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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Looters Ended Up Here

This is USC's (previous owner) brothers team. Pretty shitty thing to do if you ask me.
Looks like two teams decided to combine, whats the problem?
They gutted their team so they can stay and own BBB 7.
The Looters were a 54 rated team and very tough to beat and now they are shit. IF they were going to gut then they could have promoted another team from BBB#8 instead of them so there would be better games.

Im not sure what the plan is for the Alcoholics either. Really screws up the whole league when teams do this.
Jason Cash
Originally posted by redneckcntry69
The Looters were a 54 rated team and very tough to beat and now they are shit. IF they were going to gut then they could have promoted another team from BBB#8 instead of them so there would be better games.


Yea...South Texas could have been moved up.. Those guys go undefeated most of the time..only 2- 3 losses total in 2 seasons
Last edited Dec 29, 2008 21:03:53
Originally posted by redneckcntry69
The Looters were a 54 rated team and very tough to beat and now they are shit. IF they were going to gut then they could have promoted another team from BBB#8 instead of them so there would be better games.


Sorry, i dont see this as the end of the world like you do, It seems like your pretty bitter that one of your fellow BBB#8 people didnt move up with you. Everyone knew this would happen to one team or another, which is why people say its going to take acouple of season for the regulation to work. Mark it down as a stat builder game if it helps, but I dont think its that serious to be so pissed about it.
Originally posted by Jason Cash
Originally posted by redneckcntry69

The Looters were a 54 rated team and very tough to beat and now they are shit. IF they were going to gut then they could have promoted another team from BBB#8 instead of them so there would be better games.


Yea...South Texas could have been moved up.. Those guys go undefeated most of the time..only 2 3 losses total in 2 seasons

Over at Da 7, there were probably 2 or 3 that could have moved up as well, but like I said, this shouldnt be all that surprising to see a team or two drop to cpu status.
pretty shitty that they gutted after being promoted... they were a great team in the ocho... they deserved the promotion yet still felt fit to gut and move on... agreed that if they were planning on gutting they should not have been promoted...
We dont get very many guts here in A4. It pisses me off too.
I'm bummed, man. I liked the Looters.
Originally posted by Sprocket
We dont get very many guts here in A4. It pisses me off too.

you should like that

it means we're an active, competitive league without quitters

teams like the lue have been here now in their 6th season. you gotta admire their persistence
Originally posted by Sprocket
Really screws up the whole league when teams do this.

Or when teams get promoted when they have 1 playoff win in 5 seasons.
We never asked to come here. and never planned on ruining the league for you.

Close to half of our teams contracs were up.

Personally I would've liked to keep the squad together...but it's Doom's team. He deleted more than half of his LVL 35+ guys. Most of you here played us and know this team just was never as good as it should of been. Just shitty builds. Espicially on Defense.

So sticking around, boosting etc, makes no sense.... to keep boosting and building a team who's core was deleted makes no sense.

Last edited Dec 30, 2008 01:34:01
A Few Points.
1. Its my team! The team Only has Local Family and Friends, with our Stadium and our Money, now was the perfect time to rebuild, NOT GUT. 3 Agents never had a chance to be more than Backups on this team, now they have an equal chance of being a Starter and being more involved with the team.
2. My guys that were moved to my brothers team will not be around after this year, my QB is a friggin backup to a guy 13 levels lower than me. If the Assassians had no chance of moving up by Actually Winning a Title they would be retired.
3. Our Defense was horrible, why throw good money at bad stuff????
4. I have a plan, this was not done on a spur of the moment whim. If you played us then you know our team before was very Predictable. Our Offense could not run. Our Defense had just some bad Builds, Every LB at one point was our MLB for Good. Our Secondary was limited by our builds.
5. The Original Looters played 5 seasons, I have 100% faith after 4 seasons the New Looters will be better than the Original Looters were after 5 seasons. And they will be a whole lot more diverse in every aspect of the game.

I can sit here and give you point by point reasons why this was done, and NONE of them have to do with A#4 or the teams here.
Bottom Line is I think this is the best thing for the Long Term plan for the Looters (have the team for 10 more years).
Originally posted by USCDoom
A Few Points.
1. Its my team! The team Only has Local Family and Friends, with our Stadium and our Money, now was the perfect time to rebuild, NOT GUT. 3 Agents never had a chance to be more than Backups on this team, now they have an equal chance of being a Starter and being more involved with the team.
2. My guys that were moved to my brothers team will not be around after this year, my QB is a friggin backup to a guy 13 levels lower than me. If the Assassians had no chance of moving up by Actually Winning a Title they would be retired.
3. Our Defense was horrible, why throw good money at bad stuff????
4. I have a plan, this was not done on a spur of the moment whim. If you played us then you know our team before was very Predictable. Our Offense could not run. Our Defense had just some bad Builds, Every LB at one point was our MLB for Good. Our Secondary was limited by our builds.
5. The Original Looters played 5 seasons, I have 100% faith after 4 seasons the New Looters will be better than the Original Looters were after 5 seasons. And they will be a whole lot more diverse in every aspect of the game.

I can sit here and give you point by point reasons why this was done, and NONE of them have to do with A#4 or the teams here.
Bottom Line is I think this is the best thing for the Long Term plan for the Looters (have the team for 10 more years).

Ok then. If you have passion and a plan, thats an entirely different deal! With the way your team looked, and no communication, it appeared as though it would become cpu at any time. Thank you for enlightening us to the contrary. You have, at the least, earned a point of respect back from me. Good luck!

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