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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Defensive Line > Pair of LvL 17DE's, Boosting, CE, Speed Rushers
John Waylon
Hello everyone, John Waylon here, with a pair of level 17 speed rushing DE's for your team!

The Mad Hatter

The March Hare

Looking for a good team who will start players.

They were created to be a 1-2 punch combo, but I am willing to split them up if need be. Move now, because these guys are really going to come into their game in season 7!

Again, both are seasonal boosters with CE, starting jobs only please! Contract ends on day 40, but be sure to secure them with me before they hit the marketplace! PM me if interested! (Still have yet to boost for season 6!)

Hope to hear from you soon!

Last edited Dec 10, 2008 23:00:37
John Waylon
We are still in the process of looking for a team!

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