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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Eastern Conf. Pre-Season Predictions
After taking a close look (yes, yes I know there is still a TON of recruiting to go) I think the standings will look something like this....

1. Canadian Bacon -- They don't have the levels, but there builds and gameplanning is simply the best Canada A4 has ever seen.

2. Lumberjack City Yaks -- Beat Paradise early last season, this gives them the nod and the number 2 spot

3. Paradise CheeseBurgers -- Looking to rebound after losing to the eventual champs last year in the playoffs

4. Toronto Terror -- Do not, I repeat DO NOT look pass this team. Don't be surprised if they get into the Top 2 this year

5. Aspermont Roughnecks -- Similar to the Cheeseburgers of a couple seasons back, they stumbled last year, but I certainly look for them to come back strong and have a very good year

6. Sherbrook Generals -- Every loss they had last season was against one of the Top Tier teams (and Willow Creek was was a Top Tier until they sold the team). Now they are amongst the top teams -- But they have to prove they can beat the teams ahead of them this season

7. Gravenhurst Ghost Ridahz - This team looks like they are getting stronger and stronger, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they got a home playoff game this year

8. Concordia Tornadoes -- Very strong team at some places, very weak at others. With a few additions this team could become a powerhouse

9-16 is going to be UGLY. I think these teams will ALL finish under .450 on the season. These teams basically have to do a major-rehaul --whether its because of going from Capped to Un-Capped -- Or getting a CPU team.

Best of luck guys!
Last edited Nov 1, 2008 13:16:25
Thanks for the Predictions!

I am going to Do Power Rankings Soon...
Originally posted by
9-16 is going to be UGLY. I think these teams will ALL finish under .450 on the season. These teams basically have to do a major-rehaul --whether its because of going from Capped to Un-Capped -- Or getting a CPU team.

Levels aren't everything and I'm sure 1 or 2 of the Champion/Promoted teams will make the playoffs.
Originally posted by Jpowers22
Originally posted by

9-16 is going to be UGLY. I think these teams will ALL finish under .450 on the season. These teams basically have to do a major-rehaul --whether its because of going from Capped to Un-Capped -- Or getting a CPU team.

Levels aren't everything and I'm sure 1 or 2 of the Champion/Promoted teams will make the playoffs.

In this case, levels ARE everything.

Not a CHANCE a level 21 capped team from last season contends this year without re-doing over 60% of the roster. They will be Ten levels lower than the other teams, or easily 12-15 lower.

Plus the East is by far the superior conference yet again, and there are at least 9 teams from last season, that i'd take over ANY of the 21 capped teams at the moment.
Well then will mark this post and when the playoffs come around will look back and see if you are right, or if I was right.
Originally posted by Jpowers22
Well then will mark this post and when the playoffs come around will look back and see if you are right, or if I was right.

Sounds good --- But the only way I can be wrong in this thread is by where the Top 8 actually finish....

1. Already stated Levels don't matter, but builds do

Originally posted by
1. Canadian Bacon -- They don't have the levels, but there builds and gameplanning is simply the best Canada A4 has ever seen.

2. Yes, a couple from each conference will indeed get promoted, and that's an obvious because people sell teams all the time

3. Well, there really isn't a three unless you'd like to count from here on out, how many players the Capped teams and the new teams bring in. I said a 60% rehaul, but it can obviously be a 0% rehaul, if they want to lose some games. But if you have that kind of time, then more power to you my man!

And JPowers -- In the case of your team -- You have no money.

Thus resulting in you taking out a loan for players...

Thus resulting in you having a small stadium...

Thus resulting in you not getting a lot of money and fans at the games...

Thus you having to take out a loan for next season for players again, going off the assumption that you don't go far in the playoffs, or don't make them at all.

Either way, i'm not showing any dis-respect and wish you and your team a great year. But being here for 3 years, and knowing how this league works, I have a feeling you'll have a tough first year or so.

We match out at the same Overall as your #8/#7 team and they have 8-10 levels on us at most positions, we will level considerably faster due to being lower level and by seasons end "should" be well ahead of them. Levels as you said don't mean everything, and I'm not taking anything away from your higher level top tier teams with excellent builds/tactics...but the middle of the road teams won't dominate the promoted teams.
I have no money because I've built 3 stadium expansion and will take out a loan to build a 4th, we generated over 3 million dollars in play off revenue in season #1, our finances will be fine. That little silver trophy makes players want to play for you, and we've had no problem recruiting players for minimum salaries.
Originally posted by
Either way, i'm not showing any dis-respect and wish you and your team a great year. But being here for 3 years, and knowing how this league works, I have a feeling you'll have a tough first year or so.

I'm certainly not expecting to go 16-0 or 15-1, more realistically like 8-8, 9-7 depending on how our schedule shakes out. But I think we will be competitive and have a chance to win, more games than not.
Either way, its good too see we have all this hype and we havn't even started! Should be another fantastic year in A4 -- No doubt about it
It is good to see the new East guys have some heart and pride...a couple of the new West guys are crying about wanting swaps cause they don'thave 30,000 seat stadiums and are more then 2 levels behind and all the blah blah blah stuff LOL...
Last edited Nov 1, 2008 16:10:38
Any Western Conference Power Rankings?
Originally posted by ksyankeejetfan
Any Western Conference Power Rankings?

You guys had all the rankings last year man. Now its our turn =]

what I would like to see is what sort of thoughts these "vets" have on us new guys. I like to to see the 9~16 teams get sorted out.
It's good to dream. For those of you capoed teams welcome.
Just like I said last season, take your lumps for a season and keep the self-promotion pollution to a minimum. Nobody cares that you know how to make a target of youraelf.

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