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Man, I'm sick of this GG crap. Let's just call a spade a spade. That was a turd that Ghana laid on the field today!

I think y'all got some great talent and to be honest, I have no idea how we dominated you like that (though our OC/DC thankfully are more clued in than I).

Anyways, good luck the rest of the season. It's been a rough two weeks for ya to start this season.
Yeah. To start out 0-2 is rough, but going up against top tier teams like the Legs and the Zombies....most teams in the league would start 0-2.
Ghana,what the hell are you doing, please start winning, we need to push up respect for former Africa AAA1 teams!

Good luck guys!
I wish I could explain that steaming pile of crap we left on the field today.

One thing to remember is I am still learning the new AI, and alot of what I learned last season is not applicable now due to code changes and roster changes. Then we played the Oinkers and you pinheads who happen to be the 1 and 2 seed from last season.

It's just been a perfect vortex for suckitude!! It wont continue, and hey at least we should beat the ewoks!!! The seasons a marathon not a sprint so I am not too worried yet.

Lakim you do know I missed most of last season correct? If not PM and we can chat about it my Comrade.


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