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I am very sorry to have to do this to everyone, I wanted to try and keep the team at a high level but with the departures of this offseason and my GM and the guy that I trusted most on the games departure along with all of his players I am unable to fill the slots on my team. I have zero depth and I was unable to sign replacements. The activity level on salem has basically dropped to zero and I am unable to get anyone new to join us. I am going to do a complete rebuild and just have 50 of my own players on the team.

I am going to be a slow build team and thus we will be very low level and get destroyed this season and demoted but we weren't going to be very good without any depth anyway.

I hope to be back in a few seasons after the rebuild but without any of the GMs that helped run the defense and scout its going to be hard.
Sorry to hear that bud, we're going through similar issues but hoping to fight our way through it. Good luck.

That really sucks man. Having been in the same league with you guys for the past 4 seasons and watching you progress from nothing to one of the top teams in the league, I was really impressed. Sorry that it had to end that way for you guys when you were at your best. Best of luck.

Well that's pretty crappy whenever a team implodes. It's hard to find good teammates who are true to your team's mission to build together and win together. Destin is in a position where it feels like a turnstyle, and I don't know if we can ever be a top tier roster because we constantly have to replace portions of the roster as players go inactive or get an itch up their ass to go to another team. Good luck Salem.
I really disliked teams that the owner owned over half of the players. Not anymore after being an owner for awhile. Like teamriots was saying about players leaving, atleast a few players seem to leave us every season(mainly for their own/friends team) and trying to replace them can get tiring. I can see why you would want to own all the players. You don't have to deal with all the people you don't know. They could want out at any moment for a bunch of different reasons. Good luck with the rebuilding.
Good luck brother, you ran a great team.
Yeah teams comprised of players all under the owner's control are hard to beat, I can tell you that from experience If you have the resources, time, and energy to do it, though, then I don't blame a team owner for taking that route - especially if winning and competing is the only reason you're in it.

Replacing players is tiresome, and the GLB market is difficult because players receive a large number of offers and PMs.
I didn't want to do this, I really enjoyed running a team with other owners.. I just can't replace what we are losing every season. Last season we lost 5-6 players and I brought my own players in to replace them, luckily I had enough high level players to do it.. this season we lost another 10-12 guys and I don't have the high level guys to replace them. I enjoyed competing against everyone and wish I could find the guys that wanted to join a high level team with a track record of winning. I offered more contracts than I could count and pmed many more and there just wasn't any interest.
well we added 5 new players and lost 4 old ones, but it was a real struggle to acquire those players. I had to aim for lvl 22, 23's who seemed like quality players. I got very lucky because they all are good teammates. I don't think they understand how indebted I feel! And I don't even own the team, but I run the defense so I have to have good players to maintain a decent defense. I think any owner or GM already knows how hard it is, but for some reason a lot of players do not realize how much of a crowbar it throws into the blueprint when they abandon ship without warning, or demand trades.

I call it Terrell Owens syndrome
It just seems really hard to sign players. Sorry to hear about the sudden impact for your team. I too have been on the marketplace this off season trying to add depth. I have been rejected over and over. It has not always been a money issue this off season though, but it gets frustrating sending out 3-4 contracts a day and getting all sent back at ya.

Good luck with the slow build.
Last edited Nov 10, 2008 21:14:56
3-4 a day with me it was more like 25-30 a day and I signed exactly 1 player a kicker
Believe me, I understand. I've been really impressed with Salem's run from the time of being the Jersey Boyz up to becoming a playoff caliber team, and I know you can get there again with time.
You've run a great organization, and recruiting is a bear. We've had tremendous luck with the Hustlers and player loyalty. Without that, no way we'd be where we're at now.

Sorry to see you go, but will wish you all the luck in the world, and will look forward to the challenge in a few seasons.
I did lots earlier, but got tired of sifting through, so cut back to 3-4. Knew the same result was goign to come through anyway.

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