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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > a NEW team game... without teams
AGAIN! AGAIN!! With Democrats instead of Football teams!!!!!

5 Rod Blagojevich
5 Harry Reid
5 Nancy Pelosi
5 Hillary Clinton

5 Barrack Obama
5 Tom Daschle
5 Ted Kennedy
5 Jesse Jackson Jr

5 Maxine Watters
5 Bill Clinton
5 Howard Dean
5 Dick Durbin

5 Maybe Senator Burris
5 Barney Frank
5 Chris Dodd
5 Bill Richardson

5 Jimmy Carter
5 Al Franken
5 Bobby Rush
5 Joe Biden

5 Al Gore
5 John Kerry
5 Gloria Stienem
5 Marion Barry

5 Walter Mondale
5 John Edwards
5 Charles Robb
5 Keith Olbermann

5 Chuck Shumer
5 Gary Condit
5 Elliot Sptizer
5 Richard Daley
and yeah, I cant spell, zip it.
0 Rod Blagojevich -5
-10 Harry Reid-15
-20 Nancy Pelosi-25
-5 Hillary Clinton-10

0 Barrack Obama-5
0 Tom Daschle-5
0 Ted Kennedy-5
0 Jesse Jackson Jr-5

0 Maxine Watters-5
0 Bill Clinton-5
0 Howard Dean-5
0 Dick Durbin-5

0 Maybe Senator Burris-5
0 Barney Frank-5
0 Chris Dodd-5
0 Bill Richardson-5

0 Jimmy Carter-5
0 Al Franken-5
0 Bobby Rush-5
0 Joe Biden-5

0 Al Gore -5
0 John Kerry-5
0 Gloria Stienem-5
0 Marion Barry-5

0 Walter Mondale-5
0 John Edwards-5
0 Charles Robb-5
-5 Keith Olbermann-10

0 Chuck Shumer-5
0 Gary Condit-5
0 Elliot Sptizer-5
0 Richard Daley-5

Game over. They are all losers.
That shouldnt have double posted, sorry.

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