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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > a NEW team game... without teams
AGAIN! AGAIN!! With Democrats instead of Football teams!!!!!

5 Rod Blagojevich
5 Harry Reid
5 Nancy Pelosi
5 Hillary Clinton

5 Barrack Obama
5 Tom Daschle
5 Ted Kennedy
5 Jesse Jackson Jr

5 Maxine Watters
5 Bill Clinton
5 Howard Dean
5 Dick Durbin

5 Maybe Senator Burris
5 Barney Frank
5 Chris Dodd
5 Bill Richardson

5 Jimmy Carter
5 Al Franken
5 Bobby Rush
5 Joe Biden

5 Al Gore
5 John Kerry
5 Gloria Stienem
5 Marion Barry

5 Walter Mondale
5 John Edwards
5 Charles Robb
5 Keith Olbermann

5 Chuck Shumer
5 Gary Condit
5 Elliot Sptizer
5 Richard Daley
0 Rod Blagojevich -5
-10 Harry Reid-15
-20 Nancy Pelosi-25
-5 Hillary Clinton-10

0 Barrack Obama-5
0 Tom Daschle-5
0 Ted Kennedy-5
0 Jesse Jackson Jr-5

0 Maxine Watters-5
0 Bill Clinton-5
0 Howard Dean-5
0 Dick Durbin-5

0 Maybe Senator Burris-5
0 Barney Frank-5
0 Chris Dodd-5
0 Bill Richardson-5

0 Jimmy Carter-5
0 Al Franken-5
0 Bobby Rush-5
0 Joe Biden-5

0 Al Gore -5
0 John Kerry-5
0 Gloria Stienem-5
0 Marion Barry-5

0 Walter Mondale-5
0 John Edwards-5
0 Charles Robb-5
-5 Keith Olbermann-10

0 Chuck Shumer-5
0 Gary Condit-5
0 Elliot Sptizer-5
0 Richard Daley-5

Game over. They are all losers.
Damn, Ron Paul still gets no love
Do not sully the great name of Ron Paul by associating him with these criminals an ne'er do wells.
Originally posted by presvedder
0 Rod Blagojevich -5
-10 Harry Reid-15
-20 Nancy Pelosi-25
-5 Hillary Clinton-10

0 Barrack Obama-5
0 Tom Daschle-5
0 Ted Kennedy-5
0 Jesse Jackson Jr-5

0 Maxine Watters-5
0 Bill Clinton-5
0 Howard Dean-5
0 Dick Durbin-5

0 Maybe Senator Burris-5
0 Barney Frank-5
0 Chris Dodd-5
0 Bill Richardson-5

0 Jimmy Carter-5
0 Al Franken-5
0 Bobby Rush-5
0 Joe Biden-5

0 Al Gore -5
0 John Kerry-5
0 Gloria Stienem-5
0 Marion Barry-5

0 Walter Mondale-5
0 John Edwards-5
0 Charles Robb-5
-5 Keith Olbermann-10

0 Chuck Shumer-5
0 Gary Condit-5
0 Elliot Sptizer-5
0 Richard Daley-5

Game over. They are all losers.

Lol...that was fast.
Originally posted by xeef
Do not sully the great name of Ron Paul by associating him with these criminals an ne'er do wells.

Very good point there Xeef. Glad to see we agree on something.

Edit: Ahh, and I missed that it was Dems only
Last edited Jan 1, 2009 20:02:08
Originally posted by xeef
Do not sully the great name of Ron Paul by associating him with these criminals an ne'er do wells.

knew there was a reason I liked xeef.

It is because im so cute?

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