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Would you guys be interested in doing some pro bowl voting? In the other forum I am active in (Canada BBB #8), they posted a pretty good template for choosing pro bowl players. We could do one for each league and have it due in by the second round of the playoffs. If there isn't enough interest, no big deal, but it can help keep things lively in here. The Rules help it from being skewed by not letting more than 5 ballots from each team and you can't choose more than 5 of your own players. Check it out...


1. Only owners and GM's of teams can vote (maximum of 5 sets of votes from each team so a team with huge # of GM's doesnt dramatically swing the vote)

2. Only vote for your own conference (so you have an accurate idea of the players you're voting for). This is why there are 2 seperate threads..1 for each conference.

3. You can vote for a MAXIMUM of 5 players from your own team.

4. Dont just post votes like "the whole Steel City team or Victoria team" or "the whole Black River OLine or Manitoba secondary" If you're gonna vote, please actually put some thought and (gasp) time/research into it.

5. Use stats in your voting sure, but dont base everything completely off this. Look for hugely inflated stats in games, etc. and use things such as: team success, valuability to team. (Example- with LOT's especially, how many sacks did they allow? For all OL look at how many sacks and how many rushing yards the team had not necessarily only pancakes). In essence, vote fairly and put time into it, dont vote blindly otherwise it loses its purpose.

6. Try and fill out the entire ballot, I dont want 40 votes for QB and 3 for punter. Not required but itd be nice to have the same amount of votes for every position.. Have some fun doing this.

BALLOT:copy-paste this and make your votes below. Also post what team you GM/own (so I can count the "own team votes" (MAX of 4)and post both the player name and what team he is on. Thanks guys, if you just do this it'll make it easier for me to tally the votes and run a fair Pro Bowl vote. (fixed with FB)




Remember you are allowed up to 5 votes per team. I'll keep a tally of who has voted and how many times.

Dusseldorf - 1
Reading - 2
Naples - 1
Toledo - 2
Tauber - 1
Cologne - 0
Windsor - 0
Barcelona - 0
London - 0
Subotica - 0
Cashville - 0
Hamburg - 0
Murdurapolis - 1
SU - 0
Bellingham - 0

Madrid - 3
Florence - 1
London - 0
Zagreb - 1
Lexington - 0
Liverpool - 0
Porto - 0
Indianapolis - 1
Nashua - 1
Western Rome - 0
Munich - 0
Jersey - 0
Budapest - 0
Natal - 0
Paris - 0
Last edited Dec 12, 2008 07:54:23
mat warrior
Scarlet Fever

QB: RolandB Plymill (naples)
RB: Marley Bojangles (reading)
RB: Rufus Hammer (toledo)
FB: Dale Hawkins (tauber)
WR: High Rollo (naples)
WR: Maximus Catch'n (dusseldorf)
WR: watchme flybyyou (naples)
TE: stefan ralle (reading)
OT: NaturalICE light (cologne)
OT: holger fuschel (reading)
C: Dick Richards (cologne)
OG: Carlos bones (reading)
OG: Bigg B (toledo)

DE:bruuuu uuuuce (barcelone)
DE:yourface in the grass (naples)
DT: hugo yugo (naples)
DT: spank wire (dusseldorf)
OLB: jazz masta jay (murdurapolis)
MLB: T-Ron bigguns (tauber)
OLB: sand wedge (naples)
CB: bat marshall (cologne)
CB: klepto maniac (reading)
CB: Baxter serafin (dusseldorf)
FS: marc kelso (dusseldorf)
SS: Strong umAll (bellingham)

K: james kickfar (cashville)
P: gene hunt (subotica)
KR: johnny pick six blaze (bellingham)
PR: wide receives (cologne)

tell me if anything needs changed. thanks for doing this man.
do we vote around the end of the season?
You can vote whenever you want up until the first round of the playoffs are over. If you want to hang onto your vote until the season is done, thats fine, but if you want to get it in now, that works too.

Just make sure that you specify your team, the team of the player you are voting for and what conference you are in.

Remember you only want to vote for players in your conference.
QB:RolandB Plymill (naples)
RB:Marley Bojangles (reading)
RB:Rufus Hammer (toledo)
FB:Elten John (toledo)
WR:High Rollo (naples)
WR:Maximus Catch'n (dusseldorf)
WR:Maximus Catch'r (dusseldorf)
TE:Mr Possession (naples)
OT:NaturalICE light (cologne)
OT:Billy Bunny (reading)
C: Dick Richards (cologne)
OG:Carlos bones (reading)
OG:Spongebob Andrews (dusseldorf)

DE:yourface in the grass (naples)
DE:bruuuu uuuuce (barcelone)
DT:spank wire (dusseldorf)
DT: Drakovian Destroyer (barcelona)
OLB:Anthony Murdain (reading)
MLB:sand wedge (naples)
OLB:T-Ron bigguns (tauber)
CB:klepto maniac (reading)
CB:glitz pistol (reading)
CB:bat marshall (cologne)
FS:Sleazy P Martini (Tauber)
SS:liberty cherokee (barceloa)

K:james kickfar (cashville)
P:gene hunt (subotica)
KR:Frank Swift (cashville)
PR:Ryan the lion james (reading)

Thanks for putting this together, pretty fun looking at all the stats.

Naples votes
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 17:09:14
QB:Jeff Miszkiewicz Miszkiewicz(Paris)
RB:Shifty Gonzalez(Madrid)
RB:Xavier Van alstyne(Lexington)
FB:T-Money Tapeh(London)
WR:Crack Starr(London)
WR:Omar Epps(Paris)
WR:Steve "Punch Your Face" Smith(Budapest)
TE:Leonel Kuhn(Natal)
OT:The Black Three of Clubs(London)
OT:Bad Day(Zagreb)
C:Snappin DaBalls(Florence)
OG:Will Blocker(London)
OG:John Mathis(Liverpool)

DE:Mo Puuke(Florence)
DE:Barndon Harrold(Florence)
DT:lightening sack(London)
OLB:Grandpa Balls(Florence)
MLB:Mike Taylor(Empire)
OLB:Shin Seijirou.(Jersey)
CB:Calum Davies(Lexington)
CB:Ocho Duece(London)
CB:Farmhand Slim(Budapest)
FS:NIck Correa(Lexington)
SS:Sean Brooks.(Empire)

K:Michael Malone(Indianapolis)
P:Jon Ryan # 9(Empire)
KR:Brown Dye(London)
PR:Rodger Johnson(Florence)

Florence Votes
Aww I'm not a GM for my WEBBB14 team
I ust did this for my WEBBB16 team...


Xavier Van alstyne for Pro Bowl RB!!!
Last edited Dec 8, 2008 19:30:40
I am in the process of doing this, I might still take a day or so. But What would you guys think about giving a point to the top 3 QB in passing yards top 3 RB in yards and top WR in receiving yards Top 3 sack leaders top 3 with most INT top 3 in tackles.

or we could get more in depth and go one point for top player in: Passing TD, Passing yards, Rushing yards, Receiving yards, Receptions, Reception yards, Pancakes, Tackles, Tackles for Loss, Sacks, Hurries, Interceptions, Pat downs etc.

I hope a lot of people make their pro bowl picks. But this might just make it a bit more fun with more points.

Idk if that's such a great idea...

"5. Use stats in your voting sure, but dont base everything completely off this. Look for hugely inflated stats in games, etc. and use things such as: team success, valuability to team. (Example- with LOT's especially, how many sacks did they allow? For all OL look at how many sacks and how many rushing yards the team had not necessarily only pancakes). In essence, vote fairly and put time into it, dont vote blindly otherwise it loses its purpose."

I mean sure a RB may have a TON of yards and TDs but he may not have gotten those yards without his O-line, or if he wasn't going up against a horrible rushing defense.
There are a lot of things to consider when making a Pro Bowl pick =/
Took me like an hour and a half to pick guys from WEBBB16
QB:RolandB Plymill-Naples
RB:Marley Bojangles-Reading
RB:Rufus Hammer-Toledo
FB:Elten John-Toledo
WR:MAximus Catch'N-Dusseldorf
WR:MAximus CAtch'R-Dusseldorf
WR:High Rollo-Naples
TE:Colby Browning-Dusseldorf
OT:Natural ICE Light-Cologne
OT:Blly Bunny-Reading
Cick Richards-Cologne
OG:Carlos Bones-REading
OG:Holger Fuschel-Reading

DE:yourface in the grass -Naples (Law Ton-Dusseldorf, but stupid 5 man limit )
DE:Bruuuuu uuuuuce-Barcelona
DT:Hugo Yugo-Naples
DT:Spank Wire-Dusseldorf
OLB:T-Ron bigguns-Tauber
MLB:Back'em All-Bellingham
OLB:Block'them All-Bellingham
CB:Baxter Serafin-Dusseldorf
CB:Bat Marshall-Cologne
CB:Klepto Maniac (Reading)
FS:Sleazy P Martini -Tauber
SS:Strong'um All-Bellingham

K:James Kickfar-Vashville
P:Gene Hunt-subotica
KR:Frank Swift-Cashville
PR:Ryan the lion James-Reading

hehe 5 man self team nomination was rough...i would of picked 7 of my guys
Redass Ranch
Before this gets to far out of hand, people need to dig a little deeper. For example; Offensive Linemen, for those who have voted for any of Naples Knights linemen, I applaud - for the team has allowed 1 sack on the season, for any of you who have not listed any Windsor linemen well the Flying Turkey's have allowed only two sacks on the season. Please dig deeper than league leaders and player levels.

Thanks for listening, now back to your regular scheduled programing.
Originally posted by bikemania9
Idk if that's such a great idea...

"5. Use stats in your voting sure, but dont base everything completely off this. Look for hugely inflated stats in games, etc. and use things such as: team success, valuability to team. (Example- with LOT's especially, how many sacks did they allow? For all OL look at how many sacks and how many rushing yards the team had not necessarily only pancakes). In essence, vote fairly and put time into it, dont vote blindly otherwise it loses its purpose."

I mean sure a RB may have a TON of yards and TDs but he may not have gotten those yards without his O-line, or if he wasn't going up against a horrible rushing defense.
There are a lot of things to consider when making a Pro Bowl pick =/
Took me like an hour and a half to pick guys from WEBBB16

To add what I was trying to get at was add a point or so to the top players being where their attributes/bars are too. I know looking at the stats of the league a lot of players have only played a few games which shouldn't hurt them because of stats. I am trying to get something a little more complex than just owners/gms voting. It might need a little adjustment on my ideas but it may also make it more fun.

From what Redass said (nice Name!) I agree please do dig deep into the players. I am trying to get players with good builds and not just stats too. I am almost done with my offense and have a windsor linemen on it. I am also trying to get as many teams involved too.
Ok after well over an hour and a half. Here it is

QB: Chick Corea - Duss.
RB: Marley Bojangles - Reading
RB: Rufus Hammer - Tuledo
FB: UPP ATP - Bercelona (great blocking stats)
WR: High Rollo - Naples
WR: Maximus Catch'n - Duss
TE: Stefana Ralle - Reading
OT: Natural Ice Light - Cologen
OT: Chris Charget - Windson
C: Big Cheese - Naples
OG: Yvon Gagne - Reading
OG: Bigg B - Toledo

DE: Bruuuuu uuuce - NBercelona
DE: yourface in the grass - Naples
DT: Hugo yugo - Naples
DT: Brandon Nicolas - Cologne
OLB: Sand Wedge - Naples
MLB: Jazz masta-Jay - Murdurapolis
OLB: T-Ron bigguns - Tauber
CB: Bat Marshall - Cologne
CB: Friday Light - Cologne
CB: Disco Violante - Bercelona
FS: Boing Fwip - Murdurapolis
SS: Safe McSafe - Tauber

K: James Kickfar - Cashville
P: Gene Hunt - Sabotica
KR: Johnny "Pick six" blaze - Bellingham
PR: Wide Recieves - Cologne

and this is the best I was able to find. between stats and abilitys.

There are a few more that were close on my list especially at CB and OT.

Murdurapolis Votes!
Last edited Dec 9, 2008 02:43:50
Originally posted by plymill2002
QB:RolandB Plymill (naples)
RB:Marley Bojangles (reading)
RB:Rufus Hammer (toledo)
FB:Elten John (toledo)
WR:High Rollo (naples)
WR:Maximus Catch'n (dusseldorf)
WR:Maximus Catch'r (dusseldorf)
TE:Mr Possession (naples)
OT:NaturalICE light (cologne)
OT:Billy Bunny (reading)
C: Dick Richards (cologne)
OG:Carlos bones (reading)
OG:Spongebob Andrews (dusseldorf)

DE:yourface in the grass (naples)
DE:bruuuu uuuuce (barcelone)
DT:spank wire (dusseldorf)
DT: Drakovian Destroyer (barcelona)
OLB:Anthony Murdain (reading)
MLB:sand wedge (naples)
OLB:T-Ron bigguns (tauber)
CB:klepto maniac (reading)
CB:glitz pistol (reading)
CB:bat marshall (cologne)
FS:Sleazy P Martini (Tauber)
SS:liberty cherokee (barceloa)

K:james kickfar (cashville)
P:gene hunt (subotica)
KR:Frank Swift (cashville)
PR:Ryan the lion james (reading)

Thanks for putting this together, pretty fun looking at all the stats.

Naples votes

Smart man right here. Any votes that don't include Glitz Pistol CB, should be null and void!
If people want to mix votes in with some other point system we can. This is just the model that was used in another forum that I am a part of and seems to work pretty well. If there is a reasonable system that other people have seen work, I am all for it.

As for what Redass is talking about, he is absolutely correct. This whole system is based on participation so if you only look at the leader boards to make your picks that's fine but taking a few minutes to make sure you have the best guys up there is greatly appreciated. When I did my votes for the other Forum, I made sure the team of the Olinemen I chose had low sack allowed numbers. Checking and seeing if a running back has good receiving numbers is also an important thing.

Bikemania9 have redraven make you a GM or even just have him approve you as one of his votes. If owners want to make some of their agents proxy's for this, I think that would be fine too. The more votes the better this process will be. Any qualms with that?

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