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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #3 > Game of the century: Clavenhouse vs. Walleye
Like two speeding trains on the same track, eventually this was bound to happen. Undefeated Walleye and undefeated Clavenhouse will meet in what ultimately should be the most hotly contested game in Canada A3 season 6. Both teams have been fighting one another and climbing the standing since their introduction in A3 over three season ago. Almost mirror images of one another both combine elite players at critical positions (namely Kelly vs. Marino) and savvy game planning to produce many upsets on their path to the top. Now they have both arrived at the top of the mountain and it time for one behemoth to knock the other one off. In what could ultimately prove to be the first step to a championship and a promotion to AA, these teams will battle for first place and the chance to continue a perfect season. Tune in to find out who the best of the best is.

Hint: It's Clavenhouse.
After being in A for so long how many games have these two teams played vs one another?
haleykrl DTD
Well, I am a big fan of the Clan,but I would have to put my money on the Walleye in a close one
Any truth to the rumor that most of the Clan were taking Starcaps and will be suspended for 4 games? Cheating bastards!
it's gonna be a close game, no higher than 40pts at best

I predict Walleyes by 17
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
it's gonna be a close game, no higher than 40pts at best

I predict Walleyes by 17

So we would be looking at something like 28-11. That would put a big smile on my face! I think it is going to be an extremely tough game. I'm not going to jinx us with a prediction or smack talk.

Jsin is not going to like this lack of respect for the Clan!
Last edited Dec 6, 2008 09:18:04
Originally posted by haleykrl
Well, I am a big fan of the Clan,but I would have to put my money on the Walleye in a close one

You said this same exact thing when we played the Wildcats, I'm starting to think you aren't a big fan of us.

I think Walleye's will pull this one out in a close one.
Originally posted by Billsman
After being in A for so long how many games have these two teams played vs one another?

Season 3- 27-7 win by Clavenhouse (MVP- Alex Steelz HB CC)
Season 4- 27-23 win by Clavenhouse (MVP- Flash Eighty WR CC)
Season 5- 40-10 win by Clavenhouse (MVP- Hank L. Breaker HB CC)
3 Seasons of Being in the A together and neither of you guys moved up? Not a good look... After reviewing previous season, you guys are entirely different than what you were last season. Both 3x stronger. It's going to be a GREAT game and I look forward to it. FTR; I've spotted holes in your games...they're NOT easy to pin point if you don't review plays wisely. One team w/ more...but I won't say who as I don't wanna put anyone into a frenzy trying to fix it this late in the season w/ strong opponents ahead. I spotted them myself when we played...but I lacked the players to exploit the both have the talent to get it done. He/She who exploits the weaker points will win.

Walleys +17 - Clavenhouse lead into the 2nd half. Momentum build for Walleyes in 2nd half, Clavenhouse turnover will cost the game, I'm guessing late in the 3rd. Clavenhouse will post an aggressive comeback, but due to incomplete passes being rushed, and lack of + yds on the ground, will force quick drives. Walleyes will play small ball w/ the lead consuming the clock picking up just enough to force consecutive 1sts.

^ Detailed Prediction...Let's see how close I become.
Nobody moved up after our first season which was really only 8 games. They gave us teams half way through the season. The Walleye had a dissapointing end to last season and made sure we corrected some issues. We also had some really strong teams last season in A3. I like you guys, but hope to be a visitor to the A3 forums next season!
Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
3 Seasons of Being in the A together and neither of you guys moved up? Not a good look

most people dont realise that there was no promotion/relegation in our first season since we only got half a season. and in the second season only 2 teams move up/down. it wasnt till last season was there a massive movement of teams moving up and down leagues
Yeah I'm a little surprised at how short peoples' memories seem to be. Also don't forget that we have always had some REALLY good teams and been a very competitive league. Several of the top teams of Canada AA#2 are A#3 grads (including the league leading KC Rams... but there's even more history there).

Edit: Upon reflection, maybe I shouldn't say that their memories are short... maybe just that they assume too much and start talking trash when they really don't understand what's been happening here the last few seasons.
Last edited Dec 6, 2008 15:00:47
hahaha....I'm having "Bill'isms" haha...I say one thing and the leagues after me, haha

Boy have I been attracting negative company awfully quick these past couple days.

I apologize...I'll be the first to admit; I've never participated on a team that's stayed in one league longer than two seasons. So I don't know what you've went through...

Originally posted by kevith
Edit: Upon reflection, maybe I shouldn't say that their memories are short... maybe just that they assume too much and start talking trash when they really don't understand what's been happening here the last few seasons.

If this is in ANY way directed towards me, I'll add my peace now;

Why hello, first time I've seen you around this piece...If you'd get your head out of your a** you'd know I'm the LAST person to be an honest trash talker. I've "trash talked" MAYBE twice this season...but that's where I've drawn the line...So you MAY wanna re-edit that statement if it was directed towards me, b.c I NEVER said anything negative about "staying in a league w/ the same teams multiple seasons".

Originally posted by BobbyBlackk
3 Seasons of Being in the A together and neither of you guys moved up? Not a good look...
Nothing negative about ANY team in that statement...It's open ended comment. If I meant "bad" by it I would have ended w/ a laughing, laughing at the subject. But I ended w/ ... meaning no expression in the end of what I said. SO MAYBE next time you come up w/ some snide remark you come at me correct and use that thing above your shoulders, stop and think it over. I've been pretty fair w/ every team inside these forums, aside from the ladies over in Northern, haha, but everyone else yes...I'd be the last person to "trash" another team. I've made several compliments about your team...may serve you some "knowledge" to read up on the posts before Thanx
Originally posted by jearnst
I like you guys, but hope to be a visitor to the A3 forums next season!

Don't tell CWCApper that.. although he's probably too busy trying to figure out how he lost to the Wizards.. LOL
thinking back there was a lot of really good teams that have moved up to AA

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