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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > I Think Christchurch Just Bought a Ticket to AAA#1:
Oceania AA#1 3rd-place game:
Oceania AA#2 3rd-place game:

And if I've understood the tiebreakers correctly (number of scrimmage wins), then Christchurch should get promoted to AAA#1 right alongside us next season. Boy, I hope this is true, because you guys were just beastly all season!
The only scrimmages that count are regularly schedule scrims. For Christchurch, that will only be today's game.

So it goes to playoff margin.

But in won't matter since there are three openings in AAA#1 (more could still open).

Replace Zeta #15: Tonga
Replace Zeta #16: AA#1 Zeta Champ (Portland Rain)
Replace Alpha #15: Krauts
Replace Alpha #16: AA#1 Alpha Champ (Mystic Prophets)
Replace CPU #1: Conference Exit/Scrimmage Winner (Orlando - 59 points)
Replace CPU #2: Conference Exit/Scrimmage Winner (Christchurch - -1 points)
Replace CPU #3: Conference Exit/Scrimmage Loser (Polynesia - 22 points)
Line starts here: Conference Exit/Scrimmage Loser (Thatto Heath - 0 points)
#2 in line: Division Exit/2-0 Scrimmage (Four Horsemen - 8 points)
#3 in line: Division Exit/2-0 Scrimmage (El Fuego - 2 points)
#4-#7 in line: Division Exit/1-1 Scrimmage (AA#1 Division teams)
#8-#9 in line: Division Exit/0-2 Scrimmage (Ironmen and Tasmanian Devils [of AA#2], not Tasmania Devils [of AA#2] or Tasmania Devils [of AA#1] - both at 7 points, and I can't be bothered to look up the next tiebreaker)
Please note it is eminently possible for Christchurch to be an AAA #1 Alpha team, though if I had to guess at Bort's programming methodology (and I do, since I'm obsessive about such things) I'd say Alpha gets the first auto-fill (Orlando) and Zeta gets the second (Christchurch), alternating from there on to avoid stacking the top teams on the Alpha side.

Tonga is 100% Zeta, as normal promotion/relegation occurs before the CPUs drop and get auto-filled.
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 20:56:36
Originally posted by Sarg01
Please note it is eminently possible for Christchurch to be an AAA #1 Alpha team, though if I had to guess at Bort's programming methodology (and I do, since I'm obsessive about such things) I'd say Alpha gets the first auto-fill (Orlando) and Zeta gets the second (Christchurch), alternating from there on to avoid stacking the top teams on the Alpha side.

Tonga is 100% Zeta, as normal promotion/relegation occurs before the CPUs drop and get auto-filled.

I might have easily missed a post by an Admin, but absent evidence to the contrary, would it be easier methodologically speaking to keep Zeta with Zeta and Alpha with Alpha in promoting the CPU teams? That's how I'd see it, anyway.

Were my situation the case, Thatto Heath would replace Polynesia, as Polynesia is a Zeta team while Thatto Heath is an Alpha team; 2 of the CPU teams are in Alpha (one was the Brisbane blaze I mentioned last night), while 1 is in Zeta. And this is entirely excluding teams Bort may flag as being "way underleveled".

If I'm wrong, please correct me. This stuff makes my head spin a bit.
me need oxygen to brain
There's been no definitive post one way or the other on conference preservation.

However, there was no mention at all of conference in the very detailed listing of tiebreaking procedures. It would seem an odd thing to miss saying in a list of rules that goes all the way down to "coin flip".

It would also meet the stated goals of the realignment - the "better" teams move up. Whereas without that restriction you could have Alpha promote 5 teams into AA and Zeta promote 1. Given that conferences aren't necessarily balanced to start off with and you have an imbalance in both AA#2 and AAA#1 now.

I'm not saying I like the idea of rivalries being broken up ... but promotion limits rivalries in the first place. You can make a fair argument for that being a secondary concern.
Originally posted by Sarg01
There's been no definitive post one way or the other on conference preservation.

However, there was no mention at all of conference in the very detailed listing of tiebreaking procedures. It would seem an odd thing to miss saying in a list of rules that goes all the way down to "coin flip".

It would also meet the stated goals of the realignment - the "better" teams move up. Whereas without that restriction you could have Alpha promote 5 teams into AA and Zeta promote 1. Given that conferences aren't necessarily balanced to start off with and you have an imbalance in both AA#2 and AAA#1 now.

I'm not saying I like the idea of rivalries being broken up ... but promotion limits rivalries in the first place. You can make a fair argument for that being a secondary concern.

You know GLB, they'll list a ton of detailed, intricate proceedures and forget to inform the masses of some major tweak/nerf that could change the complexion of the game. It's anyone's guess as to what's going to happen.

But it does put teams like Thatto Heath and the Four Horsemen in a precarious position regarding their futures. How would they recruit: "come to us, we might get promoted."?

But your points are well taken, and do make good sense.


A third Oceania AAA#1 team owner (in Alpha) has just resold the team. Looks like our friends at Thatto Heath should move up the rung, if Sarg's analysis rings true. Here's the link:
Originally posted by Stubbs
me need oxygen to brain

ditto. It's like trying to decipher the constitution.

Originally posted by carumba10
Originally posted by Stubbs

me need oxygen to brain

ditto. It's like trying to decipher the constitution.

Which I do every Tuesday/Thursday morning in Constitutional Law. No lie.
Originally posted by cdcollins
Originally posted by carumba10

Originally posted by Stubbs

me need oxygen to brain

ditto. It's like trying to decipher the constitution.

Which I do every Tuesday/Thursday morning in Constitutional Law. No lie.

Man, I wish I was smart... I just need the oxygen to my brain to understand what my fitness and gym teachers tell me to do, and my coaches....

Man, this league could be really lonely next season.
Originally posted by Brian the Stunt Bum
Man, this league could be really lonely next season.

If all these promotions occur then ya....thats just what I was thinking....maybe new blood will liven it up but a lot will be lost or so it seems on the surface here in the forums.
Originally posted by Brian the Stunt Bum
Man, this league could be really lonely next season.

We promise to come visit! if? when? whatever happens with this promotion thing!
Originally posted by Brian the Stunt Bum
Man, this league could be really lonely next season.

Nah. Some of the other more active members of OA3 will be here next season, how many depends on the number of promotions. We're going to miss Chase's analysis though, that's for sure.

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