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Forum > Players Looking for Teams > Offensive Line > Level 13 C for rest of season. Already boosted,
Team just went CPU and looking to move to a human owned team thats lacking a C or just wants to upgrade. End day 40 contract, if I like the team I'll stay. I DC 2 teams so I'm very active, PM me with alittle about the team, and I would like to look at the forums for a couple minutes before I sign, I have a player stuck on a bull-shit team, and don't want that again.
Strength: 54.9 Blocking: 51
Speed: 8 Tackling: 12.4
Agility: 25.67 Throwing: 9
Jumping: 9 Catching: 10
Stamina: 33.2 Carrying: 8
Vision: 25.81 Kicking: 10
Confidence: 12.4 Punting: 8
Current Energy and Morale
Special Abilities
Pass Blocking Abilities
00000Run Blocking Abilities
I can get custom if right team and playoff contender.

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