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The score looks a lot more lopsided than it actually was. Good game, hope we see you again!

Well last year you guys doubled our yardage, this year we kept the yardage mostly even.

The score was basically the same.

As DC, I honestly can't figure you guys out. When I think you're going to pass, you run, and when I think you're going to run, you pass. All season you guys have been pass-happy, and all our opponents have taken to the air against us. So I gameplan for the pass, and you end up running much more than expected. Yikes. Oh well.

GG. Now that we have at least "caught up" in terms of yardage, we just have to figure out how to keep you guys out of the end zone every once in a while!

Not sure if we'll meet again next year or not?? Sounds like we'll be split up after re-alignment takes effect. Because we have lower levels we just assume that we're going to be placed somewhere else.
The goofy thing here is how New Hampshire beat Crimson, then Destin had a close game with New Hampshire, only to get blown out by Crimson. We had a chance to beat the team that beat you, but when we face Crimson heads-up, we just don't get it done. *SIGH*
Some teams matchup better with others and just have their number due to a particular build or style while the opponent has no counter.
No offense meant to you guys in Destin, but you guys over-performed against NHH(and NHH had a bad game). Having watched both NHH and Crimson for 2 seasons i think they are very evenly matched all around. Keep on with what you are doing and you'll be there before long, i just dont think you are quite at the level that you should be able to beat either team right now.

I definitely feel your pain though, as my team actually is on/close to that level, and we still havent beat Crimson damn it! Like enoch has a lot to do with player builds and coaching styles.
dimmy finster
a week late, but thanks. We probably did overachieve against NHH, but hey that's what hope is all about.

And I agree with DC teamriots, at least we didn't get doubled up in yardage this time.

Last edited Oct 3, 2008 14:34:59

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