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Originally posted by communistbloc
I know, but you have to call them out.

You see the new signings but you have no idea about who they are and how they connect to our other teams and network. No one's "spot" was taken away...

Triple was honestly going to hold off and shoot for next year... We now want to win it all... No holds barred, may the better team, and better management win.
Originally posted by TheRooster
Originally posted by rmiller517

who cares what they say if you beat them

They better beat us, I wouldn't want to be them after signing all those players, taking public shots at our integrity, being hypocrites and then losing.

If we win, I want to hear what they have to say.

I'll tell you the same thing I told you before you guys started your shit last year... That your mouth is bigger than your GLB accomplishments... I will stand by that...

Don't think that the Cadre is the only team around here that doesn't like the Heads... we are just one of the few that will stand up and say it.... Most don't want to eat crow if they lose... so they cower... good luck this season.
Ah, the silent majority.

It's not even the Cadre who doesn't like us, it's just you, and only because we called you on being such a hypocrite.

And really, you hold a grudge just because we made the thread last year? We did that to a lot of other teams, and NONE of them are insecure enough to have to hold a grudge for an entire year about it. You take this crap way too seriously.

The difference between us and you is that we're talking trash for fun and to increase interest in the game, and you talk trash because you feel slighted, angry, and defensive.
Yeah, I'm sure that our internet intimidation factor is so big, that they are all scared to speak up for fear of being punched out through their monitors.

So there are supposedly other teams here that don't like us, and you essentially just called them all cowards.

We don't trash talk everybody, just teams that we think have a good shot at beating us. It's a show of respect, something you clearly don't understand. You'll never see us smack talking an 0-7 team.

You can go review the last 3B's vs Heads thread;

We were just trying to have some fun with you guys, we never got personal. Never got derogatory. It's all very tounge in cheek, and I think that's fairly obvious to most. Most except you that is. You seem to think everything is an attack on your character or intelligence, when it's not. However, when you respond the way you do, by attacking our character, our integrity and our intelligence, it goes to show just how much character you have.

Thats fine you don't like us, we don't like you either. But that's your fault. We tried to start a friendly rivalry but you guys went off the deep end. Fine, you don't like to play around. You're very serious, I'm not going to trash talk you anymore, because it's no fun. And fun is all I'm trying to have. I'll keep my trash talking to the other teams that get it, and can dish it out right back without getting personal.
Originally posted by GIEFF
Ah, the silent majority.

It's not even the Cadre who doesn't like us, it's just you, and only because we called you on being such a hypocrite.

And really, you hold a grudge just because we made the thread last year? We did that to a lot of other teams, and NONE of them are insecure enough to have to hold a grudge for an entire year about it. You take this crap way too seriously.

The difference between us and you is that we're talking trash for fun and to increase interest in the game, and you talk trash because you feel slighted, angry, and defensive.

actually i've decided that the thread you made about us earlier this year was mean and nasty and i don't like you and your team no more Mr.
Last edited Aug 17, 2008 17:46:09
Originally posted by Barnett89

actually i've decided that the thread you made about us earlier this year was mean and nasty and i don't like you and your team no more Mr.

(Punches Barnett out through his monitor)

Take that!
Where's JoJo? He was the only person who knew who to have fun in that last thread and didn't take things to the levels you 2 did.
Oh wait, I just checked his user profile and I see his QB was cut. Yeah. I can't cut the irony with a cutco knife.
Last edited Aug 17, 2008 18:01:39
Barnett, just wait until we rob your concession trucks. You won't be able to pay your salaries and your team will walk....but only if you keep this potty mouth talk going!
Originally posted by communistbloc
Barnett, just wait until we rob your concession trucks. You won't be able to pay your salaries and your team will walk....but only if you keep this potty mouth talk going!

now that really is mean. meanies!!!
Originally posted by communistbloc
Oh wait, I just checked his user profile and I see his QB was cut. Yeah. I can't cut the irony with a cutco knife.

Contract expired on the 15th and wanted to be a starter... you are welcome to PM him to verify
Good game!
Bump for memories.

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