to be in a position to win. Their defense is going to have a tough time helping them win the ball control battle and this week was no different. They had the ball for 26 minutes verse Schuylkill's 37 minutes of possession. Nashua gave up 218.5 yards on the ground so they have plenty of work to do before they head to Zagreb for another tough match-up in week two. 0-2 is not what they had in mind for the start of season 7.

10. (+1) Western Roman Empire 1-0

The Empire didn't have a tough week 1 game but they made the most of their cupcake from Alpha. They put up 111 and held the SU Spider Pigs to just 14 points. It was the largest margin in a Zeta victory. They will have another chance to capture a W with Hellboys up next. It is a good sign that Western Rome is take care of business against the weaker teams because they will need some luck against the middle of the pack teams to make the playoffs. We'll find out if they will have any of that luck in week 3 when they take on the Mammoths.

11. (+1) Paris Elves 1-0

Paris QB Jeff Miszkiewicz Miszkiewicz picked up where he left off last season with another solid statistical performance, the difference was that it was in a Paris win for a change. They played a strong week one game, shutting out the Bellingham Goldfish. I don't have much faith that this is sign of things to come but rather a good indicator of how they will perform against bad teams. Their fortunes will quickly change with the Smugglers due up next, good luck.

12. (-5) Indianapolis Stampede 0-1

The Stampede suffer the largest free fall in the rankings due to their disappointing loss. They were evenly matched with the Mighty Dukes but found themselves in a deep hole from very early on and ended up losing a lop sided game. They weren't prepared for Subotica's aerial attack as they were shredded for 422.5 yards through the air. They need to right the ship quickly with Jersey up next. An 0-2 start could come back to haunt them at the end of the season, so hopefully they'll figure things out in a hurry.

13. Liverpool Warriors 0-1
14. Porto Thunder 0-1
15. Natal Hellboys 0-1

I'll separate these teams when they start notching wins against each other because I have a hard time believing that they will pick up W's against anyone else. The magic of a season ago is gone for Liverpool, Porto and Natal so now we'll see how they sort things out at the bottom of the conference as they take each other on through the course of season 7.

Very interesting read.

Good stuff.

And thanks for taking the time,I love reading these things football junkie that i am
Last edited Jan 2, 2009 11:54:03
Great stuff....
pls Budapest we cant do anything...we suck..
Mask Murderer
Metal heads wasn't ready for the Aces!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS
Metal heads wasn't ready for the Aces!!!!!!!!!!

Nice win. Do you have any guarantees? Like a win against the Demon Knights in a few weeks? or running the table maybe?
Last edited Jan 2, 2009 13:47:58
Mask Murderer
Originally posted by AllTalent
Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS

Metal heads wasn't ready for the Aces!!!!!!!!!!

Nice win. Do you have any guarantees? Like a win against the Demon Knights in a few weeks? or running the table maybe?

I'm not sure they are pretty strong, looks like they been in the league a while, I can guarantee we make playoffs this season.
Last edited Jan 2, 2009 15:41:24
dang the Indianapolis Stampede fall 5 spots, eeeh i expected it after the way we played anyway, it was quit a let down
Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS
Originally posted by AllTalent

Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS

Metal heads wasn't ready for the Aces!!!!!!!!!!

Nice win. Do you have any guarantees? Like a win against the Demon Knights in a few weeks? or running the table maybe?

I'm not sure they are pretty strong, looks like they been in the league a while, I can guarantee we make playoffs this season.

Sure, guarantee that much at the moment. But once the cap raises mid-season things may change, and teams are going to get stronger. May have beaten us once, but it doesn't amount to much more than we weren't ready. Not defensively, nor offensively.
If you wish to start talking trash thus far into the season, fine by me, but don't expect us to sit by and take it passively.
It's one game, doesn't mean anything. The only single game that matters is the Championship, back up your words, and we hope to see you there. [If you make it that is.]
Nice rankings btw All...
Glad to have you around Zeta for another season...
As far as Xavier's "Pro Bowl" repeat last game, I'm not to sure...We're looking for him to post up the same numbers he finished with down the stretch for us last season. [All of those 150+ rushing games through weeks 12-19 when we got eliminated from the playoffs]
Mask Murderer
Originally posted by bikemania9
Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS

Originally posted by AllTalent

Originally posted by F00TBALL ROCKS

Metal heads wasn't ready for the Aces!!!!!!!!!!

Nice win. Do you have any guarantees? Like a win against the Demon Knights in a few weeks? or running the table maybe?

I'm not sure they are pretty strong, looks like they been in the league a while, I can guarantee we make playoffs this season.

Sure, guarantee that much at the moment. But once the cap raises mid-season things may change, and teams are going to get stronger. May have beaten us once, but it doesn't amount to much more than we weren't ready. Not defensively, nor offensively.
If you wish to start talking trash thus far into the season, fine by me, but don't expect us to sit by and take it passively.
It's one game, doesn't mean anything. The only single game that matters is the Championship, back up your words, and we hope to see you there. [If you make it that is.]

Same here if you make it that is, yea and when the cap raises we will be stronger to.
Last edited Jan 3, 2009 10:48:51
Link rocks u are funni...i used to be like you b4...
well does ur owner knows u are talking trash over here?

btw nice avatar
he knows
Mask Murderer
Originally posted by juniorawe rocks u are funni...i used to be like you b4...
well does ur owner knows u are talking trash over here?

btw nice avatar

Thank you, and I always talk junk in every forum and team I go to, I guess he knows now lol.
where did you get that avatar pic?
pls tell me....

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