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To be in this league.

You know, for someone who got as much shit as I did from the forum trolls of the APL (read: SheVegas), I sure got a good amount of offers to play on other APL teams. And yet, when I don't sign with them?

The trolling continues.

Moral of the story?

SheVegas: Your team sucks. QQ more because I wouldn't sign with your shitty team.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Again when then I ask any of your players to join my team?....I think I said that you were the brains behind the Coyotes, and ask for you to be GM, but I never did nor want any of your players....I could use them maybe next season for Special Teams...If that counts.
I'm glad my team sucks, but I can guarentee you none of them will jump ship to play for the org. So atleast my players are loyal to one team, unlike yourself jumping to a team that already has won a championship.
I must admit that I was surprised that RT joined the oinks. He seemed more of the type to take on the challenge of taking down the top team in the land as opposed to just jumping on their ship.
Majech- Exactly...That is why when I saw Laggo and RT broke up, I asked him about GMing...But he wanted to take the easy way and join the ORG...Looking back he is the same one who gutted his team to join Laggo...So RT I guess doesn't like challenges....But now RT and Laggo are reunited and they feel so good.
Originally posted by majech
I must admit that I was surprised that RT joined the oinks. He seemed more of the type to take on the challenge of taking down the top team in the land as opposed to just jumping on their ship.

Or perhaps I'd....

a) Like to win a title.
b) Like to join an active team.
c) Like to join a team with great leadership and management.


Check. Check. Check.

Please, do continue being ignorant about USAORG.
Blood diamonds,

A) Soon very soon now.
B) We are the most active team in the game trust me, just had a beer at Vegas his house. We even visit each other that is how active we are.
C) We MOST definitely have great leadership in Vegas and Lorenzo, and they do a great job managing the team.

So ABD at least Check, check and the third check will follow soon.
Like the good players in real football that go to the top franchise to get a ring off the franchise as opposed to carrying a team to a franchise. Nothing wrong with that, I'd just rather be the guy that creates and develops a championship, instead of riding someone else's shirt tails for a championship.

I'll never research the oinks, so I guess I'll remain ignorant about them, lol. No offense implied, I'll probably never reseach any GLB team for that matter outside game planning. I don't have anything against them, they are clearly the class of the league, but I do think it is funny that they are called the oinks. Hell, Matty has a pig for his avatar, lol.
Well, it's not like I'm all riled up by this thread, but...

When it comes to the ORG, it's a pretty common mistake that people make in thinking that they're just one big farm system. Of course I thought the same thing for a while, and I hated them, but it's really not like that. Sure, some players go from ORG team to team, but it's completely out of their own accord, nothing forced at all. They're just a giant group of friends, really. Help with builds, and stuff like that.


When it comes to ABD's positive qualities, I've never inherently had anything against them, it's the people like SheVegas and Lorenzo who do nothing but troll on the forums and just being a general annoyance and calling people completely unfounded names, etc etc.
Last edited Sep 22, 2008 14:30:56
RT- You have your reasons, so stay true to them...I am more on the side of Majech....Like he said, one of the greatest things I ever saw was when Karl Malone went to the Lakers to try and get an easy ring...and didn't get it. I rather stay with one team and build it up to win that championship, when you win it, it will be that much sweeter....They're a lot of teams that meet your 3 points, and you said you had all these offers, so then why take the easy road and join the Oinks? That is the question.
Tsavo, Babylon,Gunfighters, etc all meet your 3 demands....So I have predicted in the past Laggo's Coyotes would not be around long-True....My new prediction is Laggo will either GM, or have a player on Org...Let's see if I'm right...Again I am glad you and Laggo kissed and made up...Ash'Balls in Africa A to the top I say.
Me and Jakarta never "broke up" he just left my team.

I made it clear when he first told me he was going to leave and when he finally did leave that I didn't take it personally at all.

Hence we are still e-friends despite our trials and tribulations and ash's balls is just another endeavor on that e-friend boat.

SheVegas if you need an RB next season you can trade for mine. Ez.
Laggo- Would love to but then I would hear RT screaming "Letgo of my Laggo!"...anyways I have no idea what all of the QFT's...Ez's PYT's...all mean so we would always be in miscommunication.
Originally posted by SheVegas
RT- You have your reasons, so stay true to them...I am more on the side of Majech....Like he said, one of the greatest things I ever saw was when Karl Malone went to the Lakers to try and get an easy ring...and didn't get it. I rather stay with one team and build it up to win that championship, when you win it, it will be that much sweeter....They're a lot of teams that meet your 3 points, and you said you had all these offers, so then why take the easy road and join the Oinks? That is the question.
Tsavo, Babylon,Gunfighters, etc all meet your 3 demands....

Uhhhh....Pretty sure Tsavo and Babylon didn't message me. TLGoT didn't.

So all the other teams that asked for your great players couldn't offer you this:
a) Like to win a title.
b) Like to join an active team.
c) Like to join a team with great leadership and management.
Because then you sure are ripping on the team that asked for your players, because I would think that most good owners would do all 3...Since I never asked for your players, you're not ripping on me...So come out of the closet and name the bad bad owners of the clubs that wanted your players.
In Jakarta's defense (not that he needs it for sure), he posted a thread in the PLfT forum about quite a few players that were looking for teams to play on. He was never set on coming to the Legionnaires. As a matter of fact, I recruited him, chugga, soapbox, and the rest of our FA signings, for 2+ weeks, with 100 pms or so (?) being exchanged. They all had concerns about joining the Legs. I gave them all forum access, well b4 the playoffs started, and all the way thru the playoffs. I'm glad they chose to play on our team, as they have not only brought great players to the roster, but they've been great on the forums as well. So to think RT or any of them PMd me and said "hey, can we join your team" is really naive. I worked my ass off recruiting them.

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