Strength: 76.88 (72.88) Blocking: 73.47 (73.47)
Speed: 13.07 (10.07) Tackling: 15.94
Agility: 48.09 Throwing: 8
Jumping: 8 Catching: 8
Stamina: 28.74 (22.74) Carrying: 9
Vision: 28.13 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 51.66 Punting: 8
SAs are all 0.
Just about finishing the build. Currently rotating training between spd/stam, spd/agi, and agi/vis. I plan to train speed to about 30, capping vis, and possibly taking agi to 60.
I'm currently contemplating finally spending some points in SAs, and am interested in the first 4, Pass Block/Strong Arm and Run Block/Get Low.
So here are the options I'm hoping to get some feedback on
1) Hold off on SAs, save the sp, and just cap vis as soon as possible
2) Hold off on SAs, save the sp and double cap agi as soon as possible.
3) Take Run Block and Pass block to 2, Strong Arm to 2, and Get Low to 4
4) Take Run Block to 5.
5) Run Block to 2, Get Low to 4.
any thoughts?
<edit> yes, I know my eq is messed up. I'm nearing completion, but I'm not there yet, so I'm fine with having my eq be less than maximum efficiency.</edit>
Strength: 76.88 (72.88) Blocking: 73.47 (73.47)
Speed: 13.07 (10.07) Tackling: 15.94
Agility: 48.09 Throwing: 8
Jumping: 8 Catching: 8
Stamina: 28.74 (22.74) Carrying: 9
Vision: 28.13 Kicking: 8
Confidence: 51.66 Punting: 8
SAs are all 0.
Just about finishing the build. Currently rotating training between spd/stam, spd/agi, and agi/vis. I plan to train speed to about 30, capping vis, and possibly taking agi to 60.
I'm currently contemplating finally spending some points in SAs, and am interested in the first 4, Pass Block/Strong Arm and Run Block/Get Low.
So here are the options I'm hoping to get some feedback on
1) Hold off on SAs, save the sp, and just cap vis as soon as possible
2) Hold off on SAs, save the sp and double cap agi as soon as possible.
3) Take Run Block and Pass block to 2, Strong Arm to 2, and Get Low to 4
4) Take Run Block to 5.
5) Run Block to 2, Get Low to 4.
any thoughts?
<edit> yes, I know my eq is messed up. I'm nearing completion, but I'm not there yet, so I'm fine with having my eq be less than maximum efficiency.</edit>
Last edited Nov 30, 2008 17:15:02