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Forum > USA > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 - Power Rankings - Week 5
Randal Kay
Here are my power rankings for USA A #4.

I took each teams ranking in offense production (yards gained and TD scored) and defense production (yards allowed and TD allowed). Yes special teams is missing. Hope you all enjoy.

Rank Cnfence Team
1 East Superior Grizzlies
2 West Monmouth Evil Monkeys
3 East Doomsday Sin
4 West Twin Cities Wildcats
5 West Hammond Bayou Bengals
6 East Gulf Coast Sharks
7 West San Diego Bolts
8 West Pewntenheimer Pewnts
9 East Murfreesboro Taints
9 West Auckland Raiders
11 East Florence Tigers
12 East Tupelo Kings
13 East Chicago Wolves
14 West Buenes Aires Marauders
15 West Texas Bigga Bois
16 East Beaver City Crabs
16 East Perth Amboy Pythons
16 East Frunkis Town Virus
19 West Hattiesburg Hangovers
20 East Massachusetts Marauders
21 West Mad Wet Squirrels
22 West LUElinks LUEshis
23 East Des Moines Condom Raptors
24 East Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
25 West Seattle Storm
26 West Philadelphia Knights
26 West Houston Cougars
28 East Cleveland Buckeyes
28 East Laredo Lesbians
30 East Washington Bayhawks
31 East Chicago Wolverines
32 West Fresno Anarchs

Let the debate begin. I'll try and do a ranking every couple of game.

Randal Kay
San Diego Bolts.
Great job. Thanks!

Our defense is what is keeping us at the top...just like a true SEC team. We run and play hard nose defense.
I like the idea but I feel the rankings are MAJORLY flawed. Nothing against the grizzlies but they aren't even undefeated at this point. I would put them at 4-5. The two best teams in this league right now are the monkeys and pewnts so they should be 1-2 respectively. The wildcats and bengals are also very dangerous teams and I think they're ranking is fine. I know this ranking is based off of statistics but you can't just look at stats to make an objective opinion. Good idea though.
Randal Kay
Originally posted by jfbueno
I like the idea but I feel the rankings are MAJORLY flawed. Nothing against the grizzlies but they aren't even undefeated at this point. I would put them at 4-5. The two best teams in this league right now are the monkeys and pewnts so they should be 1-2 respectively. The wildcats and bengals are also very dangerous teams and I think they're ranking is fine. I know this ranking is based off of statistics but you can't just look at stats to make an objective opinion. Good idea though.

It is a start. Without puting any bias into my rankings I went with pure statistical rankings.

I may add a strength of schedule component next time which should adjust the rankings a bit.
The Evil Monkeys are the best team in the league...IMHO.
Bears Rule
Interesting to see...we have played 3 pretty simple teams it could be curved on that. However our defense has been pretty solid all around no matter who we have faced. I dont believe a loss in a record really screws with Power rankings. I still feel we are a top 5 team in this league no matter.
Obviously if I had a vote I think my team would be the best but right there with us is the pewnts. They have a VERY good roster that should make for an interesting matchup that I'm looking forward to.
Bears Rule
My Rankings

1. Monmouth Evil Monkeys
2.Pewntenheimer Pewnts
3.Hammond Bayou Bengals
4.Murfreesboro Taints
5.Superior Grizzlies
6.Florence Tigers
7.Gulf Coast Sharks
8.San Diego Bolts
9.Twin City Wildcats
10.Doomsday Sin

That would be my top 10...everything after that is far too close to call...even the Texas Bigga Bois could make a case for being a top 10 aside from their seems like they have the core pieces there? Not sure if these guys are recently recruited or what?
The one thing I will give the pewnts is that they have played a tougher schedule thus far. However, Our schedule gets harder while theirs gets easier. We'll see what we're really made of in a few weeks.
It was a difficult few weeks, we had some energy issues that had to be dealt with carefully while playing some tough opponents. Squeaked by.
Originally posted by jfbueno
The one thing I will give the pewnts is that they have played a tougher schedule thus far. However, Our schedule gets harder while theirs gets easier. We'll see what we're really made of in a few weeks.

That game between us and the Pewnts was tough. They killed us on field position. They had 2 punts downed on our 2 yard line. We rely on our defense and field position, so that was our downfall. They also forced 4 fumbles and recovered 2.
Last edited May 5, 2008 20:21:18
Yeah energy was "interesting" the first few weeks but we got it down now.
Randal Kay
Energy has been interesting since the changes for sure. We are only 5 games into the season so everything should become a lot clearer on Sunday after the next 3 games.

I actually agree the Monkey's are the deepest and the strongest team in the league, but the Grizzles have the numbers and based on that they sit at #1 right now.
I'm fine with that. It really wont matter once playoff times starts. Thats when the 8 seeds can beat the 1s.
Bears Rule
Originally posted by jfbueno
I'm fine with that. It really wont matter once playoff times starts. Thats when the 8 seeds can beat the 1s.

exactly...who really knows what teams look like come playoffs...teams boost and pick up players late and the next thing you know your playing the 8 seed who looks 9 times better than you and you are like WTF?

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