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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > the eagles have turned a corner today
with there 38-32 upset of the lethbridge outlaws the rebuilding eagles it seems have finally turned the corner in the losing history of the the franchise today.

QB its showtime stuck to his name today and threw for a season high 449.5 passing yards and 5 TD's against a defense that greatly outleveled the eagles in every statistical category. showtime after the game was available for comment on his best game of the season as well.
"we just went out there and played eagle football today. our receivers were open and made some great catches. we didnt win on the big play today but rather mithodically moving the ball down the field and not making mistakes".

recievers nick lockett had 14 receptions for 201 yards and a score. tony jonyes had 4 catches for 93.5 yards and a score as well. steve saine topped it off with 8 receptions for 77 yards and two scores returning to early season form.

could this be the development of a very good recieving core the eagles have built and the rising of star in showtime as well. we probably wont know this season but next year should be a breakout year for the eagles

Last edited Dec 8, 2008 19:09:46
Eagles over Clavenhouse by 21 in their next game! Nice game guys, good to see you improving.
4th Quarter
Originally posted by jearnst
Nice game guys, good to see you improving.

Definitely. Rebuilding is a long road, and many give up and go CPU. It's good to see you've stuck it out and are seeing positive results. I'm happy for you guys and proud to have you with us in A3. Unfortunately though, in the next game we're going to tear off your ass and make you wear it as a hat.

Seriously though, Grats on the win and what I hope is a sign of success to come.
Wait, so your an Eagles fan with a Giants avatar? Did you lose a bet?
no i go to a school called the culver eagles as well

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