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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #2 > DAVITRAV... let me introduce myself.
Here's what I found on the BBB#3 boards:

Originally posted by micmclaugh
Here's the story. I got the team after the previous owner decided to quit. I inherited JDog as the DC. He was bashing teammates on the board (shocker I know) and starting his players ahead of higher level players. I adjusted the depth chart and told him to stop. Stupid me did not take away his rights and he signed his players with max signing bonuses to contracts that expired in 3 days. Then, he PMed EVERY player on the team and told them to ask for a release (something I promised to do if requested because of the ownership change). I was able to keep a majority of the guys after wasting valuable recruiting time selling guys under contract on the team, but I did lose about 10 guys.

I was surprised that they banned him. I just wanted the money back, which I got thanks to support.


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