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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > 4 teams from the east move up to AA
3 from the west!
Including 6 original A3 teams right? Glad to see you guys could get away from the sandbox and join the adult table up in AA2. Feel sorry for any original A3'ers that are still around that will have to deal with the kiddies for another season.

And lots of BBB promotions too. I see many new teams at this level.
Originally posted by Swiftus

And lots of BBB promotions too. I see many new teams at this level.

Yep, looks like Booty Bay and Moncton Machine made it up with ya Swiftus. I think we both want revenge against the Chronic. What is there, now 5 original BBB#6 teams now in this division, 10 total? Alas, it appears the Brownsnakes didnt wait around for us and moved on up.
Last edited Dec 22, 2008 06:23:47
They better stop winning or their stadium will never catch up with them.

I can't wait to add 4 sections to mine! And I will still have a bunch of cash left over to build seats too. I need to get lux boxes this season and charge out the nose for them.
Originally posted by Swiftus
They better stop winning or their stadium will never catch up with them.

I can't wait to add 4 sections to mine! And I will still have a bunch of cash left over to build seats too. I need to get lux boxes this season and charge out the nose for them.

we got a bit behind the curve season 1 on the stadium but we will be fully caught up once construction happens this offseason.
2 end zones and 2 second deck sidelines is what I am shooting for. That way, I have a lot of options for next season.

Ill just have a naked corner.
Last edited Dec 22, 2008 09:06:00
Originally posted by Swiftus
2 end zones and 2 second deck sidelines is what I am shooting for. That way, I have a lot of options for next season.

Ill just have a naked corner.

we will be going from 1 corner to a full bottom deck and 1 200 deck.
Originally posted by aridhol
Originally posted by Swiftus

And lots of BBB promotions too. I see many new teams at this level.

Yep, looks like Booty Bay and Moncton Machine made it up with ya Swiftus. I think we both want revenge against the Chronic. What is there, now 5 original BBB#6 teams now in this division, 10 total? Alas, it appears the Brownsnakes didnt wait around for us and moved on up.

Really wish we did wait.I have faith we will see ya next season and we can continue where we left off
Originally posted by snakesplace
Originally posted by aridhol

Originally posted by Swiftus

And lots of BBB promotions too. I see many new teams at this level.

Yep, looks like Booty Bay and Moncton Machine made it up with ya Swiftus. I think we both want revenge against the Chronic. What is there, now 5 original BBB#6 teams now in this division, 10 total? Alas, it appears the Brownsnakes didnt wait around for us and moved on up.

Really wish we did wait.I have faith we will see ya next season and we can continue where we left off

Probably won't see the Bandits that quick. We are going to slow go this season without too many upgrades so moving up again should not be in our future that quick. I'm aiming to bank a little this season to get set up financially to be able to compete better down the road. If we can even compete for a playoff spot this season, I will be happy. Of course, beating the Pitbulls would also make me happy.
Good idea. If you aren't building second deck at this point, you will get killed at the next level.

How can you be short on money after hosting 3 playoff games this season, though?
Originally posted by Swiftus
Good idea. If you aren't building second deck at this point, you will get killed at the next level.

How can you be short on money after hosting 3 playoff games this season, though?

our 1st season of stadium building showed our newbness at team owning/GMing. We did not build any new sections the 1st season and only 1 our 2nd season due to money. The playoff cash is just getting us back on track.
Cool beans. For your sake in recruiting. Keep all the money in the bank until the night before stadium construction.

I built 4 sections this week and then someone said to me that he won't come because we were broke. He had no clue.... and he signed before I could prove otherwise.
Last edited Dec 23, 2008 09:47:35
Originally posted by Swiftus
Cool beans. For your sake in recruiting. Keep all the money in the bank until the night before stadium construction.

I built 4 sections this week and then someone said to me that he won't come because we were broke. He had no clue.... and he signed before I could prove otherwise.

LOL, people are funny like that.
Some people only build corners and no end zones. They get screwed because you have to build a end zone to build 2nd deck corners and 2nd deck end zone.

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