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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Position Talk > Slow building help.
But is also harder to afford. A d-league player probably wont have the money to buy any decent equipment, and if slowbuilding, you don't really care about equipment until you're in the teens.
Originally posted by Mob-6

8 leveling bonuses is what, 3 attribute points or 6 skill points past 48? By training from 15 to 30 that means you spend 18 skill points to get to the soft cap rather than lets take an average starting ability number, 15, which would mean you'd plug 33 skill points to go to the softcap. That means you have saved 15 skill points training to 30 and then going to the cap, with those 15 saved points you spend 6 to equal what the level bonus would have provided and you have 6 points saved. Seems like a better way of slow building to me.

I have run the numbers for an OT who (over his first season) trains intense and tries to get his skills to 30 before soft-capping them. As I thought, in his first season he can't even train his Str/Blk skills to level 30. In fact here's how he looks after season 1, training solely str/blk for the entire season:

Str 28
Blk 25
Agi 18
Vis 17
Con 15

with 64 free SPs

I went ahead and soft-capped his blocking and strength so he would avoid missing any more soft-caps AND so I could properly compare him to a soft-capped focus player on a level field.

So now he looks like this:
Str 49
Blk 49
Agi 18
Vis 17
Con 15
19 free Skill Points
for a total of 168.86 SPs (with the bonus for skills over 48.07)

A normal intense-trained Soft-cap focus slow build where you cap as soon as you have the points comes out like this:

STR 51
blk 49
Agi 23
Vis 20
Con 15
11 free skill points
for a total of 172.86 SPs (with the bonus for skills over 48.07)

So the soft-cap focus comes out on top by 4 SPs.

Remember when you train only two attributes intensely for so long as you level up, not only are you losing out on your level bonus, but for any primary skill you're also losing out on training it at its LOWEST levels. Distributing your training across your primaries rather than focusing on a single attribute or two, helps a lot for players with many primary skills.
Last edited Oct 9, 2008 06:43:04
what if in the first case you had taken str to 60, how many "total" SPs would that add up to?
Originally posted by Darren McFadden
what if in the first case you had taken str to 60, how many "total" SPs would that add up to?

The same (or at least roughly the same). I assume you want to hit the second Softcap and not just 60.

Once the season's over, it doesn't matter how you spend your SPs, they're going to come out the same, but just to humor, here's the calcs:

Str 28
Blk 25
Agi 18
Vis 17
Con 15

with 64 free SPs

So, put 21 into str, it goes to 49, leaving you with 43 SPs.

The second soft-cap is 60.52, so take 24 points and put them into Str and get it to 61. That leaves you with 19 SPs and this:

Str 61
Blk 25
Agi 18
Vis 17
Con 15

So to calculate the SPs you do the following:

(61-60.52) * 2 = .96 (second SC bonus)
(60.51-48.07) * 1 = 12.44 (first SC bonus)
so your total SPs is 61+.96+12.44+25+18+17+15+19 = 168.4
Last edited Oct 3, 2008 07:48:29
Puma -

Thanks for the advice. A couple of questions.

1. Did you take into account the 1SP bonus for cashing in 4 training bonus points?

2. What secondary activity should we choose while normal training?

Originally posted by ufgatorbait
Puma -

Thanks for the advice. A couple of questions.

1. Did you take into account the 1SP bonus for cashing in 4 training bonus points?

2. What secondary activity should we choose while normal training?


1. Yes, the bonus tokens for intense training are accounted for
2. I don't recommend normal training if you're trying to maximize your SPs early on. Intense is the way to go because of #1.

I noticed that my post you're referring to may have made it seem like I compared with a normal train. I have edited the post to make sure my point was clear.

If you're planning on saving your SP until you can soft cap your attribute(s) is it better to take the extra training bonus or the shopping token?
Originally posted by hiimjake
If you're planning on saving your SP until you can soft cap your attribute(s) is it better to take the extra training bonus or the shopping token?

Train on intense, not normal.
Originally posted by LostPeon
Originally posted by hiimjake

If you're planning on saving your SP until you can soft cap your attribute(s) is it better to take the extra training bonus or the shopping token?

Train on intense, not normal.

This is correct
Last edited Oct 14, 2008 10:47:03

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