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Tminus 12hrs 30minutes until the greatest show on earth is in full effect, and we finally find out who the cream of the crop is in A3.

My prediction - B's by 35.
35! Good lord thats alot. Our combined D's so far have let up 16 points per game between the two of us. I think this game is going to have a total of 40 points scored combined.

My prediction 20-17 UG.
There is a reason we won this leagues championship two seasons ago - going against higher level competition mind you. We have great depth, great player builds and great coordinators who put together a great AI for each game. I may be wrong but I hope I'm right.
Originally posted by biekdafreak
Tminus 12hrs 30minutes until the greatest show on earth is in full effect, and we finally find out who the cream of the crop is in A3.

My prediction - B's by 35.

35 points. Thurman Tecmo will die for this insult.

EDIT: Just noticed you guys had some boosters before tonight's game as your overall ratings jumped to 51. I'm honored. Clearly you all weren't too confident of the 35 point victory.
Last edited Nov 28, 2008 11:17:00
Heh, gotta love that. Smack talk - wait a minute, we're not that much better than them even though we should be because we were promoted out of this league a while ago....BOOST EVERYONE ALL HANDS ON DECK.

This game can't come soon enough. Regardless of who wins, I think it's clear that Triple B either overvalues themselves, or undervalues the whole of Canada A5.
I would rather not be here, and it's not our fault that we got moved back down. We went 16-6 last season in AA3 and made the playoffs in our first season there against a solid league.

Anyways, the only person who might have boosted was my center and the only reason I did that was because I got free flex points. I didn't go out of my way to boost. This game means nothing other than the winner has bragging rights. The real games start come playoff time.

You act like we posted a thread in our forums, HEY EVERYONE BOOST, WE'RE GONNA NEED IT. Not the case, in fact our forums are somewhat dead aside from a few regulars. And I'm pretty sure we've been ranked 51 for a week or so now. Maybe something is wrong with your GLB.
Originally posted by biekdafreak
I would rather not be here, and it's not our fault that we got moved back down. We went 16-6 last season in AA3 and made the playoffs in our first season there against a solid league.

Anyways, the only person who might have boosted was my center and the only reason I did that was because I got free flex points. I didn't go out of my way to boost. This game means nothing other than the winner has bragging rights. The real games start come playoff time.

You act like we posted a thread in our forums, HEY EVERYONE BOOST, WE'RE GONNA NEED IT. Not the case, in fact our forums are somewhat dead aside from a few regulars. And I'm pretty sure we've been ranked 51 for a week or so now. Maybe something is wrong with your GLB.

Incorrect, ranked 48 as of last night. No worries man, it is cool, you boosted some players, so what.
Ok well you're probably right, I hadn't really paid attention much to our rankings. This season has been kind of boring with all the blow outs and over matching so many teams. I wish the league was filled with more teams like ours, but it isn't.

I'm really not sure who else boosted, I know I boosted my C but if anyone else did they didn't make a post about it, and I really don't look at everyone's level that closly. But it's understandable with everyone receiving free flex points. I'm sure a bunch of people boosted players in every league.

But it'll be a great game, I wish it were sooner. Good luck to your team.
You were actually 48 as early as this morning. I checked out the matchup when I signed on to train up all my guys. This game is actually more important than braggin rights. It'll decide the playoff trees we'll be taking. The winner will likely take the #1 spot for playoff seeding, and face off against the +4 seed (likely Irukandji) in the second round of the playoffs. The loser and likely 2nd seed will end up facing off against the #3 seed, likely the Xmen.

It'll most likely just be easy street to the Conference finals vs a tough game first, but that's still important.
KU fan, who starts tonight, Thurman Tecmo or the new RB you guys just picked up. I'd start the new guy, he looks good.
Originally posted by biekdafreak
Tminus 12hrs 30minutes until the greatest show on earth is in full
effect, and we finally find out who the cream of the crop is in A3.

My prediction - B's by 35.

Sorry I was reading over this again...did you mean to post this in a differetn forum? Whos in A3?
We were in AA3 last season. Who cares? You know what I meant. I made a pretty good prediction, 29pts wasn't far off. Good luck in A5 next season - you won't have to worry about us.
Originally posted by biekdafreak
We were in AA3 last season. Who cares? You know what I meant. I made a pretty good prediction, 29pts wasn't far off. Good luck in A5 next season - you won't have to worry about us.

Did you know you were bringing in 4 ringers before you made that prediction? I'd like to say I'm not sour, but when a team picks up 4 people hours before a game....namely a kicker that made 2 50+ FGs and a star HB that scored 3 tds...I'm sour.
Last edited Nov 28, 2008 21:14:45
I'll admit I'm sour but if you take all the points the 2 guys got. 10 from the kicker and 18 from the RB it was still a loss.

I was actually not sure you meant to post that here. So F U in the ass.
Originally posted by biekdafreak
We were in AA3 last season. Who cares? You know what I meant. I made a pretty good prediction, 29pts wasn't far off. Good luck in A5 next season - you won't have to worry about us.

How flawed is that entire statement lol? Dude, you brought in four guys just in time to play this game, of those four they accounted for a total 28 points and you won by 29? I figured us to be a 17pt or so underdog which was probably dead on prior to you upgrading nearly 1/5(18% to be exact) of your starters.

We shut down the guys you used to pound the rest of the league but could do little against the others. You played within the rules and we lost, no biggy.

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