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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > More Cowbells Signing Off....
Joe Buck
I was going to wait until after the playoffs to announce this, goes.

Effective day 41 I will be selling the Cowbells back to the game.

It was March 29th, 2008 when I finally decided to see what this Goallineblitz thing was that Welch (SEW3663) had been telling me about for a couple weeks. He kept telling me "Buck, this game has you written all over it! It's like Hattrick combined with Fantasy Football!" I had meant to check it out but between work and family, the email had gotten buried, and it was that sunday morning when I woke up earlier than everybody else that I remembered about it.

After signing up, and exploring the site for about an hour, I was hooked. I had already created a center, and a kicker, and then I had a choice to make.........sign them to someone elses team, or what the a team of my own? Back then, there was no sign up list. You just went to the Leagues page and there were the different regions and their levels, and the divisions were about half human , half CPU owned. All the USA regions were taken, and after about 15 minutes of analyzing various CPU teams for OL, DL and financial strength, I bought one in South America Pro.

Buenos Aires Spartans was the CPU team which lasted for all of about 10 minutes. I don't know what prompted me to choose More Cowbells. I'm not a HUGE fan of the skit, but I imagined using the punch lines to recruit players. I never did go that schticky route.

From that day to this one, my time as owner here of More Cowbells has been filled with some frustration, some heartache, some agony but mostly it has been filled with great memories. I've tried to never lose sight of the fact that each of my agents is an actual person and not some random name on a screen. I've strived to treat everybody the way I would expect to be treated. I knew before I bought the team that it would be something I couldnt just half-ass. Real people spending real money would be depending on the team for their enjoyment, and I owed to them to make it as enjoyable as I could, for their sake.

Ultimately it is this overriding thought that drove my final decision to give up the team. Events with my family and with work forced me to spend much less time on the team and providing the proper environment of enjoyment and camaraderie became too much to juggle with real life duties. I couldn't in a clear conscience continue to manage the team the way I had been since mid Season 4, not with people's effort and $$ thrown into their players.

I know what happens when teams get sold so let me just state that most of the players on the Cowbells are already spoken for.

It's been fun and I'll miss the rivalries we had here, and all the characters that passed through A3. I wish all of you here the best of luck in GLB and in real life.

Take care,
You will be missed Scott.

Take Care IRL.
Sorry to hear it. Good owners are hard to come by.
Good luck IRL boss!
Like I told you before buck, you've been one of the classiest owners on here, and on behalf of the rest of the Mofo's that had a chance to deal with you, we wish you the best of luck! Keep in touch, and feel free to pm me if you need anything, or wish to become a Mofo down the road
Best of luck in the future!
Joe Buck
Thanks guys. I'll never forget the time that a$$-clown whose name escapes me now put me at the top of the Douche Bag rankings. Actually I think I was the whole list for a while.

Still have no idea what prompted that?? lol
Originally posted by sbuck143
Thanks guys. I'll never forget the time that a$$-clown whose name escapes me now put me at the top of the Douche Bag rankings. Actually I think I was the whole list for a while.

Still have no idea what prompted that?? lol

Let me remind you. It was either asynder14 or akleine21. LOL
Originally posted by sbuck143
Thanks guys. I'll never forget the time that a$$-clown whose name escapes me now put me at the top of the Douche Bag rankings. Actually I think I was the whole list for a while.

Still have no idea what prompted that?? lol

I remember being real jealous that i didn't make the list.....
I'm sure I would have made it had I been here
We'll miss you buddy!! Send some players my way because i am the same type of owner, and my players love playing for me.
I think half the Dallas Longhorns made the list. By the end, most of the more respected teams had players on the list.
Originally posted by redwing
We'll miss you buddy!! Send some players my way because i am the same type of owner, and my players love playing for me.

get over yourself
GL Scott, you're a class act and I enjoyed being a part of the Cowbells.

That ass clown was asnyder14 and myself

Douche bag = sbuck143...wear it proudly

Good luck from the Goatse

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