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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Swift Predictions for Zeta Game 6
I'll be back with my write-up about the games, but at the moment I have a severe headache thanks to the pounding from the Swillers today. A few drinks tonight will help, then I'll be back tomorrow to update the posting with the write-ups about each game. Another week of 6-2 for Swift's predictions, bringing the season up to 17-7.

Here are the point spreads for this week if you are going to play in the Pick 'Em game. Be sure to look at the spreads listed in the selection thread, because close games will have the line moved 1/2 point one way or the other to avoid possible ties. If you want to play, make sure you are registered in the thread about the Pick 'Em game so I don't miss you, and then post your selections in the "Zeta Pick 'Em Game 6 Selections" thread (

Game 6 Predictions

Wellington Assassins (5-0) vs Saipan Stingrays (1-4)
Looking for something to say about this game.... I'm speechless. This will be the epitome of an assassination as the Stingrays will be behind in the first 1:30 of the game and they will never know what hit them, just that they were hit. The only issue here is will Saipan be able to score again? Surprisingly, they have only been shut out once. I think at the end of the day, the Stingrays continue their streak of finding a way to score in the midst of a slaughter. Wellington by by 217, 220-3.

Perth Pirates (4-1) vs Chippewa Predators (0-5)
Annoucement: As the Perth Pirates play 'Pewa Predators, please place all plastic packages politely in the recycling bin. Plank pou. (Oh, and spit towels are available for those who need them!) Pirates and Indians.... hmmm, I thought it was Cowboys and Indians! I think the Indians are in the wrong place, definitely at the wrong time as the perky Pirates plunder the Predators (sorry, it just keeps happening. I feel like that carton cat that was always spraying spit everywhere!). Back to the game, oh it's over...just that fast. Perth by 203, 203-0.

Olden Swillers (4-1) vs DECATUR STALEYS (4-1)
The spotlight game of the week. Olden is coming off of their victory against the Devils and looking to cement their place as a top team in the conference. DECATUR put a sound whoopin' on DHARMA and are on a 3 game winning streak. My guess is that this is an old style smash mouth football game. Whoever wins the trenches, wins the game. Both teams force lots of fumbles, so this one could come down to who can produce the turnover at the opportune time to seal the game. Olden wins by 3 in the best game of the day. 30-27

Devonport Devils (4-1) vs Newcastle Dream (3-2)
Another good game this week, is the matchup of the Devils vs the Dream. Devonport is licking their wounds after being beaten by the Swillers in a tough fought game by the Swillers and a careless one by the Devils. Devonport is anxious to get back onto the winning side and hold it's position in the rankings. The Dream are on a 2 game winning streak, but haven't played any one of the old teams from AA #4, so they aren't quite sure how to judge themselves yet. So will it be a dream for Newcastle full of lollypops and gingerbread men or a nightmare full of Devils at every turn? In this one, the Devils win by 7, 28-21.

Sydney Sea Wasps (4-1) vs Intergalactic Sub-Mariners (1-4)
Hmmm, jelly fish and the Sub-Mariner! It sure sounds like a Sub-Mariner should beat up on some jelly fish, but those Sydney jelly fish must be something special as they will put a serious sting on the Intergalactic variety of Sub-Mariners. The Sea Wasps will win easily, keeping their place as #2, while the Sub-Mariners just plain go Sub-Zeta. Sydney by 85, 95-10.

Newcastle Mountain Lions (4-1) vs DHARMA Initiative (0-5)
These Newcastle Mountain Lions appear to be quieter species than the ones we encountered last season. Perhaps they have been studying stealth in the off-season. Whatever the case, it won't take much initiative to take this game, as this is another landslide. DHARMA, oh DHARMA, where art thou my DHARMA? Newcastle roars and takes the Initiative by 156, 159-3.

Redcliffe Sharks (2-3) vs Alaska Wild (1-4)
Alaska Wild, if you want to make a statement that you belong in AA #4 Zeta, you better do so soon. You can't play Chippewa every game. You are going to have to prove yourselves against someone else. Will this be your game? Nope. The Sharks are circling because they smell blood. They are fighting to get back to 500. It doesn't matter where these Sharks call home, Redcliffe, Cape Town, Barcelona or Kansas City (land shark variety), they will feel right at home in Alaska and will have a feast. Redcliffe takes the bait, the day, and the Wild, by 90, 100-10 (That seems to be the Wild's favorite number. If they could just keep an opponent to 3, then they would win!).

Apia Evil (2-3) vs Hamilton Falcons (2-3)
Finally, another quality game in a day filled win many non-contests. Two teams each at 2-3, fighting to see who can stay in the playoff race and who is just road kill. Apia, after losing two straight, needs to get back on track and think they can pluck the Falcons. Hamilton has lost three straight. They've got two easy ones coming up, but would like to start the winning streak this week. Hmmm, who's it going to be, who's it going to be,... the pressure of it all. In the end, good always triumphs over evil (except when it doesn't) and the Falcons fly high over Apia. Hamilton by 3, 24-21.
Last edited Nov 20, 2008 13:52:17
Have fun Wellington!
yes, yes.
Game of the weeks looks to be the OLDEN/DECATUR contest, game should be fun to watch, I expect both teams to bring their A games, probably would have to go with Decatur if I were going to bet.

I dont think the Apia/Hamilton game will be close and I expect Devonport to work over the dream after getting upset by Olden today.
Originally posted by RedskinOne

I dont think the Apia/Hamilton game will be close and I expect Devonport to work over the dream after getting upset by Olden today.

I don't know that I would call it an upset, but I do know that I am upset about it

Originally posted by Plankton

I don't know that I would call it an upset, but I do know that I am upset about it

Gotta work on those special teams.
Going to be an interesting week. Two great games, and a few teams can take a breather!
Another great one here too. We are getting spoiled to ESPN's kind of coverage, lol, this is great to read, all of them...
Sorry about the delay in the write-up, but here it is at last. Hope you all enjoy!
Great write up
Dear Heavenly Father Above,

I am a follower of Evil, and beg for your mercy. Please shine down upon us this very beautiful Friday afternoon, and lead us to victory. I realize our team name is Evil, and we sacrifice goats for pleasure, but we could use your mojo to help us through this difficult time as a team. To compensate you for your good deed, we shall send you a private jet full of playboy bunnies, a jug of grappa, and a pack of smokes.

I am praying that the hot chicks just SPREAD THE PINK!!!
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka
I am praying that the hot chicks just SPREAD THE PINK!!!

Somebody finally got what my username means.
Originally posted by SpreadThePink
Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka

I am praying that the hot chicks just SPREAD THE PINK!!!

Somebody finally got what my username means.

Oh no, I got it. I've just chosen to ignore it.
Originally posted by Spicy LadyFriend
Originally posted by SpreadThePink

Originally posted by Chief Bootnaka

I am praying that the hot chicks just SPREAD THE PINK!!!

Somebody finally got what my username means.

Oh no, I got it. I've just chosen to ignore it.

Get ready for DECATUR to spread the offense!

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