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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Hokiemon's Elite Eight for Elephant Conference for week 7
Unlike MW's (thx again MW) projected rankings, this is all opinion and not math based, so fire away. I enjoy reading these when done by people so thought I'd give it a go, will be good for a laugh anyway.

1. USAORG Legionnaires: What can I say, I'm biased. No matter what reason(s) I give it will come off as bias, so why bother.

2. The Last Gunfighters of Texas: Beginning of the season I thought they were a great addition to the APL and would be the 3rd or 4th best team in Elephant. With the additions they've made, a trip to the Elephant title game wouldn't surprise me one bit.

3. Zambia Zombies: They are on the same 3 game stretch of opponents that we are, Babylon, Tsavo, and TLGoT. You go through that stretch undefeated and I'll gladly move you up. Until then, you haven't beaten any of the serious contenders.

4. Tsavo Maneaters: Couple of very tough games coming up for you guys. Depending on the results, I could easily see moving Babylon up.

5. Babylon Bombshells: Quietly one of the most dangerous teams in Elephant conference. Tsavo had to kick a FG with 38 seconds to go to force it to OT where they won on a FG. TLGoT was able to win with an INT in the endzone as time expired. 3 defensive TDs resulted in their loss to the Legionnaires today. Don't sleep on these guys (sorry to let the cat out of the bag Byang)

6. Russian Tractor: The next 3 teams are honestly a coin flip to me. They've all got wins and losses against each other in their respective meetings, so it's hard to say this team is better, imo. I'll give the nod to Tractor because they played decent games against Tsavo and TLGoT. And the fact we've never played them, so I can't speak from first hand knowledge how good they are.

7. Cairo Emperors: I always give these guys tons of credit in my team forum before our game with them. They've always played us tough. Seem to be lacking a little bit this season though. Seems like other teams have recruited a little better and used the AI interface a little better to move ahead of them. Ranked them behind Tractor because they lost a close game to them, but dominated GRI.

8. Ghana Rhea Infection: Basically only impressive win was a 3 point win against Tractor on a FG with 28 seconds left. An unimpressive 6 point victory today against ABD and a big loss to Cairo puts them at #8 in my book.

The rest

Durban Donkeys: Only 3 losses have been to Legionnaires, Zombies, and TLGoT, but they were big losses. No wins against anyone competitive yet.

Angola Blood Diamonds: Same as Durban with big losses to the Legionnaires and Zombies, and a close loss to GRI. Next 3 games will tell if they can make it to the playoffs, with games against Cairo, Tractor, and Durban.

Zambia Hungry Hungry Hippos: easily the 2nd hardest schedule to date, with losses to Tsavo (1 point loss in game 1, oh what could've been), TLGoT, Legionnaires, and Zombies. Will need to win some of the "middle of the pack" games that are coming up to sneak into the playoffs.

Tangiers Cape Buffalo: Hardest schedule award goes to TCB, with losses to the 4 teams mentioned in the HHH note, as well as a 1 point loss to Babylon in week 1. By my personal rankings, that would be all 5 losses to the top 5 teams in the conference.

Liberia Hornhuskers: Must be the name. Trying to combine UT and NU is doomed to failure

West Coast Warriors: Will end up with 3 wins this season anyway, as week 16 is against a gutted Lion conf opponent. Thank goodness for small miracles eh.

Benin Black Mambas: "Should" be able to beat Constantinople anyway.

Constantinople Legion: There's always next season
Very nice read and effort Hokiemon
Good stuff man, let's see how things pan out
Well, in Babylon, cats are sacred creatures. We won't let them in the bags in the first place.

Our Cat Goddess also informed us the following:
1. USAORG are still improving, which is scary.
2. Tsavo are some tough cannibals. We're glad they don't eat cats.
3. Russian have unique gameplans. Must be how they do it over there.
4. Our Offense stumbles.
5. You guys love us too much only because we lost.

All hail Cat Goddess!! All hail Cat Goddess!!
Thanks, man, good read.
Thanks, Hokiemon! Thankfully Zombies don't look at rankings we just devour all before our path!
Nice write up. You'll have to move the Donkeys up though after today's win against GRI.
Does Cairo count as competitive??? I always thought they were since they usually beat us.
Last edited Oct 6, 2008 14:21:07
GRI just cant get out of their own way. Move them down to in danger of being relegated. Its far more appropriate.

GG donkeys.

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