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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Just curious about everyones argument not to promote
I don't see why people dislike capped leagues. Just because you can't sign someone over level 13 doesn't mean they have to leave after they reach a higher level. Capped leagues are meant to have teams start together as young players and develop together, Bort said it over and over in the main forums that once you leveled you did not have to leave your team.
Originally posted by centurain
I don't see why people dislike capped leagues. Just because you can't sign someone over level 13 doesn't mean they have to leave after they reach a higher level. Capped leagues are meant to have teams start together as young players and develop together, Bort said it over and over in the main forums that once you leveled you did not have to leave your team.

True, but if even one team out of 32 decides to bulk up and drop people, you pretty much have to follow suit if you want to make an impact. In our case, we want to defend our title as the Eastern Champs and take that last step this season for the League title. So we made a monster of a team. Survival of the fittest.
like i said earlier i think unless it someone who has been on your team from the start their should be a cap which can be upped a little every season, and as you move up it does to from league to league, alot like talent does from high school to the pros. i think it would make it more competitive and keep teams together, but i understand fixxer's point if one team buffs up everyone else has to also because even if only one team does it this season next season another will decide they want to because the want to go for the title
lot of you have good points here, and for what its worth I would not say us "Gold fish" did not demolish our team. we still have over 50% of our original players on the team. I believe this off season we only cut 1 player 2 at most. We had like 6 of our players agents receive teams and asked for their players. Being the guy i am I would not tell them no. Then we had a few who just would not resign new contracts. With that i had no option but to recruit and replace those holes. Now with the cap lifted Why would i bring in level 12-13 players to replace them when i could get higher. Then their is also the fact that top two teams move up, to do that and be competitive you must upgrade. Canada AA has like a season and half start on us. Not saying We will be the team to move up but did my best to try to put my team in that position. You maybe right that there are 4 teams that could blow us out, but i like that better then 8 teams that could blow us out. I enjoy playing your team and all the teams here in A4, it is a very competitive league. I would love to play these same teams every year. But the Goal for every team has to be win the championship and the way this game is set-up when you win you move up. So from day 1 that this league started my goal for my team is to play in Canada AA. thanks for your time and good luck to all of you.

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