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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Defensive Line > LVL 13 DT - full CE looking to provide playoff depth for 16 cap team
Rage Kinard

Strength: 51.03 Blocking: 12.4
Speed: 23.4 Tackling: 21.03
Agility: 72.03 Throwing: 10
Jumping: 8 Catching: 8
Stamina: 21.4 Carrying: 8
Vision: 12.4 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 12.4 Punting: 8

Willing to take min bonus and contract and put equipment he can purchase anywhere you wish.

Will not complain about lack of playing time.

Currently has 0 regular equipment.

Do not want playing time in last regular season game.

Needs 1 year end on day 40 contract. Plan on placing him on new lvl 13 cap team next season. All he needs is enough to train on intense 2X ($2,500) plus cash for regular equipment you want him to buy/upgrade.

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