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fucktard named "dawg" on okie thunder. Why dont you do something before you come talking shit to a team that owned this league from top to bottom... you included...last season.

Beat us. Until then you have no room to be shit talking Indianola for anything. Yeah we lost our 1st playoff game... which you obviously didnt watch.. and felt the need to come rattle our cages and insult our team by saying it just sucks and it had nothing to do with Buddy going into the hospital for awhile and taking his OC strategy with him... keep telling yourself that our D sucks b/c apparently you were either drunk or braindead when we skull fucked your team on our way out of here last season.

LEARN the variables that sway games and team... learn football rules and issues... learn soem about the dynamic of how the O and the D are symbiotic to each other. Learn how if one falters for too long it will effect the other side of the ball... and once you learn all of that - learn your place in this game.... which is NOT on the same level as Indianola. And we will be glad to show you that fact when you get to AA... assuming we stay there after the realignment, b/c we could very well go up to AAA.

In short - back up junior, you have no clue WTF you are talking about.

To the rest of the Okie Thunder team - I have always been cordial to yall - you need to check your trash before it gets out of hand. Players liek that, that have no real influence on game plans, etc etc, but wants to be out there stirring shit - those guys generally cause problems for the team..... I talk shit all day every day b/c I am a player/owner and a GM... and I get a chance to back it up, and HAVE backed it up on the sims.... this dude has done absolutely jack shit.
You talk a lot about skull fucking. Have a fetish?
Originally posted by lawdawg95
You talk a lot about skull fucking. Have a fetish?

LMAo.. just my way of saying that we used and abused his team... lmao.. plus it plays into the whole we fucked with your mind thing too.. lol.
Wait who are you? Epic fail! Looks like I got under someone's skin. Get lost douche.
Originally posted by Dawgs
Wait who are you? Epic fail! Looks like I got under someone's skin. Get lost douche.

I am the owner/d coordinator of the Indianola team that used your teams up and walked all over it on the way to an undefeated season and league championship.... who are you? A crummy little loser peon on your team that we walked all over on our way out, that has no clue about what he is talking about? Yeah, that sounda about right. You didnt get under my skin either junior. You just made yourself look like a fucking loser. I have already shown what I could do in this game and in this league - which is possibly why I had so many PM's from GM's in THIS league coming to me to ask about defensive strategy, alignments, plays and formations...

You are out of your league in this dumbass, and I suggest you shut your mouth while you are ahead.
Originally posted by Dawgs
Wait who are you? Epic fail! Looks like I got under someone's skin. Get lost douche.

Oh.. and one more thing - until Thunder beats us - we own your asses. I'm sure your GM's appreciate your mouth writing checks for the whole team though....
And I am sure oukurt will be thrilled to see what a tard you are being as well....
Originally posted by PyscoJester13
Originally posted by lawdawg95

You talk a lot about skull fucking. Have a fetish?

LMAo.. just my way of saying that we used and abused his team... lmao.. plus it plays into the whole we fucked with your mind thing too.. lol.

I will take the high road.
Last edited Oct 29, 2008 13:06:37
Dear Choker - Your arrogant trash talk last season was like fingernails down the chalk board. Unlike the rest of your team, you have no class and frankly I think you getting spanked by the #8 seed is something you had coming. I find it hilarious as does the rest of this league that you have become a laughingstock. Make all the excuses you want and talk all you want about last season, but most of us don't live in the past. Deal with some humility and learn to handle winning with a little more class in the future.


Jester doesn't bother me like he does some of y'all but maybe that's just because I take it all for what it's worth.

But honestly, Buddy is the only person on that team I've ever see exhibit any kind of real class.
Originally posted by Dawgs
Dear Choker - Your arrogant trash talk last season was like fingernails down the chalk board. Unlike the rest of your team, you have no class and frankly I think you getting spanked by the #8 seed is something you had coming. I find it hilarious as does the rest of this league that you have become a laughingstock. Make all the excuses you want and talk all you want about last season, but most of us don't live in the past. Deal with some humility and learn to handle winning with a little more class in the future.


We stomped YOUR ass and everyone elses ass last year.. and I told you if you can stop it do it... noone could.. and so you want to act like a bitch... love the PM and the ignore though loser...

" wish we could discuss this more in person you arrogant pussy. Go fuck yourself and try to avoid playing 8 seeds in the future. I obviously got under your skin and its hilarious. Now piss off loser. Nobody likes you so deal with it. Even better now though is that you will always be known for your epic failure against an 8 seed. 8 8 8! lmao"

Nobody like me huh... well coming from you it must be fact and truth and written in stone.. I mean you seem sooo well connected. You want to discuss this in person.. I am fine with that. I live in Austin, just let me knwo when you will be here.. there are a few cool places to sit down, have a beer and chat... b/c I am more than willing to bet that you werent actually being a big enough loser to challenge me to a fight.. and if you are that is sad.

You want to talk about class? Werent you the fucktard that came to OUR board and started talking shit to us? yeah real class move. Glad you clarified that though. As far as living in the past goes - arent you bitching about what ws said by me last year currently? Arent you the one that trolled your way to another board to talk shit over this b/c of last year? Reaaaaal smooth, way to make your point junior. In terms of humility - fuck you. We were good and we know it. We told you what we were going to do each game and noone stopped us. We werent douche to anyone after we beat them, and that includes the aggie teams that we got into big flame wars with when we played.

If you had such a problem with what I said last year, why did you have to wait till now to talk anyways... did your balls just not drop till this week or what? Ohhhhh wait, it is hard to talk shit to a team that moves up and STILL goes 15-1, especially if they smash you everytime you play...... but get to our league we will continue to beat your head in, and then talk shit specifically to you about it.
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Jester doesn't bother me like he does some of y'all but maybe that's just because I take it all for what it's worth.

But honestly, Buddy is the only person on that team I've ever see exhibit any kind of real class.

I have PM's from a lot of ppl in this league asking me for help, so not as many dislike me as he would have you to believe. But whatever - his team couldnt beat us when we played, so he has to live vicariously through other teams and the sim. Well that and he just totally disregards logic and reasoning where it applies to football.. but whatever.

I told everyone I will talk shit all season long until we got beat, and it didnt happen. And even after all my shit talking, I still would congratulate the other team on a good game and comment their team on either side of the ball.

Buddy is our golden boy in terms of class and everything, and I have no problem with that whatsoever - I am also the designated shit talker for our team as well. thast the roles we decided to make. But for fucknuts retard dawgass to imply that with Buddy being in the hospital the day before the playoffs started and noone finding out till game day, had no effect on how the D played - he needs to have his fucking head examined. With no real offensive AI in place, our D got stuck with shitty field position among everyone getting gassed... our BACKUP safety ended that game with 22 energy, and I have never seen him drop below 40.... so yeah the o in that game fucked our D up... but I made no excuses on that board either. I congratulated the team that beat us and we moved into offseason.
To steal a Cerneo line - CRY MOAR

Please give me respect! Please forget I just got bitch slapped by an 8 seed. You are nothing but a laughingstock.

I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
bell 3id
I'm going to fit in just fine here...

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