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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > The 69: Journal 2
Wandering around the LUEshis locker room, looking for my nutsack, I spy no other than Jerkaholic looking at a...some kind of magazine. As I pull out my camera, to take photos to use as blackmail for our next meeting, I see he is reading a comic book. Go figure...

So, coach, do you have a few minutes for this week's 69?


1) How satisfying was last week's win against the Lesbians?

Pretty satisfying. Nothing really like putting a team in its place. This win probably provided the most responses out of any win so far this season. Not our most satisfying win ever though. Beating Hammond this season like that was pretty awesome, and our win over the Honolulu Hurricane Warriors back in season 3 was more satisfying as well. But everytime I see your current avatar, it does make me smile.

*** Um..thanks I think. I must say, the avatar is growing on me though! Like a genital wart that won't go away, that is...

2) There's alot of trash talking in AA #4, especially between our 2 teams. When do you think it'll escalate into an on the field brawl?

I don't know if it will ever escalate into a brawl, I guess only when the Lesbians starts taking cheap shots on our teams as we pull away from you guys again. LUEshis have each others back.

*** Whew...that was almost too easy. But, for the sake of doing other interviews, I'll leave it alone this time...but on the boards...look out with those comments!

3) It's been said that you are a cake-eater, any truth to that? dont have to answer that one.

Not only am I cake eater, I am a cake expert. It is only natural that I can have any cake I want, and eat immediately >_>

*** Hmmm...I would guess you would pie better????

4) Tell me a bit about the LUEshis - Why the name? What does it mean?

A LUEshis a very honorable, noble creature. They are strong, and work well in teams. But for those who get on the wrong side of a LUEshi, it can be your worst nightmare. Don't mess with the LUEshis, or else you will get stomped on.

*** Fair enough. I've been on the side of the stomping...and so far, it hasnt been good!

5) Your team is pretty consistent - wish to share a bit of why your team is as it is? Tell us a bit about yourself.

After season 1, I decided I wanted to put together a team here. I knew there was a lot interest in GLB back then, so I assembled a team. We have been consistent throughout the seasons because we have been able to keep most of our players. Our chemistry has been at 100 pretty much since our first season, so I think that helps. I am glad that I was able to find so many players who are willing to boost and help the team be competitive, since I did not want to force people to pay to be on our team. But I think overall, we have been doing fine. The only thing that is missing at this point is some home playoff games to help finish up our stadium.

*** I think you all need to refocus your objective. You should learn how to scissor angrily, it helps calm the nerves! Doesnt necessarily help you win, but it is fun!

6) It's been said that the Owner of the Lesbians has Penis Envy - Does this surprise you? Why or why not?

Definitely not. It is only natural for people with small penises to envy those who are more endowed.

***** I am so cut for that statement, and I can neither confirm nor deny the actual size of our owners penis. If it is the size of his ego, we'd be knocked around the locker room everytime he turned!

7) Finally - give us your predictions for the LUEshis for the rest of the season.

I think realistically, the LUEshis end up with 13 wins and the fourth seed in the West, and make it to the conference semifinals. Of course, I am hopeful for a win against the Naturals and Wildcats, but those are two tough teams. If we can get one home playoff game though, I'd call this season a success.

***** 13 wins. That is realistic. And this interview had pathetic questions. I was thinking to spark more controversy, but I'm glad we got more a serious note from you....not really now that I think of it.

Thank you again, Jerkaholic, for your time to add to the next journal. Good luck, unless you are playing a team that I like. Which is all teams. So, I guess I am saying that I would like to see Nic beat you all to a bloody pulp - hey - Now I know my next upset pick!

Till next time, lock the doors to your film room, as you never know who may show up.

Last edited Sep 30, 2008 20:09:25
lol, I fucking hate you guys but this is pretty decent.
Well you have done it your cut unless you brought back some play's from there playbook and trashed there locker room before you left.
I wouldn't mind being picked as the team being upset on the upset of the week. That's basically a guaranteed win for us >_>
Originally posted by Jericoholic
I wouldn't mind being picked as the team being upset on the upset of the week. That's basically a guaranteed win for us >_>

Dont forget to scout, (jk)
Good shit Von D! Churnin out gems every week!

Next time pick a cooler owner though!

btw my penis is 2 inches

from the ground
^^^Yea, when you are lying on your stomach on the ground
Originally posted by Jericoholic
^^^Yea, when you are lying on your stomach on the ground

It's probably not erect then, if it is, then I stand myself back up.

Cool trick..hinking of showing it off at the next home game, maybe this will inspire our crowd to get loud when opposing offense is out there and help our team finally win a close game.

I'd advise against showing that little trick off. I know you're okay with having to use your penis pump and cock ring to get and stay hard but it could be a little embarrassing for you in the long run. Just trying to look out for ya.
bravo VD
Originally posted by RagingBoredom
I'd advise against showing that little trick off. I know you're okay with having to use your penis pump and cock ring to get and stay hard but it could be a little embarrassing for you in the long run. Just trying to look out for ya.

We're Lesbians, I'll just pull out a pic of your mom..nothing else needed!
Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy
Originally posted by RagingBoredom

I'd advise against showing that little trick off. I know you're okay with having to use your penis pump and cock ring to get and stay hard but it could be a little embarrassing for you in the long run. Just trying to look out for ya.

We're Lesbians, I'll just pull out a pic of your mom..nothing else needed!

Fucking sweet. I'll let her know that I spoke to a fan. Just tell me though, is she wearing her teeth in the picture you have? I've not always liked that she poses online for those desperate enough to pay for her site but I've got to watch out for mom. I just need to make sure you're working it to a good picture of her. Who knows, you may yet actually become someone in life and may be put in a position to make her famous. Gotta look out for mom, you know how it is.
Originally posted by RagingBoredom
Originally posted by DrunkenCowboy

Originally posted by RagingBoredom

I'd advise against showing that little trick off. I know you're okay with having to use your penis pump and cock ring to get and stay hard but it could be a little embarrassing for you in the long run. Just trying to look out for ya.

We're Lesbians, I'll just pull out a pic of your mom..nothing else needed!

Fucking sweet. I'll let her know that I spoke to a fan. Just tell me though, is she wearing her teeth in the picture you have? I've not always liked that she poses online for those desperate enough to pay for her site but I've got to watch out for mom. I just need to make sure you're working it to a good picture of her. Who knows, you may yet actually become someone in life and may be put in a position to make her famous. Gotta look out for mom, you know how it is.

She has some teeth missing but it's ok because her lack of teeth makes her look more aerodynamic if you know what I mean..she's wearing overalls and some knee high stuff!

Regardless, she's already famous in my book, older women are prime!
Last edited Oct 1, 2008 18:45:36

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