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Banzai Pipeline 'Nites.

New and improved roster. I'm guessing they needed a bigger Island to fit all those egos.
Ahh pipelines are nasty things, always causing collu-....*cough* *hack* *cough*

Phew, excuse me, pollution, pollution was the word I was looking for.
Last edited Sep 15, 2008 14:08:35
Originally posted by Notor
Ahh pipelines are nasty things, always causing collu-....*cough* *hack* *cough*

Phew, excuse me, pollution, pollution was the word I was looking for.

Wow! To both posts.

I think we earned our way here and proved ourselves with class. I see no egos on our team. We started off as one team. Too many guys for one team so we made a second. We earned our way up to the PROs. We all are friends and come from the same website. Unfortunately due to all the bortifications, and loss of interest....the CANS were down to 5 people holding that whole team together. They couldnt do it financially and time wise any longer. Some players moved on to other leagues. Some came to our team. Some went to some of our other teams. Call it what you will, but dont insult our integrity.
You all have friends that join your teams as well. The Cans would have stayed together if they could have. We loved the rivalry. I guess we will hear this stuff all season now.

We will just keep playing on and respecting our opponents.
Mine was not meant as an insult. Just a friendly jest. That's how I took Notor's as well, although I can't speak for him.

I have nothing but respect for the 'Nites. Tonga has several "partner" teams and I can totally see the potential need to pool resources to a common club in the forseable future.
Last edited Sep 15, 2008 16:08:33
I was mostly just teasing you. I don't really care much about egos, and you're right, there is small scale collusion everywhere in this game. But merging the rosters of two top 5 Pro teams (one of those teams already being #1) is a little different than having a friend or two sign up. I really had no problem with either team before that was done, and don't really still, but to be honest it does irk me a little bit that something like that can happen, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

But I'm not going to get too broken up over it, we're just going to field the best team we can manage to try to compete and that'll be that.
Last edited Sep 15, 2008 16:11:10
Originally posted by Notor
I was mostly just teasing you. I don't really care much about egos, and you're right, there is small scale collusion everywhere in this game. But merging the rosters of two top 5 Pro teams (one of those teams already being #1) is a little different than having a friend or two sign up. I really had no problem with either team before that was done, and don't really still, but to be honest it does irk me a little bit that something like that can happen, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

But I'm not going to get too broken up over it, we're just going to field the best team we can manage to try to compete and that'll be that.

I agree 100 percent but all we all can do is try our best for now. Not sure how long any of the teams can compete with them before GLB gets too boring.

It's kind of like if the Patriots and Colts merged. But it's not against the rules. So the rest of us teams have to just do our best to still be relevant.
It is what it is, I don't think you can really blame anyone or fault any of the FFLW guys.

We are just going to have to do our best to compete.

Either that or combine forces to become The Brisbane Hot Thorny Kava TITS!

Actually, that does have a nice ring to it.
The TiTs want top billing.

We've got ego.
King Stones has an ego. He needs an island all to himself.
Originally posted by sxewesley
It is what it is, I don't think you can really blame anyone or fault any of the FFLW guys.

We are just going to have to do our best to compete.

Either that or combine forces to become The Brisbane Hot Thorny Kava TITS!

Actually, that does have a nice ring to it.

You had me at I mean TITS

I will chime in on what has happened and say I do have a big problem with it but it's not what you would think. I have a rather lengthy post (if I haven't deleted it already) in our team forum explaining and some of that may be where Notor is finding his own annoyance with it. I can honestly say that I am 100% thrilled that the cans and the nites have the opportunity to stick together. I myself was brought into this game via a message board and at one time we too had too many players to field just 1 team. If something were to happen to one of the "secondary" teams created, surely the first place those players would look would be the first team created. I understand. Stick together, enjoy yerselves, and most importantly have fun. You'll hear a lot of this throughout the season (maybe) but I'm sure most of it is in good fun. Don't let it get to ya. It's a game

My annoyance is with/at the mod/admin level. Not becasue this was "allowed" to happen but because other potential occurances were stopped in their tracks on the basis that it "wasn't fair to the other people who have to recruit properly." When all was said and done, the truth came out. It had nothing to do with "fairness" and everything to do with money. I'm not looking to get into this on a public forum and certainly never intended to post anything about it. Right now though, I want to make sure there is no misunderstanding with what Notor posted. I want everyone on the Nites to know that there hasn't been, are not currently, and will not be any problems with you (individuals), your organization, or the merger. I will also offer up a detailed explaination via PM if needed to any of the current "staff (GM/Owner)" if needed.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to training my kicker to kick 78 yard FG's for when we play each other
I think most teams have pipelines by now, anyways. The best got better, but it looks like that means everyone else will just have to keep up.

I should note that I'm not speaking for my team or anything, that's just my personal opinion. And I'm not blaming anyone on the Nites personally for it, it's just a truth about this game that I think makes it very difficult for teams that are not already firmly established to build themselves into contention with the slim pickings of free agency when it is much much easier for the teams at the top to work out deals like this (and I would call Vanuatu one of those teams as well).

The salary cap will likely fix the problem, but until then it's kind of like....What are you supposed to do? It makes the season-to-season outcomes boring and predictable when you can get such an influx of talent for very little time, effort, or resources because you know the right people and were here first. The -only- reason this game is fun is because of the competition, and this merger has very possibly made the league a lot less competitive. So yeah...I can't say I'm really thrilled with it and how easy it was to acquire so many talented players because the two teams share a common interest outside of the game, but that's how the game works for the moment and it's not really FFLW's fault for doing what everyone else does.
You'll eat your words when we take them down! Yeah, you heard me 'Nites! I'm delusional! See ya on the field
Originally posted by presvedder
King Stones has an ego. He needs an island all to himself.

And he took the big Island....Leaving the rest of the team and a monkey to share 1 toilet.

Jukin Jive
Don't worry guys. Bort will fuck us soon enough. You'll get your shot at us.

also, on a serious note. I (and hopefully my teammates as well) want this league to be competitive more than any other adjustment to this game. This was simply the only way to keep everyone together with the interest being lost in GLB at FFLW. I (and hopefully my teammates) still plan on being respectful and winning (and losing) with dignity. With all of the guttings going on, this is basically the opposite taking place.

Btw, those of you already thinking this destroyed the competition and think we're gonna steamroll the competition, man up and let's play the season before we crown ANYONE. As the old saying goes, games aren't digitally simulated on paper. We dominated for awhile, and Bort..erm...modified what we did and could do, so even if the new roster changes DO make a huge difference, it won't go on for long. We don't have a Mod on our team.

Best of luck to everyone. Let's have a great season.

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