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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > RTJakarta's Elephant Outlook.
So I know I did this pretty terribly last season, and ended up getting a final rating differential of -2. Hopefully you guys can outperform my predictions.

This season, I took the score projector spreadsheet, and where I thought there would be a win, I'd just put in 1-0, and conversely, a 0-1 for a loss. Just made it really easy to track records and stuff.

1) USAORG Legionnaires (16-0)
With only a minute to go, the Legionnaires barely missed out on a 16-0 season. Lost the last regular season game didn't stop them from storming through the playoffs to win the second APL title. Expect the Legionnaires to continue the dominance of Elephant, and expect the mid-season match between the Legionnaires and the Gunfighters to forecast the conference champ.

2) The Last Gunfighters of Texas (15-1)
Having played with TLGoT on another team in Africa AA4, these guys are complete animals. They never really outleveled anyone...just won a load of games (32-0 in regular season (!!!)) with solid gameplanning and great agents. I expect the Gunfighters to become an immediate title contender, and to be a future powerhouse in APL.

3) Tsavo Maneaters (14-2)
Tsavo is looking poised to continue being a great team full of very likeable agents. I personally expect at least 12 wins, and a hard fought playoff run by this Tsavo team.

4) Zambia Zombies (13-3)

5) Cairo Emperors (12-4)
Sadly, my probably second favorite team in APL is projected to be out of the loop for a home playoff game. Nevertheless, Cairo is still looking to be a strong team with new owner Ken1, and they could very well make a playoff run.

6) Ghana Rhea Infection (11-5)
I like Ghana to rebound from a mild 7-9 APL debut last season. With some staff complications, Ghana looks ready to put up some wins like they did in AAA, and I think they will definitely be a team you need to watch your back for.

7) Russian Tractor (9-7)
I don't know what it is about the Tractor, but they don't really scare me as much as a team like TLGoT do. I expect them to be a playoff team, no doubt, but on the bottom of the bracket.

8) Babylon Bombshells (9-7)
The Bombshells were a team that did a bit better than I thought they would do last season, I expect them to make some noise and capture the 8 seed (although I'm not holding my breath for a deep playoff run. :x)

9) Angola Blood Diamonds (7-9)
Hey guys, remember that time last season when I said ABD wouldn't make the playoffs and I was right? Well. Mark it down again, baby.

10) Durban Donkeys (6-10)
Durban kind of back pedaled after a 13-3 performance in S3 (right?), and I dunno....I'm not too sold on them having that kind of magic again. I hope they prove me wrong, as they seem like a good group of guys.

11) Tangiers Cape Buffalo (6-10)
I think TCB would prove they were a bit of a fluke last season, and will go back to a solid degree of mediocrity.

12) Zambia Hungry Hungry Hippos (4-12)

13) West Coast Warriors (4-12)

14) Liberia Hornhuskers (2-14)
It marvels me that the Hornhuskers will survive another season in APL. Wow.

15) Conakry Coyotes (1-15)
Well, at least the team has a plan...

16) "Bort's Buttfudgers" (0-16)
...unlike these guys.

Zambia Zombies - The highest rated "eh" in Elephant! w00t!
Originally posted by PackMan97
Zambia Zombies - The highest rated "eh" in Elephant! w00t!

I'm not gonna lie. For you guys, ZHHH, and WCW, I didn't really know what to say.
I love it, and I love it not because we're projected to be in the playoffs!

I found out from the past season, getting relegated is probably AS HARD AS winning Championship in APL. I guess that's why so many teams want to "check out".

Look on the bright side, Zombies. At least your "eh" is higher than where Bombshells is.

Babylon Bombshells will try to do better than you think yet again!
(Emphasis on "try".)
RT- Want to wager some cash? We can use paypal( If GLB allows this) If so put your money where your mouth is...Lets see who walks the walk and who is all talk...I say we make the playoffs.....Did you even look at rosters or did you base this on last season.

So get back to me if you want to back up your predictions with cash. Again if this is allowed on glb of course
Donkeys were 12-4 in S3. Worked hard this off-season to work that magic back in. We're going to show that 6-10 was the fluke, not 12-4. Playoffs will be in our future.
Originally posted by SheVegas
RT- Want to wager some cash? We can use paypal( If GLB allows this) If so put your money where your mouth is...Lets see who walks the walk and who is all talk...I say we make the playoffs.....Did you even look at rosters or did you base this on last season.

So get back to me if you want to back up your predictions with cash. Again if this is allowed on glb of course

Remember Vegas, he can't do that. He is a little 17 year old high schooler that doesn't have any money to bet you with!

And RT, right you predicted that we wouldn't make the playoffs - by the final couple weeks of the season. How about early on when you predicted when we would only lose one game and would lead the league in scoring offense and defense? You seem to have forgotten that - amazing how that works!
Last edited Sep 18, 2008 13:11:11
Originally posted by Jazzpelli
Donkeys were 12-4 in S3. Worked hard this off-season to work that magic back in. We're going to show that 6-10 was the fluke, not 12-4. Playoffs will be in our future.

Awesome, awesome, awesome. I may be biased, but I've always thought Elephant was a better conference overall than Lion, and with promoters like TLGoT coming up, we're getting more and more competitive. Sadly, I think there are definitely problems with the power of the lower teams vs. the higher teams. It's a pretty big divide. I'd love for the conference to get stronger overall though, from top to bottom.
Originally posted by SheVegas
RT- Want to wager some cash? We can use paypal( If GLB allows this) If so put your money where your mouth is...Lets see who walks the walk and who is all talk...I say we make the playoffs.....Did you even look at rosters or did you base this on last season.

So get back to me if you want to back up your predictions with cash. Again if this is allowed on glb of course

Hahaha. Ok.
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
Originally posted by SheVegas

RT- Want to wager some cash? We can use paypal( If GLB allows this) If so put your money where your mouth is...Lets see who walks the walk and who is all talk...I say we make the playoffs.....Did you even look at rosters or did you base this on last season.

So get back to me if you want to back up your predictions with cash. Again if this is allowed on glb of course

Remember Vegas, he can't do that. He is a little 17 year old high schooler that doesn't have any money to bet you with!


a) Not 17.
b) Not in high school.
c) Not broke.

Get the fuck out of here.
Last edited Sep 18, 2008 13:11:21
Oh no, I better leave - numb nuts swore at me!!!
Originally posted by Lorenzo Express
And RT, right you predicted that we wouldn't make the playoffs - by the final couple weeks of the season. How about early on when you predicted when we would only lose one game and would lead the league in scoring offense and defense? You seem to have forgotten that - amazing how that works!

What are you even talking about?
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by SheVegas

RT- Want to wager some cash? We can use paypal( If GLB allows this) If so put your money where your mouth is...Lets see who walks the walk and who is all talk...I say we make the playoffs.....Did you even look at rosters or did you base this on last season.

So get back to me if you want to back up your predictions with cash. Again if this is allowed on glb of course

Hahaha. Ok.

How much then?
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by RTJakarta

Originally posted by SheVegas

RT- Want to wager some cash? We can use paypal( If GLB allows this) If so put your money where your mouth is...Lets see who walks the walk and who is all talk...I say we make the playoffs.....Did you even look at rosters or did you base this on last season.

So get back to me if you want to back up your predictions with cash. Again if this is allowed on glb of course

Hahaha. Ok.

How much then?


It's your idea.
You name a price....I can cover any amount but remember I am a man of my word and I am hoping you are also. So lets make it something that is realistic that you can afford to pay. Also hopefully a mod can come here and verify that this is ok.

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