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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > Week Three Power Rankings
West Conference Week Three Power Rankings

1. Pewntenheimer "Mighty" Pewnts
The Pewnts took a strong lead of 17-3 in the first half of their game against Tampa, only to have the Greyhounds score on the first drive of the second half, and then their second drive as well, tying the game. In the fourth quarter the pewnts finally managed to put up another touchdown and managed to keep the Greyhounds to a field goal afterwards. Very cloe game, I enjoyed watching it quite a bit. Sorry Greyhounds, The Pewnts are still top dogs.

2. Twin Cities Wildcats
The Wildcats put up 515.5 yards against The Hangovers and had a little come back victory since the Hangovers took the lead early.

3. Hammond Bayou Bengals
Pretty strong win over the Bigga Bois, put up two touchdowns on your first two drives, and didn't let up the rest of the game. Bigga Bois have still put up more yards against you than any other team this season, but 267 is nothing to brag about.

4. LUElinks LUEshis
Put up exactly as many points as the Pewnts against the Crusaders, but kept them to less yards and half as many points. Hmm.

5. San Diego Bolts
Back to back Texas team beat downs. Jumped out in the lead against Laredo early and never looked back. Brick wall defense sort of wanned towards the end of the game and let the Lesbians get a pass game going, but not enough to matter.

6. Tampa Bay Greyhounds
Incredible showing against the Pewnts, probably the best game so far this season. I'm sure some of them were near heart attacks when you tied up the game and were still looking strong. looking to be a home playoff contender.

7. Auckland Raiders
Killed the Sidewinders with 536.5 net yards and 45 points. gave up 335.5 yards though, which doesn't look great. Next week should be an interesting game.

8. Austin Alcoholics
Apparently in Austin they don't swerve to avoid Squirrels, they hit them full force. That's exactly what happened here, two teams smashed into one another and the game was fought in the trenches. The first score of the game was one of those fluke fumbled passes that the defense recovers and runs back for a touchdown, the very next drive the Squirrels scored. In the second quarter the Alcoholics put up a kick, and Fark answered with another touchdown, followed by an interception that lead to a touchdown. The very next drive the Alcoholics put up another touchdown. In the second half of the game, the Squirrels forced and recovered a fumble that got turned into a touchdown drive. An interception and a fumble later Austin manages to score once again on a double missed tackle rush of 50 yards. The very next drive Austin managed to put up yet another touchdown. Next Fark got within field goal range and tied the game up, forcing the game into overtime. The first drive in overtime, Austin got within field goal range and ended the game. If the Pewnts/Greyhounds game is the best this season, this was my game of the week. 6 turnovers makes for an interesting game between two evenly matched teams.

9. Hattiesburg Hangovers
If I told you The Hangovers were going to put up almost 400 yards against the Wildcats and still take a heavy defeat, you'd probably say I was crazy. Tough loss guys, at least the next three weeks should be a lot easier.

10. Farkistan Squirrels
You guys have had a rough season start. Next week you play the Raiders and hopefully can prove yourselves to still be a playoff contender. You're really going to have to step up your game since you play one of the top teams in the East in week 16. I'm pulling for you guys D:

11. Texas Bigga Bois
Put up the most net yards this season agaisnt the Bengals, and that's nothing to scoff at. Sadly you guys have the toughest season start in the conference.

12. Laredo Lesbians
The Bolts game was a bit closer than the score would lead you to believe. 258.5 yards against the Bolts is a pretty decent showing. You're next three games are going to be rough though.

13. Houston Cougars
Your QB has really stepped up and is proving to be one of the best in the league this season. let's see if he can lead you to a few more victories. Nice win over the Bombers, 412.5 net yards and a 10.1 yards/pass ratio is crazy.

14. Kingston Sidewinders
Strong showing against the raiders, 335.5 yards is no joke. Next three games look to be pretty rough.

15. Gotham Crusaders
Brutal loss to the LUEshis, saw some giant holes in your game plan that hopefully you saw as well and have fixed, or are going to fix very soon. 280.5 yards is still pretty good, so far no loss this year has been a completely shutdown, way to make progress.

16. Mudville Bombers
Team chemistry is a bitch, getting a solid team together doesn't mean much when you're being crippled by something like that. Hopefully as the season progresses you'll do better.

East Conference Week Three Power Rankings

1. The Fighting Farvas
Blew out the Mean machines, not much to say.

2. New York Grizzlies
Played a very close, neck and neck battle against the Virus this week, exchanged blows and score lead several times throughout the game. This is my #1 game of the week for East Conference. If there was another minute on the clock you guys might not have won.

3. Beaver City Crabs
Your killer defense kept the powerful Steel out of the red zone twice, and that's what won you the day. Very huge win for your team, congrats.

4. Pittsburgh Steel
Very strong showing today despite the loss, just shy of 300 net yards. Only managed to get the ball into the end zone once, with two interceptions only hurting the effort. Even with the turnovers the game was kept very close by your powerful defense.

4. Frunkis Town Virus
My favorite East game this week, nail biting, edge of your seat type of game. Your offense was damn impressive and I think if the game went on just a little longer you had a very good chance of walking away with the win. Very strong showing from a home game playoff hopeful.

6. Niagara Rapids
Beat the Taints in a very close game that also went back and forth many times during the game. A missed tackle gave your very fast Tight End the space he needed to make a long run in touchdown. A final deep pass to your receiver won you the game.

7. Tupelo Kings
You jumped out in front with a score on the first drive only for the Bengals to pass you by putting up 20 points in the first half, followed by a kick at the start of the second half, to your 10. Spent the rest of the second half playing catch up, and finally managed to win out because Baton Rogue missed a PAT early in the game.

8. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
Lost the day because of a missed PAT, still had a strong showing and an exciting game this week.

9. Murfreesboro Taints
Just can't catch any breaks in those close games so far this season. nearly 400 net yards, a failed score on the opponent 2.5 was the end of the game. Tough loss, but I'm sure you're going to bounce back.

10. Chicago Wolves
Blew out the joke team, almost 700 net yards is a great game, for stats at least.

11. Twin City Cobras
Defeated the Kickers in a strong showing this week, 459 net yards and 49 points is impressive.

12. KingsTalk Angerswords
Played the Devils evenly, managed to score on the last drive and jump out in front, not giving the Devils enough time to try and score again won the game.

13. Jersey Devils
Tough loss to the Angerswords, you managed to stay neck and neck with them the whole game and just found yourselves out of time at the end.

14. West Virginia Mean Machines
So far you've suffered pretty strong losses, and this week was no exception. You did however manage to put up two field goals and just short of 200 net yards against the currently #1 team in your conference. If you can pull out wins next week and in week six, which is looking very possible, then you're looking at staying in USA A4 for another season.

15. Clemson Gamecock Kickers
Tough loss to the Cobras this week, things are only going to get tougher, you better dig in and fight if you want to stay in the conference.

16. Thundertown Brawlers
Hate. You.

Sorry this one was kidna late, I had a lot to do, my brother is getting married next week, that on top of having to get several things done for the upcoming school semester has left me with little time to myself.

Very thorough. We had a eensy weensy glitch in our defensive AI. It has been fixed. So there.
Also Banned
Devils have something to prove. we proved we can compete with a good team now we have to show we can beat a good team.
Lil DB
Nice. Finnaly im not 15
Originally posted by DragoonNite

8. Baton Rouge Bayou Bengals
Lost the day because of a missed PAT, still had a strong showing and an exciting game this week.

this is no better than the pollsters with LSU.. i am officially not supporting the power ranking because they are crap
Originally posted by Iruleall15
Mascots have something to prove. we proved we can compete with a good team now we have to show we can beat a good team.

Nice game, Mascots.
Originally posted by DragoonNite

15. Gotham Crusaders
Brutal loss to the LUEshis, saw some giant holes in your game plan that hopefully you saw as well and have fixed, or are going to fix very soon. 280.5 yards is still pretty good, so far no loss this year has been a completely shutdown, way to make progress.

Yeah still fighting to get some points on the scoreboard. I messed up an imput on the AI, hence some weird offensive moves. Still thanks for the support . We expect to get some upset during the season.
Good win LUEshis.

Originally posted by blump
Originally posted by Iruleall15

Devils have something to prove. we proved we can compete with a good team now we have to show we can beat a good team.

Nice game, Devils.

im sorry you never learned to read. but i fixed it for you. better luck next time.

-- GTA --
Last edited Aug 9, 2008 10:36:15
History of the Thundertown Brawlers:

1st season: 16-0
2nd season: 3-13, everyone leaves
3rd season: team gets dumped on an owner who could care less.

I'm gonna hold down that #16 spot in the East so nobody else has to worry about being that bad. If we don't go 0-16 then the team we beat really sucks. Happy trails.

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