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Forum > Europe West BBB Leagues > Europe West BBB #15 > Alpha Playoff Projections - Week 12
By and in large, the top of the league held serve this round, so not much changes, but the clock keeps ticking on the teams that were on life support,which lead to a couple of alarms ringing the end of hopes...

- Assume a win against any CPU run team
- Assume a win against any team behind you by more than 3 games (so a 7-4 team assumes a victory against a 3-8 team, but a 4-7 team still has a shot).

No additional teams clinched this round, so we're left with 3:

- 12-0 record
- 2 Assumed safe wins ( Iberville, London A)
- Questionable Games: Shadow (15) Koln (16)
- Projected final record: 15-1
- Worst Case: 14-2
- Best case: 16-0

- 11-1 Record
- 4 Assumed safe wins (South Y, Montana, Dinwiddie, Henry)
- 0 Questionable games
- Projected Final Record 15-1
- Worst Case: 15-1
- Best Case: 15-1

- 11-1 record
- 2 Assumed Safe Wins (Oslo, Buffalo)
- 2 Questionable Games: London M (13), Helsniki (15)
- Projected Final Record: 14-2
- Best case: 15-1
- Worst Case: 13-3

Two more teams joined the mathematically eliminated list:
Ukraine A (3-9)
Iberville (3-9)

Joining the three already out,
Buffalo (0-12)
Montana (1-11)
Manchester (1-11)
brings us to 5 teams eliminated

2 teams are still mathematically alive, but need to run the board to make it, which looks unlikely

Henry Patriots - 8 losses and a game against Reykjavik to go leaves them a bit short...but a sweep would get them to 8-8, which still *might* make it if all goes perfectly

London Apes - 5-7 would give them a shot, but CPU control dooms them to a 5-11 final record.

That leaves 6 teams fighting for 5 spots, here they are, ordered by decreasing probability of making it:

London Marlins:
Record: 9-3
Assumed Safe Wins: 1 (Manchester)
Questionable Games: 3 Shadow(13), Koln(14), Oslo (16)
Assumed Losses: 0
Projected Final Record: 11.5-4.5
Best Case: 13-3
Worst Case: 10-6
Odds of making playoffs: 90%

Koln Prowlers
Record: 8-4
Assumed Safe Wins: 1 (Manchester)
Questionable Games: 3 London M (14), Oslo (15), Helsinki (16)
Assumed Losses: 0
Projected Final Record: 10.5-5.5
Best Case: 12-4
Worst Case: 9-7
Odds of making playoffs: 80%

South Yorkshire Scorpions
Record: 7-5
Assumed Safe Wins: 2 (Manchester, Montana)
Questionable Games: 1 (Dinwiddie 16)
Assumed Losses: 1 (Reykjavik)
Projected Final Record: 9.5-6.5
Best Case: 10-6
Worst Case: 9-7
Odds of making playoffs: 70%

Record: 7-5
Assumed Safe Wins: 1 (London A)
Questionable Games: 2 (Koln 15, London M 16)
Assumed Losses: 1 (Shadow)
Projected Final Record: 9-7
Best Case: 10-6
Worst Case: 8-8
Odds of making playoffs: 60%

Copenhagen Vikings
Record: 6-6
Assumed Safe Wins: 2 (Iberville, London A)
Questionable Games: 2 (Dinwiddie, Henry)
Assumed Losses: 0
Projected Final Record: 9-7
Best Case: 10-6
Worst Case: 8-8
Odds of making playoffs: 60%

Dinwiddie Dustdevils
Record: 7-5
Assumed Safe Wins: 1 (Ukraine)
Questionable Games: 2 (Copenhagen, South Y)
Assumed Losses: 1 (Reykjavik)
Projected Final Record: 9-7
Best Case: 10-6
Worst Case: 8-8
Odds of making playoffs: 60%
Games to watch that will impact who makes it and who misses out on the playoff money:

Week 13:
Copenhagen Vikings vs Dinwiddie Dustdevils: The winner probably cinches the #8 spot at worst. The loser is looking at a long offseason without some major help.

Week 14:
Henry Patriots vs. Copenhagen Vikings: Henry's out of it, but could make a lot of friends in Dinwiddie, Oslo, and South Yorkshire with an upset here.

Week 15:
Helsinki Coyotes vs. Shadow Rattlers: Major rumble at the top of the food chain. Playoff seeding is determined here.

Koln Prowlers vs. Oslo Lions: Koln might be coasting by now, Oslo will still be fighting, as any loss could be fatal.

Week 16:
London Marlins vs. Oslo Lions: London should be in Cruise Control. Oslo might be spending more time watching the scoreboard of...

South Yorkshire Scorpions vs. Dinwiddie Dustdevils. If the schedule plays to form, Yorkshire will be 9-6, Dinwiddie will be either 9-6 or 8-7. The winner is in cleanly, the loser hopes Oslo chokes.
Lets go Marlins
dusties kill against copenhagen in an easy one

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