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Forum > Europe West > Europe West BBB Leagues > A better way to promote teams...this way no one moves to uncapped
An idea I throw out....

I personally find it kind of stupid for a team that was in a 13 cap league to move up to a league with no cap at all. Why should the team that moved up have to completely disband to become competitive? Can't you just take all the winners from the 16 leagues and make them move in to one league within their own geographical area, then all those that finished second move in to another league and down the line. There all the teams that start in BBB together can essentially stay together. Essentially that allows all players who would be of a similar level to move together.

Let's use Western Europe as an example.

At the end of season 1 Winners go to a level 24 cap in BBB #1 and then 2nd place to BBB #2 etc....this begins season 2

Then at the end of season 2 winners and 2nd place teams move to two leagues and that is the new BBB#1-2 (trying to account for teams levels distribute accordingly) and it is capped at lets say 30-32 this begins season 3. So you take 2 teams from each leagues 1-16 and use some sort of program that would look at levels and say top team goes into league 1 and then next goes 2, then next goes 1 then back to 2 etc...this allows for the league to stay competitive and does not make a team gut themselves to move up. Teams that go CPU move to league 15-16.

Now finally in season 4 the league goes uncapped. No team has to be gutted and the competitive balance remains. Essentially as the teams move up in this fashion the leagues start to define themselves. 1st and 2nd would be pro 3-6 would be AAA, 7-14 would be AA. That leaves 2 leagues that you move CPU teams to. It gives free agents a chance to play and continue to improve their players with those of the same creation date time frame. At this level then all the teams may move up or down as they do now. The balance can still be there. So a diagram that helps out start at the bottom.

season 4................ no cap.......1-2..Pro cap.........3...4..5...6...AAA cap....7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14...AA
........................................15-16 CPU
season 3 cap 30-32 winners league. CPU)
season 2..cap league. CPU)
season 1 all level capped 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Yeah, it's a great idea. It's bullshit the way they have it set up now.
Put it in Suggestions! Great Idea
I did but it is getting no play.

Maybe you guys could help it along.
Best way to do it for sure
Unfortunatly, it won't happen
Sucks ass but its how it works
Voegma you can go 500 or better next season I did it last year. I do have major issues with the current arrangement however. You don't have to disband whatsoever.

Your suggestion has some merit but huge holes.

1. Pro leagues are full of 4th and 5th year teams. We are 1st. So when we are a 4th year teams you are throwing them in with 7th year teams. They will be 15 levels behind.

2. You didn't address the relegation of the pro teams to allow 2 more in.

3. You didn't address the fact that many wish to get promoted. Not pad their stats.

4. Many of the higher level teams that currently stay down are horribly run but if they don't get their turn to win they will quit. For 1 season we have to take our lumps and be prepared to make a promotion run. It isn't about us winning all the time.

5. There will be many teams moving up, you will have a good amount of competition.

6. I'm tired of beating you and O'Shane . You're real good but you wouldn't believe the junk he threw at me.

All this being said I am in favor of combining the regions into 1 and having less of a pyramid at the beginning only going to a pyramid in the end. The glut of players will be 2-5 seasons old which is why you don't need as dramatic of a pyramid. Because you would have more levels 9-10 the difference between teams of one promotion level would not be as severe. The current region system causes a huge discrepancy between the BBB and A level, after that the teams are fairly equal. This won't be the case as GLB ages. When players approach 10 seasons old we can expect the jump between levels to be more pronounced. Add more levels and the problem will be solved. We don't need any level caps or salary caps.

1. ProLeague in the newly formed league would be season 4. Their would be no throwing them in with season 7 teams. This would be a new league. Call it Australia if you want.

2. Since it is a new league/world I don't have to worry about allowing 2 more in.

3. Their would not be padded stats. You are playing against the same level of competition.

4. Badly run teams move to leagues with other badly run teams

5. No teams would move up at first just reshuffled to make league very competitive.

6. Yes I enjoy my beating thank you.

So essentially what I am saying is this is a new league separate from all others. This is the perfect time to do it. Western Europe BBB is the ready for this.
The way it is now is kinda rough I'll admit that but its still pretty easy to have a good season once promoted. You just have to get recruiting early. The Thunder Bay team I GM for got promoted last season and we went 14-2 this season with a lot of our core guys still in tact.

In SA 1 our top guy who got promoted from season 5 won in the title in the promoted league and is on his way to moving up again.

Team links: <-- Granted tautology has one of the best minds planning wise I've seen in GLB

Originally posted by voegma

1. ProLeague in the newly formed league would be season 4. Their would be no throwing them in with season 7 teams. This would be a new league. Call it Australia if you want.

2. Since it is a new league/world I don't have to worry about allowing 2 more in.

3. Their would not be padded stats. You are playing against the same level of competition.

4. Badly run teams move to leagues with other badly run teams

5. No teams would move up at first just reshuffled to make league very competitive.

6. Yes I enjoy my beating thank you.

So essentially what I am saying is this is a new league separate from all others. This is the perfect time to do it. Western Europe BBB is the ready for this.

I like your idea. I really do. BUT... who's going to write all the code to accomplish this over the next 2 days. I think it would be a good long term solution for season 8 maybe but I doubt it will happen this season. I just don't see how you can program a code so quickly to determine what exactly is a poorly run team or just a team that's stuck in a tough conference like ours in WE BBB 3
Yes but you had to change your team up some. You said your core group pretty much intact. In my scenario you don't have to worry about the recruiting rush.

Why should I have to drop my WRs to get better ones, and all the other skill positions etc? Or whatever position you would like.

The current scenario is like moving up from JV in highschool to Division I SEC College ball.
Originally posted by Destruction

I like your idea. I really do. BUT... who's going to write all the code to accomplish this over the next 2 days. I think it would be a good long term solution for season 8 maybe but I doubt it will happen this season. I just don't see how you can program a code so quickly to determine what exactly is a poorly run team or just a team that's stuck in a tough conference like ours in WE BBB 3

The first season all you do it look at records. 1st places go in one league, 2nds in another etc...that's easy. Then you develop the code during the season to do the rest.
Then there is no promotion at all. -1000

As teams drop out the region dwindles and then? It's not fluid at all.

The whole system can be fixed instead of having a region for every new group of teams.

Honestly I think there needs to be some sort of screening before they allow you buy a team and I wish they would start a region simply for slow build teams. Lvl 13's + playing lvl 1's is just silly. It get's worse when people buy CPU teams in leagues with lvl 30's then it just turns into a can my QB throw for 1000 yards in a game challenge.
Last edited Dec 20, 2008 14:11:08
Originally posted by VenomCoach
Then there is no promotion at all. -1000

As teams drop out the region dwindles and then? It's not fluid at all.

The whole system can be fixed instead of having a region for every new group of teams.

The league does not really shrink. CPU teams go to the lowest bracket. It gives people a chance to keep playing in the leagues if no one wants them. Kind of like the d-leagues but for adults.
If 4 teams go CPU every season in 4 seasons 1/2 the league is CPU....and I still can't get promoted.

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