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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Week 4 East Predictions.
I think we are all getting a better feel for the league at this point. We really don't have a ton of good matchups this week.

USAORG Exiles vs. Eleven Wise Monkeys

Well it isn't getting any easier for the Exiles. The good news for the Exiles is that they have already played 3 teams that will most likely end up in the East playoffs. After this week their games should get a little closer.

What is there to say about the Monkeys that hasn't already been said? I think as the weeks go by that Seattle win is going to look better and better. Like I said before the game against the Storm Surge, pick your poison. Last game the Monkeys QB Happy Madison throws for 279.5 yards, and their HB Big Red Stomper runs for 272.5 yards. That''s called balance, and what will make the Monkeys one of the toughest teams to stop. They spread the wealth in their passing game, and I haven't even got into their defense. This one won't be close....Eleven Wise 108-10

Home Town Shockers vs. Bristol Bullets

Bristol comes into this game breathing a sigh of relief. I had a feeling Compton could give them a game, but that was really close. Either way a win is a win, and I wise coach once said "Ole ugly is better than ole nuthin." At least Bristol won't have to wait until the 4th quarter to know who won this one.

The only thing that is shocking about this Home Town team is how bad their offense has been. In two of their games they gained 67 yards and 105 total yards. They also have gone for negative yards rushing in two of their games as well. They really aren't this bad, and I wonder if they are sandbagging. Their team just doesn't look this bad on paper.

Who knows, but what we do know is that Bristol is good. Jim "Fireball" Brown comes into this game having run for 182.5 yards in his last game. As impressive as that might sound what's even more impressive is his 8.3 ypc average in that game. In the two most competitive games Bristol has played this year they went over 480 yards in each game. They will easily do that today, and I predict it will probably be closer to 700 yards of total offense. Easy win tonight for Bristol....Bristol 65-7

Space Coast Storm Surge vs. New York Warriors

NYW is one of the better teams in the East, and got back on track with a blowout win over a good Megatropolis team. The Warriors are looking to take their record to 3-1, and play what would be a huge week 5 game against Louisville.

The Storm Surge are like the guy on the side of the mountain trying to find something to grip. I can't say it enough how good of a job they have done building this team back up, and to fully appreciate it you would have had to seen what he inherited. Either way they are trying to find a signature win early this season. It would give them a sign of hope after being outscored in the first 3 games by a combined score of 190-34. They just haven't been able to get anything going offensively.

It doesn't get any easier against the Warriors. Everything revolves around their QB Josh Chambers. Chambers goes for 347.3 ypg in the air. In two of their games the Storm Surge have given up a combined 835 yards in the air. The combination of these two things makes you call this game big. Warriors 56-10

Colorado Storm vs. Columbus Buckeyes

These games aren't getting any more competitive. The Buckeyes are rolling, and the Storm is reeling. The Storm have been outscored 383-36. Their whole defense is made up of CPU players except for one guy that hasn't signed in since 10/26. The same can be said for the offense. Hopefully they are trying to recruit some players, but for now things just aren't going to change much for them.

The Buckeyes come into this game averaging 389 yards per game on the ground. The have a stable in their backfield and all 3 of their HB's go over 100 yards per game. There is nothing the Storm can do to stop this team. This one will be another blowout....Buckeyes 143-10

Miami Sharks vs. Seattle Reign

The Sharks have had a rough go of things lately. They were tied with Columbus at the half before getting outscored 24-7 in the 2nd half. This team is better than their record. No one should overlook the Sharks, and they can look forward to their schedule becoming much more manageable after Eleven Wise.

I still think Seattle is going to end up being one of the better teams in the East. Their record sits at 1-2, but this is another team that is much better than what their record shows. They can really make a statement tonight with a big win against the Sharks. I know the Sharks already know what they can look forward to tonight, but Mack Walters comes into this game throwing for 356.8 ypg. He is completing basically 62% of his passes, and has thrown for 10 TD's compare to 3 int.'s. That's enough to account for but Seattle doesn't stop there. They have a great HB in "Handsome" Rob. The guy is a workhouse. He carries the ball 37 times per game, and goes for 210.3 yards per game.

Not to be outdone the Sharks bring their own balanced attack into this game. Their QB Sammy "The Samurai" Slade throws for 268.3 yards per game. He completes over 60% of his passes, and has thrown for 5 TD's. Just like the Buckeyes these guys have their own stable. Tyrone "Tank" Jackson goes for over 170 yards per game, and his stablemate Adrian Petrerson goes for almost 160 a game.

This one could be a shootout. Both these teams have a chance to get a big win tonight. This is one of those that could have huge playoff implications by the end of the season. I really like the Sharks on paper like I have said all year, but I like what Seattle does on the field. This is easily one of the better games of the week. Seattle 45-31

Compton 'nilla Wafers vs. Oregon Ducks

This is one of the more familiar matchups in the East. Compton comes into this game having built a little momentum even in their loss. I am sure they aren't/weren't looking for a moral victory the other night, but that game couldn't help but make them feel somewhat optimistic. They hung with what will easily be a playoff team. We will see how that translates this week. Oregon is a great team, and ever since they have been in this league have brought great game planning.

I don't know if you can have great fundamentals in this game, but that is what Oregon's team has always reminded me of. They call Tim Duncan "The Big Fundamental" and that is exactly what I think about when Oregon comes to mind. They just do so many things right. It all starts with Knob McDude. Knob is ridiculously good. All he has done so far is throw for 613.8 ypg, 27 TD's to 2 int's. and complete 75% of his passes. Go back and read that again just so it can really sink in. McDude has a 13.5 to 1 TD to int. ratio. They don't run a whole lot because they don't have to, but their HB's still average over 6 ypc.

Compton's schedule is just brutal. They have a much easier schedule the back half of the season. It's important that they steal one of these games just to give them a chance for the playoffs. They were really well balanced in their last game. Michael Robinson was efficient in the passing game, and their HB Ubinge Badawilla ran for 125 yards and 6.3 yards per carry. If they can maintain that balance tonight and Robinson be effective they could have a chance.

I just think it is going to be tough to stop that offense of the Ducks. The Ducks have yet to be challenged this year, and I don't see this being the game. Maybe Compton can surprise two weeks in a row, but on paper the Ducks win almost every time. Ducks 41-17

Megatropolis Tigers vs. Louisville Nighthawks

After getting our ass kicked in the 2nd half against the Nighthawks I can say that I am pretty familiar with this team. I still don't know what to think of this Megatropolis team. I think they are a good team, but I certainly didn't expect the blowout against the Warriors.

The Nighthawks are looking to bring their record to 4-0 before a big matchup with NYW. The Warriors moved the ball against the Tigers in the air, and that plays right into the hands of the Nighthawks. Their QB's combine for 429.8 yards per game, and their main QB Snake Stablerr completes over 70% of his passes for 260 ypg. They also have two HB' that each go for 78 ypg. Both average over 7 ypc, and give you something else to account for.

The Tigers try to do most of their damage on the ground. Gwen "Legs" Stefani has run for over 1200 yards already and averages over 9 ypc. French Lick had success running the ball 54 times for 270.5 yards. That equals 5 ypc, but the problem is if they get a stop. Their passing attack looked like that of Texas Tech. You get down, and your running game becomes useless. You have to keep up with this team, or win the game with TOP. Their ability to score quick is what killed French Lick.

I think that the Nighthawks will move to 4-0, and set up what will be a game of the week type game against the Warriors. Nighthawks 49-24

This write up came from Vortus of the Nighthawks. I don't like to do my own game, and he sent this to me the other night:

French Lick Dirty Whorns vs. TCC's Wax-Bustin Warriors

TCC is a solid team up and down the depth Chart that have not really been tested. The Whorns have solid players, but are lacking depth. It will come down to ball control, depth and who can stop who's rushing attack. The Whorns have a pretty stingy run defense, but they are facing the #3 rushing team in the league. At first, this game will be close. Both teams rushing attacks are too strong to stop when they are fresh. TCC's balance and depth will wear them down in the end.

TCC 58-17

Luke 28
Nice predictions, good read again
Very detailed write ups! Thank you for taking the time to do them.
Love these write-ups. Great job and please continue to do them...they add alot to the league.
thanks for the write-ups...
Great write ups.........BUT..........Us Buckeyes are more of a Passing team to be honest....
Thanks for the write up!
Wow I need to start reading the A#1 forums Nice Write-Up.
I'm waiting to hear what you have to say about my Defense next week
Originally posted by SteelersFanatic
Wow I need to start reading the A#1 forums Nice Write-Up.
I'm waiting to hear what you have to say about my Defense next week

I can't wait til next season when you guys are moved up.
we decided if we move up we are trading back down! we cant live without the ducks! guducks!!!
Good Game French Lick!

And I think TCC may have a say in who wins this thing!
ive always shied away from bulletin board material since i started but have had the same message for what? 3 or 4 seasons now? and you have yet to win anything? i guess at the end of the season we will know if you are being a prophet or, well, just yourself
Originally posted by mykel
ive always shied away from bulletin board material since i started but have had the same message for what? 3 or 4 seasons now? and you have yet to win anything? i guess at the end of the season we will know if you are being a prophet or, well, just yourself

I am just trying to get my team some credibility. Whenever there are playoff talks, we are never included.

I guess you don't remember the 1 point win you guys had against us in the first round of the playoffs 2 years ago. When we were only the 8 seed .

I think you do.

Not trying to talk smack, that is not what I'm about, just trying to give my team some cred
I do not believe I will lead the league this year for yards and TDs. Some teams just play too weak of competition.
I think I may have to give you access to my forums where I think I still have the post where I posted that we were going to experiment on a few things in the playoffs. Regardless, you lost in that game, we didn't....

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