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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Favre to the Jets...
Originally posted by Buccs99
Montana lead the Chiefs to a home playoff game his first season.
Favre wont be .500 with Jets. Big difference.

Hmm... Never was much into the Chiefs.. knew he got them to the playoffs, but didn't know it was a division title.

Considering the Jets just overspent on those two OL men (Woody & Faneca if memory serves) and on Kris Jenkins they had to go and make a big move. Mangini was probably getting canned if he didn't make the playoffs.

NYJ Schedule : @MIA, NE, @SD, ARI, BYE, CIN, @OAK, KC, @BUF, STL, @NE, @TEN, DEN, @SF, BUF, @SEA, MIA.

Well, that team definetly wasn't making the playoffs w/o Favre.

The question is... with Favre, are they a 6 win team or 10 win team ? I don't see them any better than 10 wins and any worse than 6.
Originally posted by BuddyHorn
The man wants to play the game, he should play the game. Who cares about the drama. If you want to do something freaking go for it and dont listen to all the naysayers.

I wholeheartedly agree and I can't stand Favre or the Pack-it-up'rs. The GB management are idiots for not securing the possiblity of this whole deal from every happening. The man has every right under the rules of the NFL and the stipulations in his contract to un-retire and come back. And by coming back, he is still the very same man that lead his team a play or 2 away from a superbowl berth back in January.

Originally posted by GO TEXANS
To be honest Farve should have stayed retired, took the money and enjoyed his past fame.He will never be able to match his past glory with Green Bay and this will be part of his legacy.Instead of remembering Farve for the great player he was he may only be remembered for his failure if he does not succeed.The sad part is he will not make any drastic improvements to which ever team he finally lands on, his gunslinger mentality is going to cost whatever team he plays for not to mention the riff it will cost in the locker room.

Not slamming you, GO TEXANS, but that is the sediment that leads to the insane drama and hype that this stupidity has received. Brett Favre broke records and lead great teams. He did outstanding things on the field. If he would have stayed retired, would any of that stuff matter 8-10 years from now. Do you still remember the great feats of Fran Tarkanton or Dan Fout. Some may remember Dan Marinos feats but do you still talk about them. He's a man that wants to play football and can still play football.

The Packers, on the other hand, are the idiots for letting a $12 mil QB that is still worth $12 mil go under the conditions that this stupidity created itself. I feel sorry for Rogers, he's the one getting screwed the most. 3 good quarter at Dallas last year and he's the man in GB.

I have always had the greastest respect for Brett and wish him only the best.The problem I have is tearful farewells that never seem to take place amd then the excessive finger pointing that takes place when you don't get your way.As for the playing on so be it but save all the drama till you are truly ready to retire.By the way yes I do remember all of those great QB's and several more who only tainted there careers by hanging on to long.
I respect Favre and agree that he should play as long as he wants, but you gotta acknowledge that announcing his retirement and then coming back but the Packers in an awkward situation. They took Favre's word that he had retired, elevated Rodgers, and approached the offseason with that as an assumption.

The Packers would have approached free agency & the draft very differently if Favre had not retired. So you can't blame the Packers for not just jumping to Brett's every whim and taking him back like nothing had happened.

ESPN might as well be named "The Favre Channel" for all the sickening coverage they've given this over this summer.

Biggest loser is Chad Pennington who just lost out on his fat salary (not cap hit, salary) for the season.

No the Packer's screwed up when they tried to pay him off to stay retired. Trumped up tampering charges, wouldn't release him when he asked and the let it get to the point it is now.
I heard that Pennington was going to be released today.

I'm just glad this is over. NFL Network was Brett Favre network for the pass few weeks.
Mass Anarchy
Originally posted by shaun123987
I heard that Pennington was going to be released today.

I'm just glad this is over. NFL Network was Brett Favre network for the pass few weeks.


They were doing 32 teams in 32 days, when it hit the Patriots, the first half of the show was Favre. Pissed me off. The Madden 09 cover is now ruined too
Originally posted by Llecarud
No the Packer's screwed up when they tried to pay him off to stay retired. Trumped up tampering charges, wouldn't release him when he asked and the let it get to the point it is now.

Why should they have released him ? When he was reinstated he was under contract w/the Packers.

That's like saying the Bengals should release Chad Johnson because he "asked to be". Just dumb.

Favre was the one who mislead everyone first... by retiring. There was no right way for the Packers to handle this... they did the best they could be shipping him as far away from Green Bay (& the NFC North) as possible.

Tampering whatever... teams bring up tampering charges every year on some FA they lost... it never pans out to anything. Agents are always talking hypotheticals w/other teams. We all know it.

Anyway, just like with the Manny Ramirez mess... the real winner is the agents. If you don't think agents influence these players to do things to benefit the agent (vice the player) you're naive. Favre's agent wouldn't be making 1/20th of the $$$ he will now if Favre was retired.
Originally posted by Mass Anarchy
Originally posted by shaun123987

I heard that Pennington was going to be released today.

I'm just glad this is over. NFL Network was Brett Favre network for the pass few weeks.


They were doing 32 teams in 32 days, when it hit the Patriots, the first half of the show was Favre. Pissed me off. The Madden 09 cover is now ruined too

Agreed. There's a simple solution. Pay no attention to ESPN on TV anymore. Those bums enjoy mixing fact with opinion as if they were the same. Also, at least if you wait for stuff on the web you can choose what to click on.

Originally posted by jedaviso
Originally posted by Llecarud

No the Packer's screwed up when they tried to pay him off to stay retired. Trumped up tampering charges, wouldn't release him when he asked and the let it get to the point it is now.

Why should they have released him ? When he was reinstated he was under contract w/the Packers.

That's like saying the Bengals should release Chad Johnson because he "asked to be". Just dumb.

Favre was the one who mislead everyone first... by retiring. There was no right way for the Packers to handle this... they did the best they could be shipping him as far away from Green Bay (& the NFC North) as possible.

Tampering whatever... teams bring up tampering charges every year on some FA they lost... it never pans out to anything. Agents are always talking hypotheticals w/other teams. We all know it.

Anyway, just like with the Manny Ramirez mess... the real winner is the agents. If you don't think agents influence these players to do things to benefit the agent (vice the player) you're naive. Favre's agent wouldn't be making 1/20th of the $$$ he will now if Favre was retired.

Yes, he was still under contract with the Pack it up'rs. That is how he was able to be reinstated. To be reinstated was in his right to do, by the legally binding contract and the policy of the NFL. He chose to come back. The Pack it up'sers had to ablidge him by making space for him on the roster. Everybody knew he was coming back to start and everybody knew the Pack it up'rs were going with Aaron Rodgers. At that point, he asked for a release from his contract. Which he had a right to do. They denied it because they did want a QB of his caliber playing for Chicago or Minn., which they had the right to do.

From this point on is when ESPN became the soap opera channel. The cell phone that the Pack it up'rs gave him apparently had calls made to the Minn. OC. Oh wait, that's crossing the line. Then there's the interview that was broken into 2 parts for more exposure, where Favre claimed his side of the deal. Then there was the meeting in Favre's town with the Pres of the Pack it up'rs. Then there is word that the Pack it up'rs tried to pay Favre $20 mil to stay retired. Favre says, no and asks for re-instatement, which is pretty much waiting for him before he goes to Goodell's office. Now he's on his way to report to camp. The NFL finds no tampering claims in the charges the Pack it up'rs filed. The day before Favre arrives in GB, the coach says that he'll be welcomed then the next day calls him a cancer to the team. The next day he's traded to the Jets, so he won't be on the Bears or the Vikings roster. Did I miss anything. I got this off those sports webistes, you know the yahoo, fox, SI, etc., etc.

Now which legendary entity got the most mud in their face. Favre or the Pack it up'rs. I say the Pack it up'rs. They could have nipped this in the bud long ago while last season was being played. They could have released him this summer when he asked and let Favre go to the Vikings or the Bears and taken their lumps with their franchise future in Rodgers. Favre's only got 2 seasons left in him. No one is going to pick him up after that. But I would be willing to make a wager that he gets the Jets to the playoffs next year if he stays health.
I hope the Dolphins pick up Pennington...
If the Packers released Favre and he went to the Vikings, they would have had a ton more mud in their face. Vikings would walk away w/the division.

This worked out the best for both parties... Favre is far away from the NFC North, and Favre is starting with a team that has "a shot" at the playoffs if he is healthy & plays well.
the Jets should trade Favre to Atlanta... back where he started and close to home

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