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Last edited Jan 5, 2009 01:42:28
wow, level 12 is a Long time to go without playing. Aren't you afraid you will lose out on a lot of levels this way? The efficiency gained through training is surely lost by losing too many levels, no? I have been playing with sitting out for a season as well, but never all the way until level 12. But let me get this straight, your plan for your C is to have all of those stats (68 str, 60 blk, 48 agi, 30 vis/spd/conf, 35 stam) by level 16? I'd be interested to see if you could do it, as those are very good stats to have by level 16. I know that it's possible to get to 4:1 str/blk by level 15, but by doing so, I didn't have anywhere near 30 in agi/vis/spd/conf/stam. I'm guessing that if I did sit out until level 12 (is that just over 3 seasons?) I would have ended up getting agi/vis/spd/conf/stam all up to about 20. But at the end of season 3 a player is capable of being between level 27-30? That is a Lot of levels to be giving up.
Giving up levels is irrelevant, it is all about performance against competition. No matter how good the lv16, he'll still play in a lv16-ish league and absolutely dominate. Shorter career, but whatever.
Originally posted by Octowned
Giving up levels is irrelevant, it is all about performance against competition. No matter how good the lv16, he'll still play in a lv16-ish league and absolutely dominate. Shorter career, but whatever.

oh, sure, he will dominate his same level. but he won't be able to compete against other players that started the same time as him. I guess since there will always be capped leagues, he will always have a place to dominate. I didn't think about that earlier.
Well, let's see. Training only to level 12 will take what, 4-5 seasons? Have you done the math to see if you can hit those numbers by level 16? Total SPs from leveling would be 95, plus 4.5 seasons of training. That's 360 training points or 72 intense trainings. Say you get on average 40% that would be 72*.4*2 an additional 58 SPs, plus 18 SPs from the intense training (assuming you use BTs for SPs).

Leveling bonus will provide an additional 32 SPs on primaries and 16 on secondaries.

So all tolled, you have VERY roughly 219 SPs to spend. So, looking at the OT:

blk to 4:1 starting at 19 you would need 30+24+21 = 75
agi to 3:1 starting at 14 you would need 35+24 = 59
str to 2:1 starting at 19 you would need 30 = 30
spd to 2:1 starting at 12 you would need 37 = 37
sta to 35 starting at 10 you would need 25 = 25
con to 30 ish starting at 12 you would need 20 = 20

so, 246 SPs total to get to your OT's build. You may be pushing it - the leveling bonus will help a little if you spend your SPs when you can hit your caps. But either way you'll have a kick ass level 16 build that's for sure.

Me, I couldn't wait that long. Super Slow Building is not for me. Have fun with it.
Last edited Oct 22, 2008 17:59:25
It's funny, this whole super-slow building stuff.

You initially give up A LOT of time and games to come in and dominate at a lower/intermediate level. BUT ... won't it ultimately put you way behind at the end of your career? Don't we really only have 10 seasons before we go into decline?

It would take you, what, 3 seasons to get to lvl 12 this way, no?
Someone playing games could easily get to, what, lvl 25 or so?

At the end of our careers (season 10+), the super slow builder still sits about 13 levels lower (65 sp) than the guy that played games from season one. For what? So you can dominate in a capped 13 league in your 4rth season of play? Sure, then you can move up in the capped leagues, but will you ever make a good pro-league team?

I doubt it.
We have no idea how the dynamics will be of the pro leagues when people actually start to decline. I think a well built lv40 will be more valuable than a shitty lv55 at the end of his career, and we'll see plenty of them in the pro leagues.
But will he be better than a GOOD lvl 55?

I'm sure he'll gain some SP holding his skill points back and training, but would he gain 50? Nope.
Well, I kinda made this thread more for build advice but I'll clarify a few things...

The players will reach level 12 nearly at the end of their fourth season; they were created during off-season and it takes 4 seasons and 4 days worth of training experience to level to 13. (Meaning during their 5th season they'll start at 15 after off-season boosts and level within one game)

Of course they will not reach a really high level, but unlike many other games, in GLB higher level doesn't equate to more success because you typically face equal level opponents (I wouldn't face level 25s... That would be an insane waste of effort).

Considering I'm very patient and can do other things (like manage the team that's funding them) in the meantime, it's not that big of a deal to watch them slowly grow into monsters.

Anyway... If anyone has some, I'd like some build advice. I have all the builds open so you can click em on my owner page if that's easier. Thanks in advance.
I just had a son. I am not going to tell anyone. I'm going to wait four years. I will start my kid playing football. By the time he reaches high school, he will be 17, but everyone will think he's 13. He should do very well because I held him back. I think he will be a star. Sure, the kid won't be as developed as he should be because I had him playing with younger kids and beating up on them, but hey, he can beat up younger kids. Isn't that cool?
Originally posted by FatLoad
I just had a son. I am not going to tell anyone. I'm going to wait four years. I will start my kid playing football. By the time he reaches high school, he will be 17, but everyone will think he's 13. He should do very well because I held him back. I think he will be a star. Sure, the kid won't be as developed as he should be because I had him playing with younger kids and beating up on them, but hey, he can beat up younger kids. Isn't that cool?

If only RL = GLB.

To bad in GLB we have this little thing called MATH. We can use this math to our advantage.

Originally posted by Pensfan
We can use this math to our advantage.

I like you.
Originally posted by Melancholy
Originally posted by Octowned

Giving up levels is irrelevant, it is all about performance against competition. No matter how good the lv16, he'll still play in a lv16-ish league and absolutely dominate. Shorter career, but whatever.

oh, sure, he will dominate his same level. but he won't be able to compete against other players that started the same time as him.

I think it will be a lot closer than you think, certainly for the C, and possibly for the G.

I myself am intrigued about how this will end and welcome updates for the next few seasons. It is a fascinating concept.
Let's see. Four seasons training gets you to level 12. Another player born on the same day will be about level 32 or so. that's 20 levels of SP plus 30 SP level bonus to 22, 18 to 30 and another 4 after that.

So a true peer of this super slow build player will be 20 levels and 140 SPs behind the level 12 player. Sure the Super Slow Build had the advantage of training attributes at low levels for longer, but the true value in that is not that large; not 100 SPs large anyway. There is no way this player will even come close to competing - ever - with the normal build (obviously assuming equal boosts, play time and build). Sure the gap will close a bit as the Super Slow Build starts leveling up at a normal rate. But he can't ever catch his peer.

Please, point out where I've gone wrong here, if you see a flaw.
Last edited Oct 23, 2008 20:45:17
Last edited Jan 5, 2009 01:42:39

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