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Well, who knows what will happen overall, with the volume of promoters/relegated teams this offseason, but at the very least, we know by now the 4 regular promoters from the AAA squads.

AAA #1
Lion: Somalia Wasps. (I remember cane__boy was involved with this team in the beginning and he talked a lot of shit before he became completely irrelevant.)
Elephant: Gold Coast Corsairs. (A solid team.)

AAA #2
Lion: Djibouti Jackals (Another AA #4 promote. AA#4 breeds them the best (e.g. TMW, TLGoT))
Elephant: Cleveland Bombers (Great team with great current management. Team is changing owners though, so we'll see what happens.)
Welcome to the league. Congrats on your victories in getting here.
More competition - more fun!

Welcome to APL - welcome to the heat of mother Africa!
More new teams, who will come in say yep we will beat the Borg, blah blah blah....Then playoffs come, and Hokie will say great game planning we almost lost....What a great competitive league as the Borg wins their 4th in a row trophy....I like this, every year new teams come in with the same rah rah crap....It is very ammusing...Good thing the ABD will be here for a real long time remembering the truth of the USA BOrg.....Well I really better get back to game planning have a very nice bet with RT, can not wait to see his new avatar.
tl; dr

Contrary to what some will have you think, we welcome competition here in APL.

I would suggest the new guys spend their time working on their builds and gameplans rather than whining like Vegas. But to each his own...
How can you welcome something you never had?
Uh even if you've never "had something" you can welcome it. For example, I have never had a million dollars, but I would welcome it.
Thats true...If I had a million dollars....
Originally posted by MattyP
tl; dr

Contrary to what some will have you think, we welcome competition here in APL.

I would suggest the new guys spend their time working on their builds and gameplans rather than whining like Vegas. But to each his own...

For new teams' reference, as a APL member since Day 1, I've seen owners with more "whining" than SheVegas lost to USAORG, and I've seen owners with less whining or no whining at all lost to USAORG.
Whining or not doesn't matter at all until some team can overtake USAORG's reigning status.

I welcome competition as well. I just don't think these so-called competitions are any competition to USAORG.

Welcome to APL Elephant conference, Gold Coast Corsairs and Cleveland Bombers. You're in for a long season 6.
Thanks Byang...Sometimes listening to the rambling stuff from the oinks, turns my head to mush...Nice reading a truthfull response once in awhile.
Originally posted by MattyP
tl; dr

Contrary to what some will have you think, we welcome competition here in APL.

I would suggest the new guys spend their time working on their builds and gameplans rather than whining like Vegas. But to each his own...

Because they really do not want to end up turning out like Vegas too.. Ohh soo close to the playoffs
Originally posted by SheVegas
Thanks Byang...Sometimes listening to the rambling stuff from the oinks, turns my head to mush...Nice reading a truthfull response once in awhile.

No problem. I'm just speaking my mind, but I'm quite sure you're the only one who will say my response "truthful".

My recruiting are going well, and the core players on my team are all staying.
However, I'm VERY worried right now that USAORG members are going to say I don't recruit well, and don't gameplan well, just because I agree with some of your opinions in some way.

What is making USAORG so self-righteous? I'm thinking it's those shiny APL Championship trophies in their trophy case.

TBH, I'm not all that different than SheVegas and all those owners who have left APL.
We don't see anyone who can beat USAORG in APL playoffs.
That's why they left, and that's why I'm here, sharing my thoughts with other team owners in APL.
Originally posted by BYANG
Originally posted by SheVegas

Thanks Byang...Sometimes listening to the rambling stuff from the oinks, turns my head to mush...Nice reading a truthfull response once in awhile.

No problem. I'm just speaking my mind, but I'm quite sure you're the only one who will say my response "truthful".

My recruiting are going well, and the core players on my team are all staying.
However, I'm VERY worried right now that USAORG members are going to say I don't recruit well, and don't gameplan well, just because I agree with some of your opinions in some way.

What is making USAORG so self-righteous? I'm thinking it's those shiny APL Championship trophies in their trophy case.

TBH, I'm not all that different than SheVegas and all those owners who have left APL.
We don't see anyone who can beat USAORG in APL playoffs.
That's why they left, and that's why I'm here, sharing my thoughts with other team owners in APL.

Nah, dude. You've always been a good owner. Your team started out pretty average in the conception of the league, but you've just been getting better and better.
See Byang the hate is only towards me...Thats cool....None of these oinks have no clue how i run my team...But I come here to fire up the Oinks, and keep the truth in the APL about the way things went down from day 1 of the APL....It is nice whenever you post Byang.....just when you decide to leave to have Big Ben join the Org
Haven't we had this tread before, or is just me?

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