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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Bloodhounds - Spitfires Rivalry
Ahh, the Bloodhounds – Spitfires rivalry. I don’t think anything defines it better than tomorrow’s matchup. The battle of 2 undefeateds. Every time we have played it has been a battle that is won and lost in the trenches. I doubt you could find 2 more evenly matched powerhouses. So this is my chance to let you all in on what exactly the rivalry is all about.

Season 3:
Unfortunately since we were the midseason expansion, and only played half a season in Canada A, we did not have the pleasure of playing each other. But this did not stop the rivalry from brewing. I believe the roots of the rivalry came when I called out TB for not actually playing any teams of substance in their 8 game undefeated streak into the playoffs. If I dug through the forums I’m sure I could find the actual post, but I’m lazy. Chiwanna then announced that we were their rivals in the ‘Rivalry’ thread that was started at the end of that season. (However I do feel justified in my call out since TB then proceeded to lose their round 1 game to AU )

Season 4:
While in season 4 our matchup wasn’t nearly as interesting of a story as this season, the impact of that game was just as large. We both came into the game 8-3 with the #4 seed and a home playoff game essentially on the line for the winner. The match really was a battle of defenses and who would make the fewest mistakes. Each team gave up the occasional big drive, but most of the time were able to hold to a punt when they needed it. After a TD drive for Saskatoon in the 1st the game was scoreless until the 4th. The Bloodhounds were knocking on the door in the 3rd, but it was ended with a forced fumble recovered by the Spitfires. A drive which contained two 4th down conversions ended in a TD for the Spitfires with one of those 4th downs. The Bloodhounds responded with a TD drive of their own immediately following though. Unfortunately the clock ran out on them while they were driving for the tie.

That took us to our playoff game. Spitfires with the 4th seed and Bloodhounds with the 5th. This game was just as much of a battle as our first meetup, and honestly neither team knew who would come out on top of this one either. Thunder Bay started the scoring this time. But the Spitfires answered back on the very next drive. On their first possession in the 2nd half the Bloodhounds would put up an FG to take a 10-7 lead. After a few 3 and outs for each side Thunder Bay would put in a TD to up the score to 17-7. The game then goes back and forth until Saskatoon scores a TD with 3:40 left in the game. And the solid team that the Bloodhounds are would then proceed to simply run out the clock and not give the Spitfires another chance to score and the Bloodhounds would advance to the 2nd round.

Season 5:
So here we are on the eve of our matchup. And again as usual, The game could truly go either way. Even with my homerism I can’t truly say that I know we will win this game. All I know about this game is that it will be a hard fought battle, where the winner will deserve the win, and their #1 seed in the playoffs.

Good luck Bloodhounds. I have been waiting for this game all season. No matter who wins this game, it will be a great game. And I truly hope that we both make it to the conference championship for another rematch and that we will both be promoted to AA, cuz we both deserve it.

ok, I remember season 3 a little differently. Yes we lost but you based your prediction on the fact that we hadn't played anyone. This was true. But we had won all our games and the level of our players were above our competition and you dismissed us as an after thought. As in it wasn't even possible for us to win. If you go dig up the thread it might not be that way at all but it was the way I took it.

I think that it worked out real well for us to proclaim you as our rival. It made for 2 great games last season and a big late season game for us. This game tonight could go either way and it should be fun. Good luck to you too.
Ahhhh yes. Very nice write up!!

Should be another good chapter in the rivalry tonight.
Originally posted by Nectur
I'd have to disagree with some of those predictions. If anyone is overhyped in the west it is the Thunder Bay Bloodhounds. Yellowknife has had the much stronger schedule and happened to slip one game. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to see Thunder Bay fall in the first round to AU.

Other than that I think those were pretty good predictions.

Unfortunately with the shortened schedules we weren't really able to see the conferences shake themselves out more. Sadly since we didn't have our roster set soon enough and we dropped the first 2 games, along with a tactics error on my part (stupid not pressing the save button), we can't get in the mix of the playoffs.

Good luck to all the teams that made it though. We will be prepared to see you next season!

Originally posted by Nectur
Originally posted by RWCol2011

Originally posted by cooljesture20

Looks like I should have gone ahead and picked AU, lol. Great season Thunderbay, you'll be back strong next year!

I think everyone picked Thunderbay..its ok i like being the underdog though

I had stated Thunderbay was overrated back when people were picking them to go to the championship. They just hadn't had the schedule to prove they were a strong team. And AU played a solid game against us and that right there impressed me.

Those were the statements made in season 3. Just for posterity sake. To be fair I was bitter that we just missed the playoffs
And yet another chapter will be written tomorrow night! I sure as hell hope its not reminiscent of the previous playoff chapter!
No doubt it will be an epic battle. We can only hope the outcome is that same as last season's playoffs.
Originally posted by Bevo05
No doubt it will be an epic battle. We can only hope the outcome is that same as last season's playoffs.

Sooooo you are picking TB to win right? haha
Originally posted by swoosh22
Originally posted by Bevo05

No doubt it will be an epic battle. We can only hope the outcome is that same as last season's playoffs.

Sooooo you are picking TB to win right? haha

The picks are out there.........
Good game, our D played about as good as we could but got worn down. Hats off to ya.
Originally posted by chiwanna
Good game, our D played about as good as we could but got worn down. Hats off to ya.

Great game TB! Another chapter in the rivalry.
Congrats Spitfire, I knew you guys would do it.
Excellent game. I knew our D had a good game left in them. However, had you told me we would be sacked 8 times and picked off twice. I would not have predicted the outcome.

Excellent game/season Thunder Bay, and all the Spitfires are hoping you guys get yanked up to Canada AA with us.
Rumble Bee
Eating all my trash talk. You guys won! Good game. I take it all back! Today you were the better Team, CONGRATS!!!!
Originally posted by Rixen
Excellent game/season Thunder Bay, and all the Spitfires are hoping you guys get yanked up to Canada AA with us.

me too
Originally posted by chiwanna
Originally posted by Rixen

Excellent game/season Thunder Bay, and all the Spitfires are hoping you guys get yanked up to Canada AA with us.

me too

Yea it won't be the same not playing you guys next season. I am really hoping you guys get promoted

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